Regular Show

Just watched the regular show movie, and was wondering how kino the tv show was?

I used to be in love with regular show. Although I haven't watched it since 2012. How does this movie hold up?

It was predictable, but I enjoyed it, watched it with my five year, I thought it was pretty good for a kids movie

KINO ost like all others in the show

OP is gay and needs to shave her legs. Shes my wife.

Why would I shave my legs if you’re still gonna give me the D regardless, gotta make me work it...js

It just hurts me that you don't care about your image, sweetheart

>Hey guys what did you think of my babby's show that runs on a children's network

It’s f-ing winter you and the kids are the only one seeing my legs?

>don't regular show for a few years
>decide to watch an episode
>rigby and mordecai both have gfs

Where did it all go wrong

Kid shows can be Kino


Just got my lurker of husband actively involved in an thread. Win.

Bitch. Its not like that. I just dont see the need to intervene when I can just read.

Hey save the name calling for later lover

Listen, my terms of endearment arent insults

You guys are adorable

Just your average couple mind numbly going through the motions, till we die, nothing extraordinary.


Love you always sweetheart. Even though our lives will be mediocre till you start your band and I write my books lol

Great show, lots of memorable one off characters, interesting posts, and tons of references to the past that don't suck.
There was a good one where a bank robber from the 70s had been hiding in shag carpet the whole time.
Another good one where a man from 1880 had visions of the 1980s, and was accused of witchcraft.