Justice League confirmed for good

Marvel on suicide watch


*Suicide Squad Watch

When is the review embargo going to end?




>muh company wars

Fucking kill it with a fire.

>fun is good when it's used for DC movies

people bitched about "Muh fun" DC gave them the fun the fun they wanted. Whats the problem?

>muh false flag post

DCucks in death throes. Enjoy your "a lot of fun!" movie :)))

Not a company war guy BUT

I DO want the current Disney to die. This Disney is all about profit and less about creativity; way too many sequels and remakes and less OCs.
**Mary Poppins Returns**, **Jungle Book (live action)**, **Lion King (live action)** Seriously?
But then again, it's the age of remakes in Hollywood right now, anyway.

can you imagine actually choosing "sides" and arguing over super hero movies?
who the fuck is pathetic enough to do that?

Go back to Sup Forums now
Even snyder friends have dropped you rejects

mark my words, justice league WILL BOMB!

>6 year old on twitter really likes it

yeah yeah you said the same about Wonder Cunt. You sure you want to go through this again?

This. Imagine being a permavirgin like OP shilling cake shit for free

>Shill the movie, user
>Everyone else like that other thing
>This similar thing is better, user
>They can't just go around thinking that both can be good, user

"fuck you it's fun" reviews confirm the point of these early reviews is to get a head start on damage control cause they know the reshoots didn't save it.

capeshit audience, gents.

It will be BvS all over again!

I didn't choose a comics company. I chose a film company, and I don't consider anyone who sides with Disney to be a Marvel fan, not anymore. They're dyed-in-the-wool, indoctrinated, Disney drone, raised practically from birth to swallow their insipid shit and smile.

They don't make comic book movies. Fucking Paramount made comic book movies. Disney only makes Disney movies.


Anybody spill what the post credits scenes are yet?

Mid-Credits Scene

Superman and The Flash meet and prepare to have a playful race.

After-Credits Scene

So we see the prison cell Luthor is in, and he’s standing there with his back to the door. A guard tells Luthor something, I think that he needs to come with him or something. But Luthor doesn’t respond. The guard persists and comes up to Luthor and turns him around to reveal it isn’t Luthor and it’s some other bald person and he laughs maniacally at the guard. Then we see someone on a boat or maybe it was a jet ski riding towards a yacht. And then we see Luthor in a suit on the yacht. I think he was drinking or something. And deathstroke comes up to him and they share a bit of dialogue. I forget exactly what is said but during it deathstroke takes off his mask and he has gray hair and an eyepatch. And then Luthor mentions “maybe it’s time we form a league of our own” or something along those lines. The whole audience lost their minds because this means we have our first members of the legion of doom.

I'm worried the number of times people say "fun" around this film
Who gives a shit about the Legion of Doom if this bitch version of Lex is leading it?

Goddangit, you're right...

Oh no

>binning Snyder and Junkie XL
>replacing with Whedon and Elfman
>forcing reshoots to add in characters cracking jokes
>forcing Affleck to complete reshoots when he's a mess suffering from alcohol addiction
>forcing Cavill to complete reshoots when he is tied to a contract keeping him at a low weight with a moustache
>reshooting scenes originally completed on location with cgi
>not inviting Wagner back for photography to help continuation on the reshoots and now look jarringly out of place
>trimming the runtime to under 2 hours
it honestly does not look good what has been done to the film. The only hope is it has is most of Snyder's work is the film with reshoots taking up the odd few second shot here and there.
doesnt seem likely though.

>Who gives a shit about the Legion of Doom if this bitch version of Lex is leading it?
Lex was the only one performing in that movie. Wood had more life than most of the cast.

I like this Lex. I didn't at first, but he's grown on me.

Well we know for a fact that Snyder completed 100% of principal photography on JL and screened a complete cut of the film for WB executives before they forced him to do reshoots so his version definitely exists.

I just hope someday WB will see fit to release it like they did the Donner Cut of Superman II.

So instead of Snyder version, Justice League is the Whedon quip filled version with 90% Wonder Woman

Yes, we're doomed to a bad film