Have you watched Lady Dynamite Season 2 yet user?

Have you watched Lady Dynamite Season 2 yet user?

Why is she wearing socks if she just got out of the shower

don't you shower with socks on?

American """"""humour""""""

No, I never finished season 1.

>why do americans do stupid things

I watched the first season for sure, not sure about second (when did it come out?)

It's OK to half-watch in the background, but nothing I'd ever re-watch. Pretty stale formula.

came out on the 10th

Now I have been sexually harassed. Ha

This gave me a huge boner desu


activated my almonds

She is really brave to agree to do nude scenes.

>i have bigger tits than this

Shes german

jesus christ
is there a micro penis under all of that?


this is the price of freedom

No then. Not sure I will, Bamford would be ok as a side character in some other show.

I figured she was a lot thinner than this.

Ha ha sure would be terrible if she offered to let him drink the water clinging to her bush ha ha gosh that a predicament ha ha

d00d u c her bewbz

i'd fuck this body tbqh


>apple shaped
very unfortunate

>wh*te women

She's the one who proposed the scene

Cause the whore doesn't want me to fap to her feet.

is there an interview about it?

That has got to be one of the worst bodies I've ever seen