Be VERY concerned about Justice League

The original cut was supposed to have Superman wearing his Black suit but Whedon didn't like Snyder's scenes (showing Superman become evil like in the Knightmare dreams that Bruce had) so decided to cut all these scenes out.

What we are left with is a not so surprised cameo of Cavill as they try to CGI his mustache off (as I am sure you've seen the pic an user posted on here of).

And you want to pay money to go see a super hero movie you've already seen so many times i.e. the usual team up where good guys defeat a villain who sends his minions upon the Earth to wreck havoc... we've seen this all so many times.

Snyder was really trying to do something different and Whedon ruined this film.

Decide if you want to pay to see a film that cost fucking $300 million and the CGI and effects are complete shit.

Other urls found in this thread:

oops I meant Superman. I am just so fucking pissed off at Whedon

I guarantee people that take words like that seriously will never touch a female breast in their lives.

>will never touch a female breast in their lives.
think really hard about this statement

>le blacksuit supermemer
please stop

It had to be done.

Let's be frank, Snyder really fucking doesn't get Superman and they need to just fucking bring Superman back and stop raping the character and spare Cavill the horror of being forced to play out the rape of Superman that Snyder is obsessed with.

People want the fucking Tom Welling/Dean Cain Clark Kent/Superman, who is a well adjusted person that can inspire hope and Superman is the mask he wears when he goes about helping people.

>Snyder really fucking doesn't get Superman

Shut the fuck up.

Tom Welling was also a horrible Clark. He drove Lex into villainy by constantly ghaslighting the poor man.

Kind of agree.

Snyder is obsessed with making Superman an Ayn Rand character. It doesn't fucking work.

I hate whedon but the movie is still Zachs for the most part. If it does poorly people will blame it on him, not whedon.

lol u fucking faggot helping people is dum lol snyder understands that superheroes should be mean and edgy like me

>Snyder is obsessed with making Superman an Ayn Rand character


lol how do you come into someone's movie because their kid died and then spitefully redo half of the scenes. i hope whedon gets charged with rape

>Superman should be mean and edgy
Idiot. Watch your precious Reece Superman movies and see he much a self-absorbed prick he is. Snyder's Superman is humble and kind, and he gets sad sometimes, because he wishes he could've saved more.

Different poster, but I would say edgy and bad.

Superman literally dies saving the world.

so much this. fuck this "muh complicated multiple layers teenage angst" fake Superman that Snyder is obsessed with.

Give us the all - star, glimmer of hope and freedom Superman that we all love.

Snyderfags are delusional if they think wheon ruined this movie (not saying he's doing anything to improve it tho); it was fuckt from the start.

I hate Joss Whedon

I don't think you have read Ayn Rand. Nothing Superman did in any of the movies is comparable to Roark in the Fountainhead or John Galt

You will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you, they will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun, Kal. In time, you will help them accomplish wonders.

You made this board a DC fanclub. With you blatant shilling, you did to this board what CTR shills did to Sup Forums. I'm going to pay for JL and I hope it destroys Ragnarok, because of you guys. Think about that

*Snaps neck*

>so much this. fuck this "muh complicated multiple layers teenage angst" fake Superman that Snyder is obsessed with. Give us the all - star, glimmer of hope and freedom Superman that we all love.

Literally the same situation with Star Trek right now.

Stop invincible son. Don't help people, not even your adoptive father. Let me die and tramuatise this alien Godling.

Why did they hire that dead eyed opie faggot Whedon?

Yeah I'm worried because Snyder cant rape Superman anymore. Fuck off

>all these posts
>not one retard acts for actual proof of these baseless claims OP regarding the "original" cut

OP cannot produce a script. A quote from any actor or person involved in production pre or post. A writer..hell a kraft guy or dude on the car lot. There is literally zero proof that this happened. That instagram picture is not proof.

Superman killed tons of inmates in All-Star Superman just to protect his secret identity.

Not to mention that one of the best scenes in the trailer featuring Superman was done by Snyder.

No Nightmare scene bullshit.

>Give us the all - star, glimmer of hope and freedom Superman that we all love.
you've had 5 movies of that. time to change things up for once

>Not to mention that one of the best scenes in the trailer featuring Superman was done by Snyder.
That's Lois' pov of Superman.

Bruce is reported to have his own interpretation of Superman where he is taken back to the Knightmare place and is conflicted with Superman being a good person as he tried to believe at end of BvS.


Anyone have the pic of Superman that op is talking about?

>Whedon ruined the film by not making Superman evil
You mean saved. Evil Superman would be fucking retarded and I'm glad it's not a thing.

Snyder has butchered Superman from the beginning and needs to keep his greasy, daughter-murdering hands off of the purest hero to ever exist.

>You mean saved
No one can save the DCEU. Least of all Whedon patching up the work of Snyder. I mean really consider that prospect, those two creator's visions and what exactly the points of similarity are, and what things are completely different, consider how their past failures happened, and tell me you think Whedon can patch up a movie started by Snyder, and not have the whole thing feel like a mess.

Whedon actually does evil Superman complete with a dark take on the classic score done by Elfman, but he'll probably have a joke thrown there so you can hail him as the best director evah.

Superman needs to be seen as hope and idealism, something to live up to, Snyder depicts him the way Lex see's him and it's sickening

Instead we get a superman with no shirt and pants who attacks the justice league, headbutts wonder woman pushes away cyborg and freeze breath flash, picks up batman tell him do you bleed and throws him into a cop car. Lo and behold lois saves the day and superman flies off with her.

I have absolutely zero dount that Whedon was secretly handed a couple million dollars to ruin justice league for marvel while pretending to make it better. Marvel probably "suicided" snyders daughter just to make this happen

youre a retard

> Here we go some amazing conspiracy theories

>people are defending a studio ruining a directors concept
>all on the reason of muh comics
thanks. cant wait for more cookie cutter superhero crap

>the all - star, glimmer of hope and freedom Superman

Was Superman ever really that. Classic Superman is a complete contradiction. If he really was this ultimate do-gooder, we would be Superman 24/7 non-stop.

The opportunity cost for every moment he spends with Lois or for himself is someone dead that he could have saved.

Superman is more complicated than you think. But then again most comic book fans are idiots.

I'm not afraid

Fuck off mouse shills

>with all these reshoots, elfman rushed replacement score, and WB amping up their maniac editing to trim the film to 2hours

>not muh mary sue superman, everything has to be happiness and rainbows

You forgot quips.

Trips don't like MCUck

>got called an MCUck for stating facts
come on now. I wanted a good snyder movie, couldn't care less about superheroes. WB screwed the pooch once again

Does the original footage at least exist? Like, could they edit together Snyder's film and revert back to the original grading? Or is it literally lost in time?

Snyder did complete principle photography and worked throughout most of post production. He did a draft print for WB some time earlier in the year.
Its possible, but it would be alot of effort like you said with the grading, along with asking Junkie XL to continue with score (or reuse BvS where possible)

i dont blame you the guys a cuck, im surprised he doesnt freak out being surrounded by alpha men

>doesnt realise tom welling didnt literally do that, hes a fucking actor

man u dumb.

I haven't seen the CG face photo, anyone can share?

Someone post that webm of Aquaman jumping into the water

>as they try to CGI his mustache off

This fucking movie oh my god. I had no interest in seeing it until all these previews and leaks. It's going to be a comedy goldmine.

Everything looks so fucking bad, it's atrocious. And you know they're showing their best stuff.

> showing Superman become evil like in the Knightmare dreams

And by cutting all that out it makes the earlier movie even worse and more incoherent instead of foreshadowing. Will the blunders ever cease? Is DC run by monkeys?

I'm gonna need a source for that Quote.


To be fair, most of my friends who are into capeshit are poorfags because of child support and alimony.

>I'm evil now. Where's my black suit?

Snyder is fucking joke. Whedon not much better. No wonder Affleck walked away from the DC dumpster fire.

>splash happens above sea level

>Snyder was really trying to do something different.

Different doesn't mean "good". If he didn't "get" superman, he should have stayed away from him.

>knightmare sequence

>actually having feelings one way or the other about capeshit

I'm a fuckin' badass.


>Snyder was really trying to do something different
You mean a usual team up where good guys defeat a villain who sends his minions upon the Earth to wreck havoc... we've seen this all so many times?

Hey, don't blame Joss, blame Snyder for being such s shitty parent that his kid kills herself and so he had to drop off in the middle of production and pretends he cares about his daughter/family.

i saw the trailer and thought it was a direct to tv movie

At this point if Justice League gets heavily criticized, we'll just be able to point blame to Joss Whedon instead of Zack Snyder.

Honestly I'd be kinda pissed at how Joss dealt with his work if I were Zack.

Welcome to the state of modern capeshit.


Justice Lords a best!

no you wont and it wont

kek, what a loser user

>(as I am sure you've seen the pic an user posted on here of)
Well, you're wrong.

It was awful so glad you missed it. Cavill is balding.

that scene wasn't in the movie tho, try again.

I have observed that Superman fanboys are generally brainlets.

>muh strongest, bravest, humblest, bestest hero

What else do you expect? he's the most boring gary sue ever made, one second he's weak to a piece of kektonite then in the next one he can lift a whole island of it if he tries hard.

>best early reactions couldn't even compliment the CGI
>couldn't even praise the villain
>couldn't even praise the narrative

ok kiddo

All Star Superman tells the story of a Superman well into his career as Superman, the DCEU is Superman just as he's starting out and determining his role in the world. You can't have them both in the same movie, it wouldn't make sense and would have zero character development.

>love the DC characters
>would love to see the movies take off and branch out into all the more fun B and C tier characters
>between WB exec nonstop meddling and WB insisting on letting Snyder and Whedon bounce the DC ball between themselves theres really no light at the end of the tunnel for a DC expanded universe in movies

This shot on its own reveals how much more he understands about Superman than you do.