From now on there will be 50 pushups each morning, 50 pullups

>From now on there will be 50 pushups each morning, 50 pullups.

This is a stupid line considering 50 pushups is nothing compared to 50 pullups. Even if the writer didn't know any better, De Niro should have changed it.

Other urls found in this thread:

>i dont get it

>not doing 1000 stomach crunches

you forgot to do 300 knee dips

and 50 body weight squats

>Even if the writer didn't know any better, De Niro should have changed it.

De Niro is an idiot as evinced by his appearances on multiple talk shows and his choice in women etc

5x10 is the standard rep range retard. No one does more than that.

holy duck rip my legs


don't be retarded

if you can do 5x5 or 3x8 pullups then you should be adding weights

yeah if you want to be strong and skinny

as opposed to what

Travis was a mad man.

what does it mean if I can do more pull ups than push ups?

Strong (Eventually) and jacked

mfw i can barely do 1 set of 25 pushups

I think the point was Travis was an idiot and all talk anyway. He said "no more destroyers of my body" yet his breakfast was whiskey and cornflakes. He's a hypocrite like an imageboard permavirgin.

That breakfast was shown before he had his autistic getting fit thing going

Your form is shit

To me it just sounded like what an out of touch person would think he should do to get in shape, not something that he ended up necessarily doing

We used to do 50 pushups every morning for PT
Seemed to keep us in shape

I guess I must have missed that but I remember Scorsese pointing it out in the commentary. Anyway yeah I agree, 50 pullups is harder than 50 pushups. Maybe he spaces out the pullups though, like not all in one set. Arnold used to do this, do 50 pullups every workout no matter how many sets it took.

All in one set?

Fat and gay

Not for meme body weight exercises like pushups. 5x10 or lowerif you're moving a significant amount of weight and getting hypertrophy

.. I believe it divided into 2 or 3 and it could have been more. It wasn't more than 100 though

For the tests you had to max out with no breaks

*it was divided

Exactly, he's having a movie long mental breakdown, only an autist would get annoyed by the 50 rep thing

pushups are a meme now?

Pushups have so many variations and ways to execute them that everyone, no matter how strong, can work in a 5x10 rep range and still get to muscle failure if they do them correctly. Most weightlifting fags can't even do intermediate stuff like archer pushups 5x10.

Fyi: alcohol cleans out your bladder, cornflakes are good for you

This. Travis Bickle is totally aloof, and we don't see him keep up his plan. It's a great line of dialogue.


He just wanted the vegan gains 5:1 lat-to-chest ratio

Mirin those clorophyll gains

i can do a thousand now

Holy shit how old is this pic? Because if thia guy has been working oit for this long and only looks like that then thats pathetic

What the fuck did you just say to me?



He still has the face of a 16 year old boy, so what's the point

*face of a peanut

>expecting the workout routine of a mentally unstable war vet to make any sense
Come on now, he was getting fit to take on the gangs and polititians, it's not like his project was grounded in sound judgement from the get go. I actually think that somewhat nonsical workout routine ads to the movie, it shows how he's losing it
>instead of doing what makes sense I'll do something that sounds right in my head

its bodyweight you fool. What mong does 5x10 on bodyweight exercises?

Based Tarik


>workout for 10 something years
>still no abs
>even with that lightning
how do you fuck this up

The character was insane. Saying a line like that adds to the character that they're just completely delusional.

Just like Patrick Bateman. Any person that knows a good deal about workout programming and weightlifting realizes that the regimen detailed in the book is absolutely horrible. Bateman, too, is mentally unstable.

It's just a part of the character, man.

>how do you fuck this up
By being vegan

Stay mad, bitch bois

are roids vegan?

He looks like I looked when I was 150 lbs kek

Everything is a meme when it hits the internet.

crunches barely do shit. and you see diminishing returns after a while

you don't know suffering

I do around 50-60 pushups in one set daily for shits and giggles, but 50 pullups, that would require an elite athlete

Fuck off

> you see diminishing returns after a while
This is true for literally every exercise

>crunches barely do shit
I beg to differ. They helped me immensely with my durability against body shots in muay thai

what? 50 pushups is fucking hard. unless you're not doing it all in one set, if so what's the point?

I can do 50 push-ups no problem.
I can't do one pull-up unless I wiggle my body like a retard.

Should just focus on planks and then some hanging leg raises when you're doing your pull ups.