As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster

>As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster.

whats wrong with that niggers face

Took the bogpill young

is he turning into gotti

>tfw achieved the dream

He looks like a rotten jack-o-lantern.

Said no kid ever.
Bravo scorsese


Why does he look like he was given a Glasgow smile even though he wasn't

Apparently he had cosmetic surgery to remove his pock marked skin.

the fuck happened to his lips?

What kind of shitty plastic surgery do you gotta get to look like that?

Well, my dad was a half-Italian half-Jew and he idolized the Italian mafia when he was growing up in the 1940's-1950's. I don't think it's that far-fetched

He'll be able to play Mason Verger if they ever remake Hannibal.


Damn, that is SCARY.

Every time I've posted this JUST pic of Liotta you've made the same comment about Mason Verger in response, usually with a pic of him. I've never responded before just wanted to say now that I've noticed and you're based


now kiss

is this plastic surgery or smoking and drinking?

As a kid I played GTA non stop and watched Godfather.
I wanted to be a gangster too

He's had that since his aging started becoming real noticeable, but the surgery amplified it x10.


Even with the acne scars this guy was extremely handsome when he was young. Too bad time comes to every man.

Leave him alone

and now I just want me some chiiikn

Cant people go back to surgeons and get shaped up again?


Looks like Jigsaw (Punisher villian)

Do celebrities actually think this is a good look or do they just roll the dice hoping theyll look 1 year younger without getting too disfigured?


what do you mean 'finger lickin'?

That's a liotta plastic surgery

Dammit Carlos


he looked alright a few years ago in the place beyond the pines why the fuck did he decide to further ruin himself?

crispy? crispy how?

Post his daughter, she Hot

Look at the top of his head
Look at his lips

his upper lip/philtrum though. what would do that?

Go get some sleep

can I get a quick rundown?

He should definitely drop the dumbo that performed that surgery.

woah wtf


His skin looks weird here too, but compared to the OP it's like he's melting.

what is some other good schnook-kino?


pizza bagel is the proper term for that.

>Look at his lips
What lips?

What are you gonna do?