Brett Ratner "Outed" Ellen Page On X-Men: The Last Stand Set, Actress Says

Flatliners star Ellen Page has accused her one-time director Brett Ratner of publicly outing her to the cast of X-Men: The Last Stand, with no regard for the actress herself. Page's claim comes in a lengthy Facebook post that details several instances of alleged misconduct by the director, following multiple accusations of sexual assault and harassment.

In her post, Page writes, "I was eighteen years old. He looked at a woman standing next to me, ten years my senior, pointed to me and said: 'You should f*** her to make her realize she's gay.'" At this point in Page's life, she says she "had not yet come out to myself." Thus, having Ratner out her to the assembled cast and crew of the third X-Men movie at a meet-and-greet event before production commenced was violating.

"This man, who had cast me in the film, started our months of filming at a work event with this horrific, unchallenged plea," she says. "He 'outed' me with no regard for my well-being, an act we all recognize as homophobic." Unfortunately for the cast and crew of the film, Page says this wasn't the only incident of misconduct from Ratner during filming. "I proceeded to watch him on set say degrading things to women. I remember a woman walking by the monitor as he made a comment about her 'flappy p****,'" she says.

There was eventually an altercation between the two, as well. "He was pressuring me, in front of many people, to don a t-shirt with 'Team Ratner' on it. I said no and he insisted," Page remembers. "I responded, 'I am not on your team.' Later in the day, producers of the film came to my trailer to say that I 'couldn't talk like that to him.' I was being reprimanded, yet he was not being punished nor fired for the blatantly homophobic and abusive behavior we all witnessed."

This story, has been corroborated by Anna Paquin.

>Guy has Rat in his name
>is a rat
Color me surprised.

out of all the bad things SHATner has done, roasting cunt supreme Page is not one of them.

>"I didn't even know i was gay lol"
what a stupid cunt, can't even figure out what she wants to fuck. eagerly awaiting her quietly marrying a man in fifteen years when nobody cares about dyke shit and she's too old and FLAPPY to draw in moviegoers.

Why are lesbians so sensitive?

imagine instead of shitposting online you could actually say all those things in real life and no one would care

>I didn't know I was gay
>Someone called me a fag

Do you think people like this ever sit down and critically examine the shit that comes out of their mouths?

cry all u want Ellen but you'll still won't get jobs in Hollywood.

Holy shit is Brett Ratner a pussy whisperer? He got it 100% right kek. and
>flappy pussy


this is literally nothing. What a over sensitive self important cunt.

>He grew up in a "middle-class Jewish family"


define irony

>I dont want anyone to know im a lesbo!

imagine if ellen outed you as her pusy slave!

What bad things has Shatner done and what is the source for people claiming he's with Gamergate?


I believe you cant get outed.

>You should fuck her to make her realize she's gay.
>I'm not gay. Why would you say that?

Cuz they're always rubbing their cunts together.


So I looked up this guy and he has not directed a SINGLE good movie. I was surprised a homophobe would have directed an X-Men movie since those movies have a pro-gay message but surprise surprise, The Last Stand is the only one he directed and it's the one that everyone unanimously hates.

Seriously this guy must be Jewish as hell to keep getting work, even before this incident.

>ellen page is almost old enough to play an abusive mommy character in a movie
jesus lads, just 5 more years until we get mommy page

I wish they'd rub them on my face a bit... haha.

I would've eaten a golden-era Ellen Page roast beef sandwich if she let me bring my own mayonnaise to her picnic.
If you know what I mean.

Why does sexual innuendo always make delicious food sound disgusting?

So now the LGBT community...wants us to assume they're straight?

>this fucking deflection
No, they want you to not fucking talk about sexual orientation in a professional setting, jackass.

I don't know?
But now that I'm thinking about it, I'm kinda hungry.


>my career's dead and buried, please pay attention to me


Shatner mentioned on twitter that he was sympathetic to gamergate due to seeing similar scandals getting misreported in scifi over the years. Caused people to follow him more and notice that he's pretty chill.

Also explains why he's not liked by Star Trek alumni like Takei who try riding the SocJus bandwagon.

My preferred pronoun is packmule, shitlord

why are fags so sensitive?

right, only fags can endlessly blab about their gay shit at work

Homos go home-o!

I like her laugh lines and wrinkles and somewhat unkempt eyebrows. she's barely wears makeup.

you wouldn't fuck ellen page while eating a roast beef sandwich with mayo

i was making a play on Ratner, who is a typical Hollywood jew

didn't know William THE SHAT Shatner had run afoul of liberals

>right, only fags can endlessly blab about their gay shit at work
Look at the thing in the OP. Who's the guy who decided to talk about sex at work? Brett Ratner, the straight guy.

WTF, I love Brett Ratner now! But really, who cares. Her career has...Flatlined.

I would pay to do so. Although I'm not very good at multitasking so I might have to stuff the sandwich in her moth at some point.

>I remember a woman walking by the monitor as he made a comment about her 'flappy p****,'" she says.

>so I might have to stuff the sandwich in her moth at some point.
figures some weird hipster dyke would keep a moth for a pet

Yeesh, she did not age well

>"He was pressuring me, in front of many people, to don a t-shirt with 'Team Ratner'
>to don a t-shirt with 'Team Ratner'

...what? And she later got reprimanded for not doing putting it on? How petty is this dipshit?

Do the left still think theres nothing wrong with outing gays? Or was that just Gawker that could do it I wonder.

Flappy pussy

>Do the left still think theres nothing wrong with outing gays?

How is it right, oh high and mighty user?

What incident really happened?

He made a joke on set regarding a woman that seemed a lot like a lesbian and on some other occasion him along with some cast were wearing some t-shirts for some bullshit and she got all offended about the idea of playing along.

Gal Gadot is threatening to quit Wonder Woman if Brett Ratner is involved in any more of her films.

This loser is done in Hollywood.

don't you get it??? he hurt her fee fees user

someone has to pay

>I remember a woman walking by the monitor as he made a comment about her 'flappy p****
roasties BTFO

Oh then I guess you won't mind if your boss makes a joke about how you seem a lot like a child rapist.

i think if he's not really a kiddie diddler he could probably stand the banter and perhaps deliver some of his own if he's not a bitch

Ellen Page is a nobody. Who even gives a shit about her anymore

>you should fuck her to make her realize she is gay
Fucking based

>have dead career and be a bitter prude

>shit I wasn't raped

>what can I do to make myself look like a victim and get white knights like OP to spread my story and become relevant again

>He made a joke on set

Where's the joke? Lol, dykes? It's just about as funny as your boss suddenly saying "user here looks like he likes to spread open his ass cheeks and get fucked by horse dicks."

Although your example is a bit more vulgar, it still is pretty funny.

So don't ask don't tell?

She got reprimanded for her outburst at the director.

The outburst being because she felt like it was wrong for her to wear a t-shirt suggesting she was on the director's team. I'm guessing the guy was trying for some team building thing which offended her since the idea of supporting anyone that isn't woman is offensive.

You're beyond help.

>"user here looks like he likes to spread open his ass cheeks and get fucked by horse dicks."

pretty fun, tbqhwyrnf


For banter you actually two parties to interact and joke around. Telling everybody someone is gay isn't banter, it's being a prick.

Or the idea of supporting a petulant bully was offensive, numbnuts.


>which offended her since the idea of supporting anyone that isn't woman is offensive.
Or which offended her because she didn't want to support the jackass that had been making misogynistic comments constantly?

You fucking moron.

An equivalent joke would be about how I should try hooking up with a gay guy cause I'm in the closet. But maybe you think suggesting Ellen Page being a lesbian is horribly disgusting on the tier of being a child rapist.

t. toasted

>equating lesbianism with pedophilia
Now THAT's homophobic

What was misogynistic?

So many angry women here. You can tell because they're humourless cunts.

but how did he know she was gay if she didn't

and also, just because someone says you're gay doesn't mean you have to immediately drop all pretense like
human beings are equipped with the ability to tell falsehoods, one would think someone who, knowing they were gay and made an effort to keep it hidden, would be familiar with such a thing

but who knows

It's making the roasty meme feel all the more potent if it really pisses them off this much.

looking like she's going to turn into jeanneaenne garfofalo. physically and being a frowny hateful dyke cunt liberal snarky DYKE CUNT (jew?)

And I can tell you're an incel virgin because you watch anime.

Did you even read the OP? There is no justification for saying a woman has a flappy pussy.

what if she does tho

can't knock him for stating facts

This is nothing compared to the other stories about him, in fact if this was all he said I'd be on his side. I hate Ellen Page more than the Jews.

What's incel? Also, I'd rather take the purity of anime over having a thousand dicks slung up me.

What is it with Americans not understanding the concept of banter?

He could smell that beef. Roasties should always be outed and shamed

>dubs of truth
checkm8 dumb brainlet roasties

I'm not sure it counts as outing when they simply are of the opinion you are gay and happen to guess right.

But what do I know.

Brett Ratner convicted of being rude and inconsiderate, a Class 1 Felony.

>What's incel?
Involuntary celibate. A virgin who is really bitter about it, like you are.

1) He made a joke about her seeming like a lesbian, which turned out to be true

Banter about her demeanor.

2) Flappy pussy

Banter about roasties.

3) Tried getting her to go along with team building shit

She got offended over nothing.

Guy did nothing wrong. Ellen is a cunt. I think she even threatened or really did sue a video game company because someone reskinned a model of her from a game to make her model look nude.

Haha i totally catch your drift man woof woof you dawg

The guy did do some things wrong

The only way you can attack me is by calling me a virgin, it's pretty sad.

How does it feel being obsolete to superior 3d waifus?

>dating serena williams
>The guy did so some things wrong
wew lad holy shit you ain't kiddin

How does it feel being cut to the bone simply by being called a virgin?

>addicted to pusy licking

No wonder he can spot roasties so easily.

Why do the Jews hate Ellen page?

Because she dared to call them out on sexually harassing her.

dumb cunt needs to know her roll and shut her mouth

What the fuck does 'had not yet come out to myself' mean at fucking 18. Like how hard is it to figure out you wanna fuck women ?. Literally takes you one time seeing an attractive woman .

Wait I'm confused. How do you out somebody who doesn't know they're gay?

Back then being gay wasn't socially acceptable so a lot of people were in denial to themselves. I mean, I guess it's a nice sign that things are so different now that you don't even remember that.

Did he know she was a carpet muncher? If yes he was out of line. If no she's being stupid.

SHE didn't even know she was a carpet muncher.

If anything this was like that kid everyone called gay who later came out as a gay.

>can't get laid
>m-maybe my cartoons will love me

So basically she got bullied once. Get the fuck over it.

How out of touch with reality do you have to be to make this into some big deal?