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I have zero faith in journalism it's all rotten propaganda for the interests of Jewish owners but I love movies about idealistic journalists trying to do some good work. I know it's retarded but it's what movies are about, fiction and lies.

i have never liked her in any movie

Who the fuck is Streep Hanks?

i don't get at all the obsession people have with streep

>Spielberg directing
>Meryl Streep and Tom Hanks starring
>actor names bigger than the name of the film
>political story about brave journalists and the Vietnam war
My god this will be the most boring movie ever.

She is a queen, and she slays, yes?

>look at the comments
>cartoony pony and anime girl avatars
>"The zionist fake news media need to all hang in the second civil war"
Haha, every time

there are better queens in hollywood that slays a lot more

Yeah, but they are all schwartzes

I can't believe this is a Spielberg movie. It looks like a fucking 90's HBO original.

I'm not sure Hollywood and the media fellating themselves is exactly what the rest of the world wants right now, but I'm sure it's what Hollywood wants.

I'll still have to watch it though.

wow they really go out of their way to try and make working for a newspaper look BADASS

>working for a newspaper look BADASS
It's more dangerous if anything

>you can't report this
>I will because I have journalistic integrity and my goal is to inform the populace!
>entire family commits suicide

is this about the Washington post? the newspaper that just broke that totally true story about roy moore?


It's about the Washington Post's glory days.

Bezos probably bankrolled it.

Just another day in Venezuela?

It just wants to enforce the idea that journos dindu nuffin, and if you don't like their lies you are as evil as Nixon and Reagan combined

journalism will always be the cuck job

Journalist expanded universe when?

t. buzzfeed 'journalist' trying to make xis job seem cool

Wait, a film with Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep directed by Spielberg that will be released this year!? Why haven't I heard about this!?

I thought Spielberg's next film would be that gamer crap

I asked myself that same question when I first saw it

Berg did it on a weekend as damage control for his buddy Bezos. Its an hbo movie that got pushed into theaters


My psychic abilities tell me our resident redpilled posters are going to like this movie.

Looks great desu

Spielberg literally bought the script in March, started filming in May.

It is produced by a company "dedicated to entertainment that inspires and compels social change dedicated to entertainment that inspires and compels social change". They bankroll Clooney's projects and Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth movies.

Oh, and Spotlight.

t. r/the_donald

Yeah, if it's one place that's always shown a real respect for journalism and the news media, it's Sup Forums.



t. steve shekelberg

>produced by amy pascal
well, at least we have now confirmation that it'll flop.

>liberals acting like victims

>liberals acting like they're the ones being suppressed


>entire family commits suicide
Name (1) time this has ever happened because a journalist reported something

duuuuude tom hanks sounds exactly like that character actor from tv shows anyone know his name? he's old, bespectacled, has sausagey lips

This will will all kinds of awards, right?

Literally everyone in that poster is 30 years past their prime.

She ruined Sophie's choice with her shitty acting

Katharine Hepburn hated Meryl Streep calling Streep her least favorite modern actress. quoted as referring to Streep’s acting skills as 'click, click, click' meaning that you can always see the wheels turning in her head.