Why is nobody watching the seventh season of American Horror Story?

Why is nobody watching the seventh season of American Horror Story?

Because a show that used to be spooky tried to talk about Trump

We are watching it, we just waiting to watch the last episode to unleash the shitstorm

I dunno, Trump seems pretty spooky to me.

You know what I want in my supernatural spooky horror themed show?

Extensive coverage and commentating on today's political climate largely from a one sided point of view!


Because it went to shit after the 2nd season, that's why

You should grow a pair, faggot.

this, the show was just about spooky stuff, some ayy lmao here and there,ghosts and serial killers. this season is just about dude politics, people are tired of political bullshit.

The main character is a serial killing fascist leader secretly sponsored by a radical feminist. All people from every political spectrum are obnoxious in this, so it's not that preachy.

we are
we're just not talking about it on Sup Forums
it's kind of pointless because everybody thinks its shit and everyone who doesn't argue about what season is supposedly the best
everyone thinks their opinion is gospel, therefore nobody's opinion means anything
so what's the point
I don't want to argue about this season, I just want to enjoy it
it's a very enjoyable season

Because that's shitty

i'm watching it. i was really excited to see what they would do with andy warhol episode, along with the cult leaders but those ended up being the worst parts of the season imo.

at the beginning i found it fun, but its getting boring because they sort of stopped introducing new elements to the show. i also am really tired of the lesbians and the Ally character turning evil is so predictable and lame

definitely excited for the last episode though

It's still politics, trump and the election is literally impossible to escape from on the internet nowadays

why would i want that in my series too?

I'm going to marry Sarah Paulson!

>Incapable of getting scared by any show or movie because adulthood.
>Watching stuff because "why not" let's watch some shit.
>Be tired as fuck of political bullshit from all sides
>Be tired of wannabe edgy shows "le who dies next" meme
>Thinking sjws and Sup Forumstards are equally cancerous and all should be gassed
>Not even caring about Drumpf or his detractors
>It's another burger show about burger politics

Plot twist
>Show reflects these feels and portrays everyone as the retards they are, no matter what their radical views are
>Shit becomes actually funny
>Got a show that talks about 4chins
>Only a retard would take this seriously, the show itself obviously doesnt
It's all just keks now. I kinda like it.


Stopped watching it as soon as another TV show tries to tell me what I should feel about Trump..

I heard its actually a good season, but I wont give the the views...

Best season since the second season. Sup Forums BTFO.

I cut cable and can't stream it legitimately. I watch AHS a year after when it hits Netflix. Roanoke was GOAT. Best one since Asylum

Because "liberals" should just stick to raping each other and pretending to be the good guys, rather than shitting up the TV and film industry.

K. Anonymous here, with the Morning Zoo Crew

Liberals run the industry, all good films have been made by liberals.
Also, this is a liberal website.

That and the show's been going downhill since S2

This website is liberal, newfag.


This season has been epic. All political sides get walloped, and anyone not laughing out loud at this show is a whiny moron.

OP started that thread without an image and gets replies.

Season 1 was great
Season 2 was good until the end
Season 3 invalidated death, which is idiot in a HORROR show
I quit the show, came back for the season 6, enjoyed it until the mid point, at which it was completely botched. Now they threw away horror in order to pander to the same echo chambers about the same strawmen? Nah thanks.

>All political sides get walloped,

Oh sweet! Just what I want in my supernatural spooky horror themed show!!!

Political satire in which those tricky Lefties and nasty Righties get wrekt!!!

Oh boy!

I am (not really sure why). Its kinda entertaining but not really even attempting to be horror anymore. The only other season I watched was Asylum with some girl I used to date


Everyone bitching about the politics of this season are the textbook definition of triggered snowflakes. AHS Coven is fucking hilarious. There's a scene where a character votes for Jill Stein set to horror music.

I watch horror to escape reality, not be confronted by the directors and writers waving their collective liberal dicks in my face.

That being said I’ve never watched or cared about AHS and literally the only reason I would is for Evan Peters.

>anyone not laughing out loud at this show is a whiny moron
what a great horror show!

So it's funny in a so bad, it's good way?

Here's another plot twist, I don't want that shit in American Horror Story

What are you talking about?

Sup Forums guy is hilarious. This is fun, campy schlock

It's funny in an intentionally over-the-top, scorched earth kind of way. It's political satire horror done correctly. It's kind of amazing.

I'll give you another example. The main liberal character is fraught with baseless, irrational fears. Her name is Ally, as in being an ally.

I mean, it's not subtle. They know what they're doing.

It’s literally by the people behind “Glee”

What the fuck did you expect?

I wish I had your faith, anons

i liked the asylum one. that was pretty good.
rest was kinda shit tho

I don't care what anyone says. The episode where the Hillary supporters freaked out was so accurate to the night it made me laugh hysterically.

Lena fuckin Dunham plays a murderous radical feminist with schizophrenia trying to start a gender war. They get it, man.

Lea Michelle's pussy

Evan Peters is the best part of this season

Evan Peters is the best part of this fucking show, but they rarely take advantage of it.

well in the current season he plays andy warhol, charles manson, jim jones and david koresh in flashback scenes

You HONESTLY think Lena Dunham is that self aware?

literally too good for the show but he never shows up in movies outside men


I don't think anyone is, half of Sup Forums can't stop talking about politics.

Baiting or serious? are you a homosexual?

No. He's saying the writers are. Anyone else want Lena to be accused of sexual harassment?

Meh, I think the people who cast her are that self aware.

Hotel wasn't good, but holy crap I loved him as that serial killer ghost. He was hamming it up just right.

pretty much the same. I've watched the first 3 seasons. do all the rest just kinda drag on near the end? it's like the big mystery/theme gets solved and they spend 3 or 4 episodes slogging on.

Are you implying Trump will rape me?

>do all the rest just kinda drag on near the end?
4 (Freak Show) drags on for half a season after the best character is gone. It tries to get a lot of mileage out of the interpersonal drama among the freaks (secrets agendas, dark pasts, etc). Sometimes it works.

5 (Hotel) is just wasted potential. Every once in a while they set up something truly fucked up, but then do nothing interesting with it. Moments of brilliance. Mostly a slog.

6 (Roanoke) is structured in two parts, so it starts slow and ramps up fast, then does it again. Roanoke is fucking great and really fun.

He was extremely fun, wasn't he? I also really liked him in season 1. Hated him in season 3 and 6 though, such shit roles. All the other ones were okay, but nothing special.

>calling anything "epic" unironically
wew lad

You don't understand what snowflake means, tumblerina.

He won the bet. Why didn't he fuck his sister and her friends?

whats with all the incest shit this season?


watch the first episode. is it going to get better? does it have any paranormal stuff or just edgy clown fags running around?

nothing paranormal at all this season

So is the horror "Humansssssss"

What is this from?

because im tired of hypno homo-femme dom shit and no one who watchss the show understands the original season at all or why it was so good

Season 1

Pretty much. Between this and last season being garbage it's on its way out

American Horror Story season 1, Murder House. He played [spoilers]the ghost of a school shooter kid. [/spoiler]

Oh well that spoiler alert fucking FAILED

Someone posted that embarrassing Sup Forums speech the first day it aired and that was enough to convince me to never watch trash written by tumblr

Because there's nothing spooky about this so-called horror story.

Cults are horrifying concept, you dumb redditor.

No, they really aren't, you newfag cunt.

lol, you fucking pussy

Nope, it's for dumb people. If you clearly can't recognise being manipulated then you shouldn't exist.

Of course Kai uses a trip. That actually fits his character pretty well.

Shit hasn't been horror since season 2. Its straight comedy.

I thought the dandy ghost was clever after they go back for real and its actually terrifying.

>liberals drinking wine thinking they're qween shit

It's been over a year now and lefties still don't understand why they didn't win.

>highly uneducated, despite belief to the contrary, and piggybacking onto some idea of the "educated, intellectual Left" that hasn't been true for at least 2 decades now
>don't know how to pick their battles, so their endless crusading and outrage is just old hat at this point
>easily trolled, so much so that they waste bandwidth writing "think pieces" about each instance like it's serious business
>throw le monies at ever retarded shiny thing they can thanks to a clear and present disposable income, all while complaining about being "the oppressed"
>hubris so thick/got BTFO so hard a year ago that they've collectively gone batshit trying to convince everyone otherwise
>Lefty after Lefty after Lefty keep getting outed as creepy pedos and sexual assaulters. It's literally 20 for every 1 found on the Right.
>sperged out so hard on their relatively nothing victories this election, to the point where Republicans know exactly what they need to do in 2018, and were reminded of exactly why the shitleft should be denied any sort of clout or power, indefinitely

They never plan ahead, and are so desperate to score quicc-points on social media that they show their hand, constantly. We made a fucking MEAL out of them and they still don't get why.

only people from the alt-right are triggered from this show
this shit is funny as fuck

What are you talking about you nigger where did you come from

Believe it or not, normies are getting really sick of political agendas being forced down their throats. I realize Hollywood finds Trump absolutely terrifying, but most normal people want a spooky show about actual spooky shit.

People who unironically use the word "normies" don't actually know what normal people think.

Good job, you outed yourself as a newfag.

I'm getting sick of tumblerinas and trumptards shitting up every place on the internet.