To Boldly go where no empowered female has gone before!!! ENGAGE!


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STD finally setting Trek straight.

>Star Trek Discovery, Season 1 (Part 1) poll:

>Star Trek Discovery, Season 1 (Part 1) download links:

>The OP of this thread:

Is drawing on eyebrows logical?

awesome, cant include that in OP was told???

they not let us put links in OP's for generals because it draws attention.

Truly STD is great

Ok ok.. so they realized they can beam 2 people aboard the klingon ship to plant some transmitters when instead they could have just beamed a photon torpedo or something and blown it up from the inside?


Why did they make the gays stereotypical broadway fags. They could at least try to make them less effeminate.

Blowing up the ship would really have helped with the goal of figuring out how to detect cloaked ships, brainlet.

Because with the cloak signatures they can detect other cloaked ships too.

They could have just beamed the detectors down though.

>I'll just do a final jump

They needed to collect data, so the rest of the fleet could detect Klingon cloaks. Still, they have just beamed in a shit-ton of nerve-gas and captured the ship outright.

>They could have just beamed the detectors down though.
I guess there's still a risk of them being discovered and disabled so having two fuckers there to defend them kinda makes sense.

You can scavenge the wreckage. Whatever I guess. There is all kinds of things they could have just beamed onboard inside of sending people.

Just beam down some forcefield generators or some shit.

Or toxic gas.

They have already discovered the critical flaw of the shields beind down after decloaking...

They could do the same thing every single time.

Truth is chief, im just 2 days away from retirement. I'll do one more jump for you chief, then thats it. Im retired. Living the good life chief. Me and and the husband are moving to florida. 2 days from retirement chief. Im out of the game.

But Klingons have spacesuits now, so the nerve gas wouldn't disable everyone. As for forcefield generators, sure, but are mobile ones even a thing in Star Trek? I can't think of one off the top of my head, but it's not like this show gives a fuck. Also, beaming people down is good for drama, I guess.

Beam down a mountain of garbage to dig through.

Embed the device in a giant slab of metal.

Beam all the klingons off the bridge into space.

this pissed me off because it was so obvious going in

then it doubly pissed me off because i like the character. stop hurting him reeeee

you've obviously never been around many fems. Its a very muted relationship. Has there even been a kiss ?

>Truth is chief, im just 2 days away from retirement. I'll do one more jump for you chief, then thats it. Im retired. Living the good life chief. Me and and the husband are moving to florida. 2 days from retirement chief. Im out of the game.

Literally Dead Meat from Hot Shots.


I couldn't stop laughing.

>30-year-old virgin nigress sleeping on your coach
>not rape her

You guys weren't kidding about the bad writing.

Based link bro, I'd suck your dick if I could

>implying you could ever enjoy hotdog down a hallway sex after you've had your doubledick in a klingon vagoo

She's a virgin...

He's really grown on my since his first appearance.
Shame I still hate everybody else.

He couldn't forget them Klingon tittays.

I dont think you got the point of anons post

I was really hoping for something like this instead:

I forgot how to pronounce her name. What is it again?

I liked the part where they dropped they can detect cloaked ships from lightyears away.

Anyone got that capped? I think I blinked...

Loretta, but she prefers "Lottie"


Like laurel... as in Stan Laurel

How can anyone be so cool?

more like tlhIngan'd

Cool guys don't look at explosions... there's that song stuck in my head again.

Thanks now I have 2 names to call while i spank it to her.

the scene with the rape guy and the admiral was cringe worthy

Shit i'll be singing it all day

Is it just me or are the postures of most people kinda weird? I feel like Lorca's ass is sticking out weirdly every time he's in a side shot but that may be just due to the uniform or something, or just my imagination.



yeah but not the actual rape right?

I wonder whether they'll ever bring back my ACTUAL tlhlnganfu though...

They already stated this in previous episodes. They can detect the big power surge/anomaly of cloaked ships, but they can't see or track them, so they can't fight them effectively

can't stop thinking about lorca's ass, user?

Did they really create a fake actor so viewers wouldn't be able to connect the dots between Ash and Voq early on

>barfs in seven dimensions

had way less nasty teeth in her first appearance though


yup. they still sorta slacked on the job though

Crisis actors double jobbing. Call the union

At first I couldn't believe they actually went there.
Then I whipped out my dick.

>to be 14 again

Be careful you might get an std if you tried to download that

You wouldnt dick her down my dude really. shes thicc af
Probably died offscreen but nice taste nonetheless

You mean
>barfs in dutch angle

the teeth is half the fun

If her cooch is anything like her mouth it'd be like putting your dong razor-sharp in a blender.

It was Like Seven of Nine all over again... who was introduced when I was an ACTUAL 14-year-old ... no, thirteen, actually.
Time flies.

Human vagine isnt like our mouths so i doubt it. But my nigga its two warrior race vagoo. Human females btfo for all eternity.

My nigga

I remember getting off a couple times when she was brought in. One of my favorite characters.All in all a good fap.

huh...I guess it doesn't

any webms of the multiple jumps

we'd all sit around and watch it then go beat off that night and talk about it the next morning. Im surprised im not committed.

I dont love the spin. Would have preferred the VOY transwarp/ dimension jump but whatever.

Is the next part of STD going to be timey winey space exploring shenanigans instead of pew pewing the klingons?

I haven't read that article but based on the heading alone it is absolutely correct.

Just this one I got off their twitter


>nothing personnel kid

Is it ever explained why it spins?

>it's retards can't remember a thing episode

Mycelium based rimjobs

because it looks cool as fuck and they dont want it to look like regular warp or teleportation.

She was, in fact, one of my earliest faps. Along with Lacey Chabert in "Lost in Space"

If you think its for anything else other than rule of cool then you're a fool!

instant transmission?

"Commander tell me about your sexual organs"

That's a good trick, user.

Me too, user, me too...

Probably has something to do with the nature of the spores, the crewmembers they found on the ship were turned inside out in a helical pattern too.

>strange looking child

she turned out well tho.

>Along with Lacey Chabert in "Lost in Space"
Bruh are you me? Holy shit even as a kid watching lost in space she used to give me stiffies.

Because in their coke addled brains they think they're geniuses for coming up with something so fucking cool. When in reality it's retarded and makes zero sense.

they showed it? i stopped watching when the admiral started lambasting him because he was completely unable to do anything when they were discovered.


"Commander, tell me why your dick doesn't have pointy barbs and doesn't bend in two places to reach those inaccessible inside lady parts?"

Being able to detect something from lightyears away and not being able to detect it up close is not something that makes sense.


>Just know

Why am I not surprised that Sup Forums is full of people over thirty...

Cloaktrail deniers need to leave

that second klingon dissapointed when the girl lands a hit

This episode confirmed my theory that Stamets is The Traveler.

It's a Sith ship. everyone knows that spinning is a Sith class skill (unlocked at level 30).

because the site is 14 years old?

Nah, that smug look just says: Promotion imminent – girl spared me the trouble.

Is it Farscape or B5-tier spacekino?