A tad too gory for my tastes

A tad too gory for my tastes...

>vinnie vaughn

>"the most impressive director since Quentin Tarantino"

i watched this movie expecting it to be really dumb, ended up enjoying it, pretty good flick desu

Vaughn, Gosling and Gibson are the last /ourguys/

This guy should have been visionary lead for the Netflix publisher series

Why do they put the 4 star review scores on the poster? Are they 4/4 ratings or are they "this movie is okay" ratings but they couldn't find more 5/5s so they thought they had to settle with a bunch of 4/5s?


Some reviewers like Ebert use a 4 star system



Lol phone phaggot

Fuck you

zahler should've just done a remake of story of ricky

I need that falling head gif

>dumb redneck
>get this redneck outta here
>fuck you redneck
>redneck piece of shit

You didn't think it was dumb? lmao what the fuck, it's the most hilariously retarded film ever.

what are you a girl?
this is gory

t. soyboy

It's just something about bones and the sound of heads/bones being crushed that are gross to me

I'm a guy but I'm a bit of a fag

>a bit of a fag
We know, user

How did you feel about the skull curb stomping in American History X, gaylord?

that was fine because it was a nigger

did you cry when the girl broke her leg on purpose in Scary movie?

Movie taught me that mexican drug kingpins are fucking retarded enough to lock themselves in a dungeon with 6'7" man mountains and very little in the way of contingencies or fall back plans.

It's the same guy who did Bone Tomahawk, and that movie's violence was really gory and realistic as well.

you mean the Wild west Hills have eyes?

That kinda scarred me as a kid

I'd rather a sequel gets made where he fights his brother who has a swastika embedded on his fist.


Dude, what in le fuck is going on in that mp4 lulz

dude and his gf get murdered, he agrees to get possessed by a demon and they go on revenge
its a 2011 italian splatter revenge porn

>"the most impressive director since Quentin Tarantino"

the best film of the year