Jews are mad lol

>The grimly inevitable Mel Gibson comeback tour appears to have paid off, with his allegedly family-friendly comedy Daddy's Home 2 grossing a larger-than-expected $30 million at the US box office.

>Despite hopes that a post-Weinstein climate would make audiences slightly more discerning when it comes to their cinema preferences, the Will Ferrell/Mark Wahlberg sequel was the highest-grossing new entry in its opening weekend, and a rare win in a year of notorious comedy flops.

>The film, which saw the squabbling pair having to put up with their parents during the festive season, also grossed nearly twice as much as the previous weekend's A Bad Moms Christmas – which oddly had the exact same premise.

>Similarly irrelevant was the fact that Daddy's Home 2 logged incredibly sour reviews, with IGN calling the film "mean-spirited, half-hearted, and unfunny", and Vulture branding it "toxic".

>Gibson's involvement also drew significant scorn, from a GQ piece criticising his "unearned redemption tour" to a Vulture story that in hindsight incorrectly suggested his casting may actually tank the movie entirely.

>implying someone shot take a shot at him

Wow they really do hate Based Mel don't they?

He never was box office poison
Will Ferrel and Marky Mark are a good comedic duo, it's not like that took any risk


Thanks, Based Mel!

>>Similarly irrelevant was the fact that Daddy's Home 2 logged incredibly sour reviews, with IGN calling the film "mean-spirited, half-hearted, and unfunny", and Vulture branding it "toxic".

kek. the review i read for the globe and mail said the same thing.

>redemption tour
Have these kikes already forgotten about Hacksaw Ridge?

based mel can't be beaten

It’s come to a point with all of these rapists, sex predators, pedophiles, and overall degenerates, I’ve come to the conclusion that Mel Gibson is probably the most squeaky clean person in Hollywood aside from saying something mean things.

The average veiwer doesnt give a fuck about these scandals

>Similarly irrelevant was the fact that Daddy's Home 2 logged incredibly sour reviews, with IGN calling the film "mean-spirited, half-hearted, and unfunny", and Vulture branding it "toxic".

I love when the good guys win

The average viewer doesn't see this movie as problematic.


Oh, so it’s good. Nice to know. But I personally would’ve liked it if Mel Gibson was Will Ferrell’s dad and John Lithgow Markie Mark’s dad.

oy vey

even the cinema snob said that Mel was the best part of the movie

Being this fucking mad, the jews are so petty and vindictive. He didn't fucking assault or molest anyone. He just had a bit of a meltdown when his relationship was falling apart and said some bad words. Literally no one got hurt.

Cuckino is back on the menu boys

machine gun bullets = Mel

soldiers = jews

Maybe younger people do. The world is changing, and it ain't pretty.

They should love it. It's literally my wife's son: the movie. What the fuck do these people want?

than god the western world isn't engaging in any massive wars today because if we were, the entire western population would die off in 20 years

Based Mel rekking the libtards again!

This should let them know that we're coming...

And we're winning...

Good job boys...

>>Similarly irrelevant was the fact that Daddy's Home 2 logged incredibly sour reviews, with IGN calling the film "mean-spirited, half-hearted, and unfunny", and Vulture branding it "toxic".




Deus Vult Mel, but Hacksaw Ridge was boring. Typical christ-tard core, sanctimonious and preaching.

I don't know, my friends and I are pretry average 19-22 year olds and we still call each other gay, talk about fucking bitches etc. Maybe it's because I'm from Georgia but most people except for one unironic communist that I'm friends with haven't become pussies

Man, that third act was intense.

fucking kill yourself

Im 31 fucking a 19 year old and shes gen zyklon

We actually connected on pol tier politics and philosophy after we connected on a dick and pussy level

I hadn't gone to IGN in years, then I visited last week to read some reviews. It's literally ran by SJW women these days. I miss Matt Casamassina.


that's good to hear I guess.


>Vulture branding it "toxic".
Wow no one took thats seriously? It's almost as if the word's lost all meaning

>Guy who occasionally says mean, insensitive shit when he's drunk and angry.
>"Fuck him, he should be blacklisted forever."

>Guy drugs and assrapes a child, then flees the country to escape justice when he realizes that he's not going to get the "Hollywood treatment".
>Gets a standing ovation at the Oscars.

Is this hacksaw ridge?

>Need to watch the first cuck film in order to watch this one with Mel Gibson

This is why the Jews win at the end, fuck dammit

They have such a warped understanding of the nature of reputation, its almost hilarious.

I don't know. Most of the 18-20 year olds in my class don't really take the hardcore PC stuff that seriously. They see it more as "one of those things" that they have to put up with.

Jews can't even move on after WW2, you can't expect them to forget something that happened less than a dozen years ago.

Im late 20s and my friends either are "normal" are became turbo-communists that unironically (and I am NOT exaggerating) want to end the white race, legalise post-birth abortions up to 2 years, legalise all drugs, totally end the prison system, have 100% tax rates


It has nothing to do with one of them being jewish and one of them criticising jews

It is LITERALLY irrelevant and NOT why these things happen and a complete metaphor for the treatment of the "goyim" by the "chosen people"

I never said anything about jews, but now that you bring it up, there is something kind of fishy going on there...

is thissequel to other guys?

>>The film, which saw the squabbling pair having to put up with their parents during the festive season, also grossed nearly twice as much as the previous weekend's A Bad Moms Christmas – which oddly had the exact same premise.

holy fuck I didn't even see that connection initially, feminism BTFO

Top fucking kek.


Why didn't more people pay to see a movie about old jewish hags whoring it up?


Don't get me wrong, my friend was dating a Jewish girl who thinks porn stars are role models and most likely wishes she were a person of color (like she isn't already amirite lmaooo) but my friend is a conservative, blue collar christian who just also happens to like smoking weed and fucking sluts. I dunno man, people are people

Mel got drunk and said mean words ten years ago. Weinstein abused his position to coerce young women into tossing his foul, unwashed salad. 99.9% of liberals recognize that it's insane to compare these two acts.

>opinion piece blog post disguised as journalism

Bad Moms Christmas has the word "Christmas" in the title and came out in early November. Are these people fucking dense?

They actually put up with it, that's all that matters. The wheels are in motion. Five years ago all of this crap was just fat people on tumblr. It's becoming normal now.

>people are people

I respectfully disagree.

Mel's been involved with mainstream stuff for the last seven years why the hell are people acting like he just now came back out of nowhere?


Christmas movies always come out in November. Swear I saw Christmas commercials on tv this year a week before Halloween.

cause the kikes will never stop acting like he didnt just launch an intifada last week for getting drunk 20 years ago

if they dont make an example of him the goyim might start thinking their lives wont be tarnished forever for calling out the zog

Mel Gibson said mean things about kikes and niggers while he was drunk and high as fuck, and somehow he's supposed to comparable or even worse than liberal Hollywood rapists and pedophiles?

>allegedly family-friendly comedy
Lmao critics btfo. What, did they sit there with their arms crossed asking themselves, 'when is he going to say the Jews killed Jesus? Surely there's no way Mel can go one movie without throwing out a few racial slurs, right?'


Woah, what the fuck? Where did all that come from? I think you read more than what was said out of that post.

>tfw you try to suppress Mel but it backfires but you can't NOT suppress him because then the goyim will start speaking in public

Will Ferrel is box office poison though. Zoolander 2 and that comedy with Amy Poehler tanked.

That was beautifully crafted, user. It should be hung on the Sup Forums mantel to teach how to post, bait, shitpost, and make a point all simultaneously.

why peepo need to just diiiiiie

thats the writers failing, Will can carry a good to average script and has done so many times

>my friend is a conservative, blue collar christian who just also happens to like smoking weed and fucking sluts.
I don't think your friend has actually thought about his positions in any meaningful way.

>Gibson's involvement also drew significant scorn, from a GQ piece criticising his "unearned redemption tour"
Is this article implying anyone gives a shit about that shit magazine?

If you judge a man by his enemies, Mel Gibson is God's chosen one.

>((((critics))) scream it's X
>audiences see its Y

you can't keep doing this and expect to get any views outside of brainwashed virtue signallers

Have you read that vulture review? It's pretty fucking hilarious. You can tell the person was fucking SEETHING with rage

how did we get here

>I try not to discuss the conditions of the screenings at which I see the films I review, for obvious reasons. But I feel like it’s only right, for the sake of transparency and instructiveness, to discuss the New York City screening of Daddy’s Home 2, which was a semipublic “sneak preview” of the film alongside the press screening, as so many of the larger studio releases are. Aside from the usual multiplex audience grievances, I also had a grown adult man threaten to “start some trouble” with me after I asked his wife if she could turn off her iPhone flashlight during the movie. (It takes a lot of tact and nerve to shush or ask anything of your fellow moviegoers, especially when the viewing experience they’re daring to sully is Daddy’s Home 2.) Anyway, this angry man loved the movie, as did the rest of the packed house, who were eating up the misadventures of Mel Gibson and Mark Wahlberg with a spoon. I say this not to denigrate them, but to note that nothing I say after this paragraph matters.

>So, Daddy’s Home 2. It’s the sequel to Daddy’s Home, a modern family comedy beloved by Sofia Coppola and quietly seen by millions at the end of 2015 when everyone was paying attention to a Star Wars movie. In the sequel, whose premise is almost identical to Bad Moms sequel A Bad Moms Christmas, the Daddy versus Daddy action is compounded by the addition of two more Daddies. Will Ferrell, who plays milquetoast, minivan-driving stepdad Brad, is joined by his father, played by a glowing John Lithgow at his most effusive. When they meet at the airport, they kiss on the lips multiple times. Wahlberg, who plays bad-boy original daddy Dusty, is joined by his father Kurt, played by Gibson.

Haha sounds like someone is mad based trump won the election

Maybe next ellection you will be 18 and allowed to vote too

Haha stay mad loser MAGA

>approriate minimum
the newsreader will allow it

What's the deal with GQ?

>If you have seen Gibson in promotional material for Daddy’s Home 2 and recoiled, this film is not for you, nor is it interested in winning you over. Daddy’s Home 2 is aimed at the most amnesiac, uncritical segment of our population, for whom it would never occur to connect the dots between Gibson’s documented anti-Semitism and abuse of women and his character’s objectification of them here, nor scenes of children wielding firearms with recent/perpetual gun violence. It needs our ignorance to survive. But it would be one thing (and still not a great one thing) if Gibson’s casting was used to set him up as a buffoon, a laughable model of masculine overkill. Unfortunately, Daddy’s Home 2 is perverse enough to not only make Gibson the straight man, but to actually make him the audience surrogate.

>There’s a scene, one of many of the film’s physically impossible comedic set pieces, in which a snowplow that Brad has turned his back on veers off the driveway of the enormous cabin Kurt has booked on Airbnb for the family over the holidays (nice endorsement, by the way) and rides a string of Christmas lights onto the roof. Ferrell and Lithgow bear the brunt of this calamity; there’s a lot of yelling and chaos and grievous bodily harm. And at the end of all the chaos, as the snowplow falls on top of Brad’s car, crushing it, we cut to Gibson, who has been absent in all this mayhem, standing by the door and cackling, holding up his phone. It is at this moment when you realize, with a shock, that Kurt is us.


>This is partially because Ferrell and Lithgow are simply funnier than Wahlberg and Gibson, and are given more opportunities for buffoonery. But make no mistake: They are the cucks, and their cuckage is an object of ridicule next to Kurt’s no-BS, ass-grabbing approach to life. One particularly awful thread involves Brad and Dusty’s son beginning to have an interest in girls; Brad’s advice to be considerate of women’s feelings and listen to their problems is treated as a punch line, yet another example of a thing about Brad’s personality that he needs to fix. In comes Kurt, in his infinite wisdom, more or less paraphrasing our president’s approach to kissing women. That the son later takes his advice, albeit with an unexpected target, does nothing to condemn the alpha-beta dichotomy the film takes ample advantage of for its gags. This is a toxic, not at all benign film made for the enjoyment of everyone still oblivious to the fact that this kind of worldview is crashing down in flames even as we speak. May they enjoy it while it lasts.

thats it that's the whole review

dis lady is PLATINUM MADE


>a melmovie didn't tank, here comes the holocaust!
doesn't mean this movie wasn't a horrible piece of trash being eaten up by antisemitic retards and that mel is barely the celebrity he once was

None of those thinges are mutually exclusive

only tweens type that out, you're embarrassing yourself

that's because your an identity-driven idiot with no real accomplishments to fall back on so you thrive on genetic and environmental circumstance like every other loser in the world

They absolutely are. Fucking sluts and being a Christian don't go hand in hand unless he's a hypocrite and a liar.

Holy shit lmao what an incredibly wounded and hollow '''''review'''''


>Despite hopes that a post-Weinstein climate would make audiences slightly more discerning when it comes to their cinema preferences,

That's exactly why they went to see a Mel Gibson film.

you're confusing christian with orthodox christian

plebbitors like yourself find it easier to criticize religous folk when they imagine they are all hardcore zealots

Spot on.

When we string you goyim up, he'll be the first to go. Count on it.

I love how they keep using this term Post-Weinstein as if all of Hollywoods dirty shit must be over

No, I think you were confusing Protestants with Christians. Protestants are proto-atheists.

did she seriously use the word "cuck"?

at least she's self-aware.

So from this I gather it's like a typical balls-out 90s comedy?

This has to be some sort of reverse psychology tactic because now I want to watch both of these movies

My god are there bible thumpers in this thread right now? lmao

> unironically being catholic
> unironically thinking that buying indulgences and saying hail mary 500 times has anything to do with being a good Christian
> unironically still following that abomination of a denomination when all the countries that abandoned it for Protestantism became wealthier, more influential and more powerful after the reformation

>complain about Catholics "buying indulgences" and putting too much emphasis on material things
>immediately defend Protestantism as something that made nations rich and powerful
Yup, that's a Prod alright.