What is their endgame?

What is their endgame?

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Chapter XI after they embezzled and transferred everything

They will try to merge and take over all "US based"(in a vague non-technical sense) studios and make a deal with Chinese government to strategically incubate their studio in exchange for their market access

So they will have full monopoly in USA and have apparent rivals in China where they have de facto monopoly

To suck all the soul out of every IP they touch, parade a bunch of Disneyfied facades across the screen, line their pockets, and entertain - not inspire, oh no, never that. Inspiration is dangerous. Far better that we simply be entertained, so just sit back and watch the pretty lights.

There is something repulsive that streams from Disney movies, you're either sensitive to it or you're not. Women, for whatever reason, don't seem to pick up on it and sentimentalize Disney.

Disney was never any better than it is now. It was barely even more discreet. Fantasia even in the 50's had girl-centaurs in floral bikinis, dancing with Pan, so Disney was way ahead of the curve pushing immorality and was openly Satanic.

The older films are certainly occult, they are just not as overtly occult as the modern ones. Cinderella wears a nice dress, but you feel the same kind of ritualistic Rosicrucian occult themes being played out under the surface, usually with the death and rebirth emphasis, Persephone in Hades, etc.

Certain Disney films are so Satanic they are perversely mesmerizing. My favorite was Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen with Lindsay Lohan, but I had to throw it away since it had blasphemy. Also, the way Lindsay's chest is given the star treatment is really pervy.

But not even Salvador Dali could conceive of anything so surreal. Lindsay is in love with this Jewish guy who never says anything and just kind of lurks around like a creeper. There are all these ultra-bizarre subliminal moments, like with the Jew playing hide-and-go-seek in a costume room, where there is a poster of Faust, etc.

Disney, Land of Satan, especially loves to set up their Protestant-Jewish "stars" this way, as pure and virginal, and then suddenly you have leaked nude pictures (Vanessa Hudgens) and pictures in sex shops (Jewish Zac Efron) and dressed as a tramp Lolita (Miley Cyrus) and dating around months after telling everyone that they wore "purity rings" (Jonas Bros.)

Becoming the Nestle of entertainment.

Shareholder value

Eh... satanism, some old school babylonian worship (Ishtar probably), normalized degeneracy including incest, pedophilia and mindless promiscuity, the complete death of any kind of "light side" spirituality, getting more powerful themselves in the process, eliminating all traces of free will in favor of a race of mindless subliminally programmed slaves educated through social trauma and media indoctrination to be obedient and not think for themselves, just do everything the mouse tells them to.
tl,dr: they're the bad guys user. As evil as they come.

An army of soy boys and bulldykes who are worthless to society so sit in their PJs pumping money into Disney to soothe their multitude of mental illnesses. Screen addicted slaves.

cultural victory

To what?




Utilidors under every major city.

Baudrillard was right about everything!

Disney is Satanic?
WTF I love Disney now.

Why is he so sad? ;_;

That bad shit is in the bible too, user.
Satan master race. It is the best religion of all. Satan is basically /ourguy/

They've come up with an interesting plan which is buying up big IPs.

If you try to take over a market by actually owning the distribution and get too big you might get slapped with antitrust and forcibly broken up, but there's no antitrust precedent for having a near monopoly on pop culture.

Putting hotels on both blue spaces in monopoly

>choosing to follow an entity... any entity at all
>not realizing the old ones care about nothing but themselves and will eat you for breakfast just for some keks
>not knowing it doesnt matter who you "worship", in the end, the only ones loosing are free human beans

I take it back.
2nd best religion.

To buy DC.

Destabilise Hollywood by orchestrating molestation and sexual assault accusations then buy a lot of it up cheap so they can essentially become Hollywood 2.0

I have no love for the company itself, their modern day feature films or movie studios, but I do still enjoy their IPs like Mickey Mouse/Donald Duck. Also I still have fond memories of Disneyland/Magic Kingdom even if they were initially spawned as a testament to capitalism. There was a sense of optimism for the future that I think benefited the people who got to experience it back in the day. I don't know if it's still there.

>The older films are certainly occult, they are just not as overtly occult as the modern ones. Cinderella wears a nice dress, but you feel the same kind of ritualistic Rosicrucian occult themes being played out under the surface, usually with the death and rebirth emphasis, Persephone in Hades, etc.
That's just a hand me down from the original folk tales that inspired the fairy tales, most of them being germanic and pagan in origin.

That's so dumb it kinda makes sense.

things are really getting interesting now, eh mick?

white slavers

Buy up the rights to every copyright ever used on muppet babies so they finally can release it on dvd/bluray.

Seriously. They bought the muppets themselves, they bought marvel , they bought lucasfilm, they want shit from fox, it's the obvious end game.

Total world domination. At this rate they'll get it too.

As was Adorno and all the Frankfurt boys, really.

Disney literally dont give a fuck about openly declaring their satanic ways now. they know their braindead audience wont even notice.

They're about to collapse back inward. They've overreached and the quality of their films is dropping radically. They lost my support of the MCU. They're quickly losing my support for Star Wars, and for precisely the same reasons:

Formulaic, focus-tested, bullshit.

There's no life, no spark in the "product" they churn out. It all feels like the same tone, the same writing, the same re-used beats, the same predictable rhythm. It's soulless. Even the characters are becoming interchangeable.

I doubt I'm the only person who feels this way.


Extend copyrights to last indefinitely until the corporation dies ( lol )
Then buy the rights to literally everything
Also expand the legal power of copyright holders so that you have to pay royalties just for mentioning Mickey Mouse.

>quality of their films is dropping rapidly
So what? As long as they keep making insane box office they don't give a fuck. If the fast and furious franchise is any indicator they can keep dropping for years and years while still, raking in billions.

Most people don't give a fuck about that shit, you're underestimating how dumb the average consumer is. And yes I know I sound pretentious


One World Government with a mulatto slave race smart enough to push buttons but dumb enough to not question anything while being sedated with drugs and pop culture entertainment while the jews worship satan and fuck children on their Google Death Star

>extend copyrights to indefinitely
They have allready achieved this, look into steamboat willy / public domain. Apparently you can buy congress for a meekly couple of millions, as Disneys lobby budget reveals.

If that were true, every television show on the air would just be the A-Team.

different ppl different brain numbing material?

Yes, but that brings us back around to my point. All of Disney's shit is becoming so homogenized that it literally all feels the same. They're forgetting how to innovate, forgetting how to produce anything with a unique appeal or charm. As cases in point, I cite the spectacular misfires that are John Carter, Tomorrowland, and The Lone Ranger.

In more deft, more creative hands, every one of those could have been magical.

Creating value for shareholders.

Hi Adorno, how's death?

destruction of the white male