>Kevin Spacey thinks Netflix and the production company for “House of Cards” jumped the gun by suspending him from the show based on outside allegations of sexual harassment, because the companies had no right to do so based on his contract for the show.


Spacey will force the nu-males and Robin out, hire Mel and make a legendary season.


Is he going to have the balls to sue for breach of contract? Absolute madman.

Based faggot


>hire Mel
What are you on about, champ? you know you can't just mix things up whenever you feel like it, there has to be a logical connection. You're not 4 anymore.
Also the show sucked shit during the last 3 seasons, it needed to be cut. They just used Spacey as an excuse.

A contract is a contract. If they violated the terms he should sue.

He's also an actor, and that sounds like a PR disaster. Then again it's not like his situation can get any worse, at least this way he'd get the money.

>Now Netflix will be obliged to respect the contract or PedoKevin will sue them into oblivion

Best timeline: cant wait to have him around for the last season, molesting everyone.

>Sources close to “House of Cards” tell us after the initial allegations surfaced at the end of October, a letter was sent to the cast and crew asking for anyone else to come forward if believe they were harassed by the actor. We’re told the letter was standard procedure. Several employees came forward alleging he made the set “toxic.”
What does toxic even means? I hope he'll put a fight, this whole thing is clearly bullshit.

I hope the madman does it.

>all future projects cancelled
>management dropped him

What the fuck are you talking PR for

If he ends chastised by society, at least he got enough money to not care about it


I'd suck his dick just out of respect for the man.

This. Holy shit did everything go down hill after season 2. Spacey being 'bi' does explain why it was shoehorned into the show along with the cucking.

and i'm not some kind of faggot either

This is a non-story.
Netflix obviously thought it was worth whatever money they might have to pay out for breaking his contract.

>"Haha, you didn't say I couldn't rape bums!"

>cant wait to have him around for the last season, molesting everyone.
I hope they work it into the show. Do it like the last episode of South Park and have Spacey stood in the Oval office wearing a strap on.

>Spacey enters a lengthy legal battle against Netflix over the circumstances of his firing
>Disney decides to produce a series about Spacey's legal battle and paint him in a good light to shit on Netflix even harder
>Featuring John Cusack as Kevin Spacey

This would be glorious.

you have no idea what's in the contract, silly billy. You don't think there are clauses to terminate if an actor fucks up like Spacey did?

nor am I, but I probably would too

>jews jewing jews
fine by me

That's why they suspended production. These companies seriously need to read their own fucking contracts.

You can't just take the creation of somebody else and use it as your own. Netflix must have forgotten they don't actually own anything.

That's why HoC is still streaming by the way. They legally cannot take it down.

Lol that you believe this.

hous of cards sucks balls

I'd be just fine if HoC ended. Season 5 sucked ass.

>hire Mel

mel will never work with a fag and a pedo
eat shit degenerate

hope he goes to jail to get assfucked every day

probably will like too sick kidiediddler

>mel will never work with a fag
jodie directed it too


>i-im the victim
how about you stop fiddeling kids first ya fag

Jodie Foster became lesbian because of all the producers's cocks she took when young, everybody knows that.


Looking for me?

oh man I can see the stalemate now,

Netflix has to chose between a 150mill lawsuit or forced production on the show.

Netflix plugs their noses and makes a 80 mill season while giving spacey the worst most petty lines to read. Spacey has to decide whether to read the lines or sue again in the lines are clearly malicious

Netflix counter sues saying the lines are fine.

it will be glorious

>You don't think there are clauses to terminate if an actor fucks up like Spacey did?

sometimes there are sometimes there aren't. By the sounds of it with netflix "taking time off" to pour over the contract for loopholes sounds like they dun fucked up and there are no such clauses




I thought it was because of the lack of presence of her father.

Chill out, Reddit.

Wow, I mean Spacey is most definitely a diddler but that sort of policy is a slippery fucking slope, it almost begs for false accusers.



this whole thing is just a promotional stunt for the new season, its painfully obvious

Lesbians are't real. Women are just women, and the ones who choose to be lesbian only do so as a form of attention whoring.

Even though he had a good run, can't support a guy who attempted childfuckery.
Gas now.

Fuck off Spacey, I want Kevin James kino

Reminder: Kevin is one of the producers of the show. Firing him will cost Netflix an absolute fortune.


Did they not read the contract before they signed it? "By the way, I might be a creepy rapist, but if that comes out, you can't fire me." OK, deal!

>gender war is actually happening and Kevin Spacey is leading it
We're entering the kino epoch lads

It's probably more due to the "short of criminal charges" etc shit. Right now, despite a half-admission, it's only words.

Go back

Pedos are fighting jews, I don't know who to cheer on.

Fuck off right to hell, no pedo apology allowed.

>>gender war
His accuser is a dude.

> Breach of contract
> Defamation until you bankrupt a liar
> Public speeches calling out the public and roasties

I mean, it's what any real man would do.
Too bad the anglo-west is filled with cucks

If he doesn't I'm sure he can find a pair.

Honestly I'm happy for him. This sjw bullshit has to stop.

>not letting a rapist get away is now SJW bullshit

genuinely like Kevin Spacey more now than I did a few months ago

He did literally nothing wrong.

Is there a clause that prevents them from rewriting the whole story to make his character a shit-eating pedophile?

>thinks his wife who he loved at the time is going to Hell

I genuinely don't understand how people can live like this. Great director though.



>all the "victims" say he stopped when they said no

Really makes you think.

Netflix already wanted to cancel this shit show they just needed a reason to do so

There's to way he'd consider coming back now, sure he was a creep and he must have suspected most cast and crew didn't like him but going back now would just be awkward as everyone would be disgusted by him.

He'll sue and take the settlement they offer and disappear into retirement, unless one of these accusers actually uses the justice system that was designed and put in place for this kind of criminal activity, but that would be crazy right?

good for him


Got any proof of that or you just want me to grab a pitchfork because you said so?

Accused rapist.

Is the way it works that the court of public opinion is sufficient to determine all the ramifications of a crime, like losing your job etc, except whether or not you serve jail time which is left for real courts? I'm not familiar with the justice system in the US, do employers normally fire you before you are even criminally charged or just in Hollywood?

Spacey knows how to grab situations by the balls.

>What does toxic even means?
He fucks kids on set. Always grabbing cocks and trying to rim the younger actors, etc.

desu pedos shopuld get punished, gay pedos doubly so, but there was no need to remove Spacey from all his current projects. That's just pandering, and HoC would be nothing without Spacey. Hope this season is the last though.

Got any proof of that or you just want me to grab a pitchfork because you said so?

He admitted to it all but said he couldn't remember it. There's also photos of him and other guys grabbing a guys ass on set.

Prove Spacey is a pedo.
>hurrr some gay loser said so!!!

>"What are you gonna do, sue me?" - quote from network getting sued.
Go get them, Space Man.


The settlement spacey will ask for is going to be ballpark 120 million jay leno level buy out. It will bankrupt the company

Act like a pussy, end up fighting on the roastie side in the gender wars. That's how it works.

Some gay loser said so!!!

>He admitted to it all but said he couldn't remember it

In common English when you say you don't remember something it doesn't mean you are admitting it, it means it didn't happen. Why are you pulling this doublespeak now?

>There's also photos of him and other guys grabbing a guys ass on set

A guy meaning an adult? But weren't you accusing him of being a pedophile just now?

stop fucking kids kev


Jodie and Mel are pretty tight, she was one of the few people who stood by him after he named the jew. Apparently he looked out for her when she was younger and tried to protect her from the worst of hollywood.

My mate Brian afew years ago accidentally made out with a 15 year old (he was 21 at the time) do you think it would be reasonable for someone to come along in a few decades and destroy his career over it? She was asian so it was just hard for him to tell. He's in pharmaceutical testing btw.

>sues for 120 million
>gets 120 million
what the fuck does a single person DO with that money

>it will bankrupt the company
netflix is in billions of dollars of debt 120m is nothing

Imagine being young and doing something stupid and being scared for a long time for the repercussions and they never come. And then 10, 20, 30 years later you're a drastically different person with a dramatically different view of the world and now your life is over because of something you did lifetimes ago.

Reminder that Spacey was a young guy and Louis CK wasn't even known and neither one of them raped or molested or hurt anybody.

>accidentally made out with a 15 year old

where do famous people hide for the rest of their lives?

money fort no nonpedos allowed

>30 years ago
Spacey was molesting men on the set of House of Cards. Him and Singer were molesting brandon routh.

why is everyone on Sup Forums dumb as hell?

>molesting people on a set full of people, cameras, microphones and smartphones
>not a single recording exists

He's best buds with RDJ who definitely took a few dicks.

>Kevin Spacey returns for the last season
>Falls off stairs for 5 minutes while a laugh track plays
>Gets slapped by 5 new female actors calling him a sexist pig
>He tries to get back together with his wife and while they have sex she stomps on his balls and cuts his dick off
>has sex with the black character right in front of him
>it all gets taped, people demand he resigns from presidency
>ends on a shot of a newspaper with Frank lying dead in front of the white house and several women posing over him TPAB style

Like the old saying goes "it's not about who you know, it's about who you blow"

If they tried then the show wouldn't be House of Cards anymore, it would become Wag the Dog

I like they guy and I hope he makes everyone rot in shame and bankruptcy.

Im glad he's suing. I dont like the stories i heard about him raping teens and all that, but i wasnt there. if he was a criminal, arrest him and let a judge determine his guilt. not twitter, not hearsay and not public opinion

so it's about time an actor sues to get this shit under control. hopefully it'll send a message to movie companies to act accordingly when rumors appear