What are some movies with Lovecraftian themes/Eldritch creatures

What are some movies with Lovecraftian themes/Eldritch creatures

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Event horizon
In the mouth of madness
The curse
From beyond and re-animator (kinda loose, but still great).


Stranger Things, although it's not a movie.

The mist
The thing
In the mouth of madness
The void


>Europa Report
>The Mist (2007)
>The Void
>True Detective S1
>The Thing

Hellraiser I + II as a double feature.

>Europa Report
absolute shit and not even close

No and no. Read more more lovecraft.

The Void, on the other hand, is absolute shit. It is, however, really fucking lovecraftian.

Possession 1981 (also she fucks a tentacle dude)

The Ressurected by Dan O'Bannon

Based on Lovecraft's Case of Charles Dexter Ward.
Monsters are pretty good too.

Why the fuck would you bastardize a classic painting like that with your genre fiction trash?

this is the original, friedrich was a nerd

The lovecraftian elements elevated it into a Kafkaesque masterpiece.
All it needs now is an ear shattering fart noise.

It's a bit on the obscure side but there is a pretty decent movie called "Hemoglobin" that feels Lovecraft to me.

thoughts on the void?

kinda felt like half a movie to me, good premise but just didn’t deliver heavily where i’d like it too. creature effects were really well done tho.

poseur shit made by people with zero cinematic talent for people with zero taste

oooh cultists are ominously advancing
oooh put this meat bundle under a stroboscope

It's not a classic plainting, it's German romanticist

>Comparing top notch neurosis kino with simplistic genre fiction

You tentacle fags are the worst

You probably think that Stalker is a great genre post apoc movie

Please don't recommend The Void
>the void
Couldn't be fucking further from it, m8
Absolute pile of shit. John Carpenter wannabe movie from Carpenter's shit filmmaking days. Deserves to rot in Crowdfunding Hell. Also the creature effects were shit, if you really really have to do practicals for nostalgia points, do good practicals, and like good filmmakers, hide 90% of them.

Prince of darkness is pretty good as well.


The Void is complete and utter garbage


I said classic, not classical

Is lovecraftian the dark souls of themes?


The Mothman Prophecies is unironically one of the best cosmic horror movies ever made

I loved it. It's probably the best homage to the old 80s horrors like Hellraiser that I've seen.

That, and the "Safe Haven" segment of VHS 2. Both are very good.

And Bloodborne is the Lovecraftian of Dark Souls.

Funny how well they pulled it off


>Trailer starts
>Cthulhu walking twards a city
>Cthulhu destroying buildings with people fleeing
>You will go insane
>Music by Hans Zimmer starts playing
>Tom Cruise Millitary man is going insane
>Tanks failing to shoot him down
Cthulhu: The awakening

picked this up because my roommate got a ps4. Spent like 2.5 hours in central yharnam. Think I messed up by going with the cane weapon.

There will never be any good lovecraftian films produced because his themes are alien others with alien gods subverting wholesome cultures, the corruption of bloodlines with alien filth creating a degeneration of culture and irreversible change and unknowable behemoths crushing the common man with their unfathomable machinations.

He is the antithesis to globalism and Social Justice.


The saw cleaver is the best one to start with.

>what is The Thing

Did lovecraft ever put pedophilic elements into his writing?

Get the Saw Cleaver at the beginning, get the Saw Spear in the Sewers, hoard oil urns and molotovs for Cleric Beast on the bridge, bloodstone shards in Central Yharnam, upgrade cleaver/spear to +2 or +3. Cleric is entirely optional but unlocks weapons to buy. Get the music box from the little girl to make the first true boss easier to deal with. Cleaver scales with Stregnth, Spear with Skill.


Everything else is shit.

Best weapon by far is the Bloodletter with a pure bloodtinge build but you get it only in the end and you need autismo-tier gems for it to be the best. After more than 1000 killings I still haven't gotten 3 perfect gems for it.

Have fun, Bloodborne is a masterpiece that goes beyond videogames.

No, he wasn't a degenerate.

When I have some time I'm going to try it again with the saw.


thanks familia

Best game ever made for me. Which is surprising because I hate nearly all modern games. souls 3 is fucking great as well.

Cthulhu (2007) is gay shit papered over Shadow Over Innsmouth
Decent period-piece adaptation of At The Mountains of Madness never ever

Don't use the cleaver, you'll turn into a shitter


for the effects it was great

the poster was too cool for the movie tho

>lovecraftian kafkaesque dystopia existential psychological archetypal based NIGGGGER

I think you don't know what kafkaesque means

Reminder that Lovecraft is a sci fi and not a horror writer

>Ah, you were at my side all along
This game has so many quotable phrases.
A corpse should be left well alone, Laurence, Micolas etc.

>you will never play Bloodborne for the first time again unspoiled
Fuck, can't wait for December to come and FS to announce their new fucking game. I can't live with no Soulsborne hype.

He's a weird fiction writer, actually.

This is the truth why we will never have a movie based on Lovecraft

Lovecraft was a white loser writer who wrote for low-quality magazines.

Nothing he wrote can be compared to works by modern authors.

The only fans of this mediocre are edgy and lonely semi-illiterate boys and racist right-wingers.

> He was a beta that in the whole life only managed to have sex with a woman, for pity.

> He was an affected racist, his hatred of minorities was a shame even at that time

> He was totally devoid of talent,skill and experience, his works were limited to a few pages without a deep narrative and really complex characters, all of them imitations of himself, an incapable, boring and pathetic white male

> It was too anglo, all his work is based on the limited spectrum of the life of an anglo-saxon man.

> Even though he was only focused on this limited racist expectation of an Anglo-Saxon, he was unable to create characters with whom we can identify with ourselves. Even if you are a descendant of Anglo-Saxons, you cannot identify with his racist and poorly educated characters.

> His scientific knowledge was pathetic even for works from the early 20th century. There would be great difficulty in adapting his lack of knowledge to intelligent content for modern audiences.

> Lack of economic and political knowledge. He flirts several times with eugenic and socialist conduct. Had he lived long enough, he would probably be an admirer of Hitler. This lack of knowledge in these issues makes their work become even more outdated and less complex.

> Total lack of subtexts. He probably did not even know what that word means. He also had an extraordinarily poor vocabulary.


In summary, Lovecraft is a lame """"""""""artist"""""""""", his work is incapable of captivating people endowed with education, imagination and taste.

Hollywood understands this and seeks to stay away from the pitiful quality and racism that the name Lovecraft is eternally bound.

Here is an example of the """"""""legacy"""""""" of Lovecraft


Nothing happened in it though

Bloodbirne was my first souls game for some reason as well so it was incredible for me. Getting bored f completing it now. I feel like I only play that and souls 3 one after the other I need a break. I don't really follow any gaming stuff anymore but I'd happily take a souls 4. I don't really want another bloodborne, just leave it alone as it is.


What was Lovecraft's tax policy in At the Mountains of Madness?

Lovecraftfags literally BTFO!

But that's wrong. Did you actually watch it to the end?

If it has spooky, it's horror. A lot of sci fi is horror.

Nigger go play Demon's Souls and Dark Souls right now. Especially DeS.

>I'd happily take a souls 4
For the love of Gwyn no! I want a new IP.

This. Mothman Prophecies for the atmosphere/themes.

Damn, how will wh*tey ever recover?

Retard he wrote plenty of gothic horror

I did. I bought a ps3 slim and completed both after finishing souls 3. I sold the ps3 afterwards lel. Loved both of them but dark souls was a bit disappointing. The bosses for the most part were too easy.

True Detective Season 1 is the worst waste of lovecraft themes ever. "the fat retard did it, let's focus on teh drama instead" whoop-dee-fucking-doo.

For me DeS and BB are the best, they have more artistic value all around than simple gaming value. Then there's DaS and then all the rest follows in the distance.
Well, i don't think that the focus of story True Detective was trying to tell was the investigative part. It was more about the life journey and its phylosophy.

Patrician copypast, that shit fucks with reddit/left-wings and Sup Forums at the same time

Fuck that Derlethian Nyarlathotep.


Fucking wrong.

Spot on.

Enjoyable but pop lovrcraft at its core. The tentacles and overarching theme take away from it being reasonably lovecraftian. The creatures served as nothing more than demons to a femonic cult. The movie shoudlve explored the unknowable darkness and mystery of death than be about stopping a maf scientist from birthing tentacle babies. From beyond did this a lot better and the whole old one cult aspect has plagued lovecrafts works for a while now. Its not a bad movie at all but I wouldnt consider it lovecraftian. It needed more quiet moments of the character questioning his reality, datk visons of the comos that leave more questions than answers.

Muh niqqas

most of this thread does not know what Lovecraftian means

my cock is lovecraftian

Very kafkaesque post


Your moms pusy last night was lovecraftian, I've got to ask your father to help me out your giant mom's pusy when he got back home because I was getting devoured and there were tentacles and shiet.

HBO movie about a non magic using detective investigating a kidnapping in 1950's magic filled Hollywood.

Easily the best Lovecraft story I've ever seen. Top quality game. A masterpiece.

>Event horizon
>In the mouth of madness

based sam

No dude, that will make you get gud. If you want easy mode restart with axe.

Fuck off with this shit.

Trite horseshit. One of the worst movies I've ever seen.

He invented the cosmic horror genre. I know it's not the usual "in your face" type of horror, it's slower and smarter, but it's still horror.

You fuck off, pleb. There's no good lovecraftian movie, this thread shouldn't have been made.

Seriously a great fucking film. Fun and atmospheric, wish we could have more like it.
Youve got good taste, faggot

ITT: "I'm a Lovecraft expert, I read like 3 of his stories and played the RPG games. I fucking love Cthulhu"

Lovecraft is fucking baste

It tries to be like Prince of Darkness, Hellraiser II, and Stuart Gordon movies in general and fails miserably. I've seen better special effects and puppetry on Sesame Street.

Not him, and I loved the movie, but Europa Report is hardly Lovecraftian.

>giant alien tentacle monster
>not the epitome of unhindered lovecraftianism

>ITT: "I'm a Lovecraft expert, I read his wiki and own a Cthulhu funko pop."




Fuck off

>this guy is TOO big for me

I hope this is ironic.

It's 100% Kafkaesque