The Plan:

The Plan:

Since April’s shipping business cant survive against Amazon’s two day shipping, we’ll curb it by offering one day shipping. The catch: all delivery men will be named Dae, so when the package arrives, only one Dae will deliver it.

Sell 5$ a month health insurance plans that will exempt you from the insurance penalty but the plans over cover procedures that are over 1 trillion dollars in cost

real talk could this actually work?

Honestly the best show ever made

>tells the client the plan
>"um...yeah i guess so?"
"The client was estatic about my ideas"

every time


>Make thread to incite discussion about an underrated TV show. The catch: instead of just start the thread by declaring it as a general for all discussion I will instead give a vague line that will work as a call to action for different people to fill in the rest. For this plan to work I will have to use an image that easily conveys what the show is that I'm talking about. After a quick google search I found that there were far too many images to choose from so I decided to grab them all and number them each.

>With 3483 different pictures to review I quickly realized that I'd need some help, so I hit up craigslist to find some potential helpers that were willing to work for very little pay. Another problem arose as I was not entirely convinced that this people understood exactly what I was looking for in a picture so I called everyone in for a meeting to make sure everyone was on the same page.

>It was sad letting everyone go after just one day but I had realized the only way to really make sure my vision remained intact was to do it myself. After weeks of work I had finally decided on an image worthy of my idea: number 960. Now the only thing left to do was post the thread.

>The plan was a success, different anonymous users flocked to my thread replying all kinds of different things in reference to the show. It was time to head back and tell user the good news.

wait until all the mods are offline and spam shit threads so they replace genuine threads

The season finale broke me

Season finale wasnt funny was just sad and cringy

This. Fucking hell.

I liked it

it was kino

best show on tv

best thing produced for tv

it's an 8/10 show but it's absurdkino and there's nothing like it.

>"we got along with the blacks"
what did he mean by this?

>he forgot the 'I look like a stalkerrr?' and his favourite nut being a peanut and here I go again digging' moments

It was everything; it was awkward, funny, suspenseful, horrifying, and genuinely touching. It makes me feel something, just not sure what.

He's suggesting racism wasn't even bad back then and that the black lives matter is about as useless and disingenuous as modern feminism

This is proof of concept of something that's Vinceposting-levels potential.