We need to talk about the ones running Hollywood

>Despite being nearly 70 years old, she would have been a better Wonder Woman than Gal Gadot
In what kind of fucked up world is this kind of thing acceptable?

Other urls found in this thread:



I would most def fuck old WW instead of the new one.

I'd take them both to Poundtown if you know what I mean ;)

>muh boobies
Look at the second to the last pic. It's not just her knockers, she actually has a full body.
I'm not sure if it's simply nepotism or if they're attempting to pressure girls as young as 10 into having eating disorders.


top kek, fucking nice user
OC? Saved

>unironically quoting chanel oberlin
>posting emma roberts while calling out nepotism

She's gonna be on AMC tonight

Whoa why are those mammaries so big?


Because she's a wonder... Wonder Woman!

She isn't there because of nepotism though, the way it works is that she learned acting from a young age. She becomes the characters she plays. Amazing actress, it's a shame that she's so underrated. Did you see the plane scene? I almost spit out my drink over the people in the row after me at the theater watching that.
Can't say the same about Gadot who can't even speak proper English, let alone act.


>She isn't there because of nepotism though
Literally how retarded are you?

wtf is up with that sloping forehead?


the truth is out there

You can tell how much more feminine Lynda Carter looks by a simple profile shot.

Are you denying how good an actress she is?
Nepotism implies she's there as a favor to Eric or Julia from someone. She went to castings and got roles because she's a great actress, that's it. Nepotism is what the Hamm/Gadot webm shows. "Actresses" who can't act but rather just emote.
Through one of her maternal great-great-grandfathers, Sir Lionel Lawson Faudel-Phillips, 3rd Baronet, Delevingne descends from the Anglo-Jewish Faudel-Phillips baronets; two of her ancestors on that line served as Lord Mayor of London.

>she's there as a favor to Eric or Julia from someone.
Exactly. She's an unbearably awful actress, that's why the only thing she has going for her are bit parts in abysmal Ryan Murphy shows

what's wrong with her lips?

This is the power of the real Wonder Woman

Why the actual fuck didn't they cast Lynda as Hippolyta in the WW movie?



It's for the best, now she can play one of the goddesses in the nude

>She's an unbearably awful actress
Are you stupid? I'm actually surprised that you completed a captcha despite the limitations of your tiny manatee brain.

>that webm
How is she in a movie? You couldn't even pass a school play audition with that kind of emoting.

Goddammit. She's 70? Congrats to her husband then.

actchually, she's 66

That shitty emoting is what makes her good for the WW role. You guys are forgetting that the capeshit audience is made up of kids and manchildren. They don't react well to quality acting, because they don't understand subtlety.

>he watches scream queens

nice "argument"
props for posting a good actress though, I'd watch a Stone WW
PS: Moonlight didn't deserve the Oscar

>muh capeshit
>le she's so bad she's good xd

>or if they're attempting to pressure girls as young as 10 into having eating disorders.

Is not hard to turn young girls into anorexics

The 70s were better than the 10s its ok, get over it. We have the stick WW for today so women feel empowered and not uglier than her and before they had the freedom to make WW the paragon of female beauty. Its just different times, stfu autists.

That's what I'm saying
They see Gadot the skeleton being paraded as Wonder Woman, beautiful as Aphrodite, and want to be that fucking skeleton.

>putting an anorexic sandnegress that looks like a MTF tranny in a pedestal makes women feel empowered

Gee, I wonder who could be behind this post

Yeah, but I don't think young girls are watching capeshit movies. If anything I hope that seeing Gadot makes all those neckbeard manchildren lose weight.

The whole point of nu WW is to make capeshit appealing to young girls

Clearly a male head skull proportion

what's this supposed to mean?

What a Stacy, purposefully wearing a corset to make jack skellington look bad. You can tell she's jealous.

rare Lynda's thread?

That dress on Julia makes it look like she's wearing a noose and getting ready to be hung for being a witch. It even looks like shes screaming in tears.

>This subhuman is a russian senator

>that succubus stare
I think I found her rightful successor


Gal hadn't has no warmth. She is a mean Israeli who is unfriendly and makes decisions with her husband like a businessman

Wait Lynda Carter was in Skyrim?

As Gormlaith Golden-Hilt and Azura

Wait there was a Skyrim movie?

Who is "we"? Speak for yourself, faggot

Not rare enough

>t. jidf shill

>having feet like those at 66


>tfw "Mother teaching daughter to masturbate" with these two NEVER


Who is running it?

Not to defend the movie or the actress, but the whole movie was goofy. Her emoting is not as annoying as Dane Dehaan's voice. And why did Besson change the tone of the cartoon so much? It's like turning Dragon Hunters into Reign of Fire.

Her husband is a Bethesda's boss (not Todd).

and also a kike


Her mother must have contracted Zika while pregnant.

user, I...

What's her daughter like? I hope those 10/10 genes didn't go to waste



Fuck she is incredible holy shit.

Perfect tits.

No, I would like a Wonder Woman who is conventionally attractive and doesn't look like a beanpole.




This is my fetish. I want to be soft-humiliated by a tall, voluptuous mature woman who treats me like a child.

What went wrong?

She is hot but compared to her mom she is a 0.

Did you know Lynda has a daughter?

wow.she's beautiful

>sideboob or underboob or whatever the fuck this is called
time to fap

>What went wrong?

I just posted the real one man


Not Sup Forums but unironically this, too much jew genes on the face

Do you know that's not even her?

She's also proof that jewbs are a meme

Cripple thumbs are a huge turn-off.

fuck he is fucking ugly. He ruined her!

does Todd get to watch?


Video games have voice acting, dumbass

true love

nigga it gets posted every day

and yes its awesome

I know they do (for example Debbie Harry did voice acting for GTA Vice City, she's the dispatcher for the cab company), but I was hoping to see her in a movie.


Gadot literally forced into male clothing to hide shameful figure. Reverse sissification.

>Whoa why are those mammaries so big?
She and Susan Sarandon have the grandma giggety gene.

>Todd, I my my beautiful, sexy wife to voice act in one of your games. Make it so every player will have the ability to fuck her for free.
why are jews such cucks

How is this guy not a Neanderthal?


>inb4 why not just post the webm

because I want good quality and I can't make it go under 3mb for this shit board