Character speaks mandarin and is considered a genius because of it

>character speaks mandarin and is considered a genius because of it

I'd like to see you try talking to an orange

good thread

>character creates thread
>with greentext
>and frog

>character says a few lines in latin
>is considered an intellectual for it

>character can use the terminal
>is considered a computer genius

>character is some kind of AI
>has some kind of god complex
>Listens exclusively to classical music

>smart character makes plan
>"according to my calculations......"


>smart character
finally the trope thread, i was waiting forever for this

>president character
>black guy

>*record scratch*
>*freeze frame*
>teenage wasteland by the who starts playing

>"smart" character
>they need to show just how smart this guy is
>so they have him be unnecessarily verbose and use words that nobody irl (smart or not) would casually use

>cool character
>mc and group look down hall
>slowmo entry of cool character and crew
>reverse shot to mc, slow pan out
>'whoa' remark


>they must have left in a hurry... food is still out on the table

>says the American who only speaks one language

>character kneel and swipe his finger on a substance on the floor
>taste it
>'"mm,fresh blood,he went north and was carrying a bucked of KFC"

>group of people with special abilities
>the strongest psychic/telekinetic-user is a frail young girl

You talking about Nicky The Autist from Louie's doc?

>show is set in America
>a defining character trait for one of the characters is that he's bilingual

>character is smart but lazy
>character is good looking but shy

>character is supposed to be a supergenius savant
>looks exactly the same as the chad protagonist except he has glasses on

>loser character still get Stacy for the prom while Chad set himself for some nerdy landwhale

>runs forward straight into a wall

>feast scene
>grapes on table
>someone spills wine all over face
>someone eating leg of animal
>violins and irish jig

>"""loser""" protagonist likes Stacy
>Stacy secretly likes him back, but she's dating Chad since before the show/movie started

Pretty much ruined the entire first season of The Office for me
A girl like Pam would never go for a guy like Jim when she already had Roy.

>am bilingual american (that isnt spanish as second language)
>am treated like literal royalty

did you miss the part where roy was sexually/mentally abusing her?