Christian bales new look

He's a big guy

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oh no no no no

Nice, he looks like he should be living in the group home for the mentally ill on my street.



dude transformations lmao

good job Sup Forums, you misused meme magic and now he's doubled

LOL, what happend to this fat fuck? He used to be ripped

pretty good

>you will never be as dedicated to your craft as Christian Bale

He's playing Dick Cheney in a new film so he fattened up.

>crunchy crispy strips, I can eat a thousand now


Is he starring in a The Three Stooges reboot?

He is surely damaging his body at this point



>getting months off to do whatever you fucking want
>eat what the fuck you want
>get paid millions regardless if flick is good
>all you have to do is remember some lines whilst people give you want you want hand and foot
>can get back to normal with your high tec gym at your own home
>Rinse and repeat.

what a job

At least he is dedicated to his craft. It's unreal what he has put his body through at this point.

will he be able to bounce back from this?

>DICK fucking CHENEY

He could play Professor Pyg in Ben Affleck's The Batman

>muh body
lol you realize he can get million dollar healthcare right?

i've always longed for the day when i'd look like Bale - it's finally here

he is going to play The Judge in the Blood Meridian movie !

Hey Doug

I love this man.

Still holding out for John Goodman

Blood Meridian can only be done in CGI. Square Enix/Visual Works, take note.

Fuck you might be right, though I'd prefer traditional animation. Still John's voice would be perfect, it can go from playful to malevolent in no time flat.
>that scene where he's palying with a young indian boy on his lap and when the kid looks away and back he's already scalped him

Method acting at its finest

Did Jonah Hill and Christian Bale swap bodies?

is he going to play uncle fester?

Rich people never die of diseases and are immune to negative health effects of being obese/ starving themselves


Brando once said that acting was a bum's life. I'm starting to believe that he was right.

He'll bounce back.

H-he’s just bulking for a new role.




who the hell asked for a dick cheney biopic

does he have scoliosis? that shoulder imbalance

>no dubs
I refuse to believe it's him

Shit thread, sega

Alt-right kino starring Bale as Spencer confirmed

Is he playing me in the inevitable biopic?

>Look how good of an actor I am I'm fat lol

>Seriously man. You and me, we're fucking done professionally.
>Fucking Ass.

>tfw too intelligent to live near niggers

Does he even have a female equivalent?

You're a bale guy

not the first time

>mfw I have the same exact body except I'll never be able to get slimmer and ripped like Bale


Going bald in blue fashion is the new trend.

Has he gone to the deep end again for a role?

will these dubs convince you

that image hurts

Could this be his role?

drop the cheetos and lift some weight, you faggot

>Need to gain weight? Time to go to McDonald's.
>Need muscle, nutritionist/ personal trainer plus roids.
>I need to get skinny? Stop eating, snort coke.

I'm not impressed.


very nice

So fucking stupid. Just pick a different actor. This is some Johny Depp tier shit.

How does he make such great dance music?

literally me

Underrated comment

Surely, you fucked up and posted a pic of Collin Quinn?

lost mitchell brother?

Did he morph with Jim Norton?

literally me

Aren't these guys trannies now?

you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain