Gal Gadot is fighting for something already accomplished! So brave! Real life Wonder Woman!

Gal Gadot is fighting for something already accomplished! So brave! Real life Wonder Woman!

That award she "refused to present to him" was presented by Patty Jenkins instead. Because it was a simple scheduling conflict.

At what point in our society did we see the shift towards guilty unless proven innocence? I know something like "sexual misconduct" has always been a touchy subject in our culture, but what specific thing was the turning point where you can just accuse someone of something and completely ruin their life?

Brett Ratner is based, Ellen Page is a fucking faggot with no career

To be fair, Brett is a shit director. Making him attack my waifu makes him a bigger cunt.

Name one good Brett Ratner movie.

Celebs don't automatically become based or /ourguys/ because they've abused someone.

>At what point

The Rush Hours

Name one good Ellen Page movie.

X men: days of future past
That one old porno

money Talks

That's 3 retard

Hard Candy

see also inception

So hypocrite you mean


Beyond Two Souls

>it really is false
>but WB will be accused of sexism

If she has any of the moral fiber the media is pushing her image to have, she will say the story is false because Brett is already out

Ben Affliq is next.

She sucked Ben's balls on Twitter the same day he was accused of being a serial butt crack attacker.

Either Ben is fucking her or he has some dirt on her.

well that would be both

wait. if there were gonna drop him anyways why deny the reasoning? that just seems like the best press you can get
probably to avoid some lawsuits form Ratner

or she's pretending to be his friend so he won't see it coming... the knife in the back.

OR Ben's accusations is part of his master plan to sabotage the Justice League movie.

because WB is stupid an told the truth

Affleck admitted to it though


I came for this. Wasn't disappointed.

Why does Gal Gadot have nothing to say about Ben Al-Shabab Affleck?

because they want to keep the deal with RatPac, even if Brett is gone

Why do you think.

You know why


>literally making facebook accounts to shitpost some whore
