Amazon closes deal for LOTR tv series

>Amazon has closed a deal to acquire the global TV rights to The Lord of the Rings, based on the fantasy novels by J.R.R. Tolkien, with a multi-season commitment. The upcoming Amazon Prime Original will be produced by Amazon Studios in cooperation with the Tolkien Estate and Trust, HarperCollins and New Line Cinema, a division of Warner Bros. Entertainment.

>the project, which comes with an upfront rights payment said to be in the $200 – $250 million range, though some sources say the fee was slightly below $200 million. That is just for the rights, before any costs for development, talent and production, in proposition whose finances many industry observers called “insane.” . It is a payment that has to be made sight unseen as there is no concept, and there are no creative auspices attached to the possible series. On top of that, the budget for a fantasy series of that magnitude is likely to be $100-$150 million a season.

$200 million just for the RIGHTS


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Get ready for niggers appearing all over your Middle Earth.

Funny how I wasn't considering suicide earlier today.

Change none of the character's races except Shelob into a snake.

and muh strong womins


they want to make their investment back though, don't they? producing another BIG BLACK TOWER wont achieve that

pretty much inevitable I guess

it's amazon, they have no problem losing money to gain market share, it's half their business model

It's going to fucking suck balls and it will look worse than GoT did after season 1.

>will smith as aragorn
>aziz ansari as gimli
>zachary quinto as legolas
>the girl from stranger things as frodo
>george takei as gandalf
>lactatia as sam
>dave bautista as boromir
>michael B. Jordan as faramir
>all bad guys are white males with tiki torches



Why do you actually care even if they black wash it? It's not like it erases the existence of the original films. And it literally cannot be worse than The Hibbit trilogy. Stop overreacting.

>racists this triggered over the Juden ruining their hobbit fantasies

>Aziz Ansari as Gimli

>$200 million for rights
>$100 million per season
>prime revenue
Are they competing with Netflix to see who can rack up more debt?

I have never been this mad in my life

>While the release did not include any mention of when the series will premiere or who is attached to star, produce, or direct, it did make a point of stating that “the television adaptation will explore new storylines preceding J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Fellowship of the Ring” and that there was the definite possibility for spinoff series. Matt Galsor, a rep from the Tolkien estate also added that the series would bring to life a number of “previously unexplored stories based on J.R.R. Tolkien’s original writings.”

Who knows, they killed their David O. Russell series after spending $40 million on it.

netflix and amazon need to fucking crash already


1,130 days until Avatar 2, my friend

which one is going to have more diversity this or the witcher 3?

>Matt Galsor, a rep from the Tolkien estate also added that the series would bring to life a number of “previously unexplored stories based on J.R.R. Tolkien’s original writings.”
Did Christopher die? How did he allow this?

We need to create a Sup Forums fellowship to destroy Amazon before it covers LOTR in darkness.

There's no ring though so we'll be taking semi-automatics and suicide vests. And there won't be any eagles carrying us away after.

The virgin trees
vs The Chad Eagles

Wouldn't be surprised if the media is confusing Middle-earth Enterprises with the Tolkien Estate AGAIN

Shadow of Arnor confirmed.


would watch

Why didnt the fa/tv/irgins just take planes to amazon?

you cant take it away from me fags

Finally we can get the storyline we all waited for.

forgot pic

Leslie Jones and Goldberry played by Amy Schumer

>no Idris Elba


Eowyn was fine because she's barely embellished from the books, just a tad. And her I am no Man line is handled a lot less old-timey weird than in the book. Arwen replacing Glorfindel, the reborn slayer of a Balrog, makes sense too, sort of? It's like why didn't he join the Fellowship if he's so fucking awesome.

>this is an enemy beyond any of you
>swords are no use here
>unless of course I was paired with Glorfindel instead of you fucking noobz

First post truest post

>Gandalf and Glorfindel beat the fuck out of Durin's Bane

Then again, isn't Elf power much diminished since the first age?

Are people still interested in Lord of the Rings after the travesty that was The Hobbit?

Hobbit had some parts to like. It was just the weird mix in tones of the actual book adapting and the backstory from the Christopher Tolkien expanded works that hampered it. Like the Dol Godur shit is fine, but not even Dwarves are having a fucking foodfight and singing their dumb songs.

To be fair, the Silmarillion would lend itself well to a series format. It could be so good if done well. Surely it's not just going to be a super long remake of LotR? What would be the point of that unless Tom Bombadil was in it?

Just because Sindars are pussies wewuzists larping as High Elves, doesnt mean actual High Elves are fags too

Yeah, it could be like

>Episode One, on the Creation of Arda and the Valar, Creation of the Trees
>Episode Two, the Awakening and Sundering of the Elves and how they came to Valinor
>Episode Three, Feanor, Melkor, and the Silmarils
>Episode Four, Gotta Slaughter some Elves for boats.
Some kind user made this today

Idris Elba is Theoden.
The Evil White Male will cast his evil magic on him and literally sell his people for slavery to Mordor.

>Set in Middle Earth, the television adaptation will explore new storylines preceding J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Fellowship of the Ring.

>“We are delighted that Amazon, with its longstanding commitment to literature, is the home of the first-ever multi-season television series for The Lord of the Rings,” said Matt Galsor, a representative for the Tolkien Estate and Trust and HarperCollins. “Sharon and the team at Amazon Studios have exceptional ideas to bring to the screen previously unexplored stories based on J.R.R. Tolkien’s original writings.”

all I could think about when watching them was how disgusted I was that it was split into three films for maximum profits. all the plot points are spread wafer thin to elongate the films.

>new storylines preceding
there's hope

this might actually not be bad

>$100-$150 million a season
>a season
Someone put retard hat on.
.........I will watch it.....

>Doing the series people have already seen at least three different variations of on the big screen instead of the bajiliion books never adapted

They're not remaking Lord of the Rings, retardo.

Yeah that is the best case scenario. Imagine the rise of Hurin and the first men, finally culminating into the war with morgoth. I want to see the Balrogs riding dragons.

Any other adaptations would mostly be little episodic bits of lore and mythology. Maybe Turin's story as one long narrative would work.

I hope it's just slice of life episodes featuring a different character each episode. Saruman's toilet is clogged. Arwen must come up with a father's day present for her father. Stuff like that.

Already ruined.
Fuck I am not even dead and they are already rebooting my fond memories of LotR trilogy.


Boy! That always ends well.

>$100-$150 million per season


>$200 million just for the RIGHTS

Fun fact: Thanks to (((Hollywood Accounting))) The LotR Trilogy, which grossed around $3 billion at the box office, actually lost money and all these years later New Line has yet to recoup those losses.

>Sauron's ex-wife is coming to visit, and his girlfriend is not happy about it!


>Björn capturing hunters in his forest and keeping them in his Fritzel basement and dressing one up as a long extinct female of his species

did they have guitars in Middle Earth?

jesus christ this looks so stupid

>$200 million just for the RIGHTS

Jeff Bezos did it, the ABSOLUTE madman!

>Gollum loses his ring

Things that are guaranteed
>obnoxious female warrior character
>a gay character
>political commentary
>horrendous CGI

>Sam breaks the news to Frodo and the shirefolk about his secret orc lover. Will Sam and Gritchek make it against the odds and societies judgement?

I'm surprised we're getting a LOTR tv show before a Harry Potter-verse show.

>baww some characters will be black
Grow up retards

Seems like a way more natural fit for a tv show... They only need to build the Hogwarts sets once, then they can reuse the same ones for 8 seasons. Makes so much sense

>Feanor has a crush on Galadriel and tries to court her but she denies him a hair of her head. He proceeds to make some beautiful gems to impress her! What could go wrong?

Balrog visits the Shire during Bimbo's celebrations

TV companies like to copy each other
Game of thrones makes millions each episode, now every big time network wants it's own fantasy show.
Netflix is doing a witcher series, so Amazon is matching that with a lotr one

>implying thats the worst thing that will happen

>Bilbo's 111th birthday party heats up when a Balrog comes to visit. Is he a menace to the hobbits, or is he there just to have a good time?
>Tune in next week to find out!

It can start in like 1910 or something, then we can see World War I trough the eyes of wizards and shit

You don't want to see a black, transgender, bi-polar, pansexual, Muslim Aragorn? Fucking bigot

Bimbo Baggins played by Kat Dennings
fund it

Downton Abbey, but in Hobbiton. Will Belladonna ever get her silverware back from the Sackville Bagginses?
I would watch that desu

>uh oh! Ungoliant is pregnant! Can the Ezeloharian forest people avoid her terrible mood swings?

for 200 million are they free to do what they want,
or will outraged (((tolkien relatives))) oversee the project?

>Gollum tries to rehabilitate himself by picking up a hobby. Will he realise his talent and leave his old life behind?

>we want the GOT audience after they're finished

I can't imagine it being worse than The Hobbit: Desolation of my Eyeballs.

This wouldn't even be a problem but it's painfully obvious that the story will bend itself over backwards to tell us how these brave people of COLOR are being heroes


Bilbo’s hobbit hole is flooded with mead by merry and pippin, and lotho is coming for dinner. Meanwhile, eowyn finds a horn.

They won't diversify it, they want to make money. It's time for true TV Kino to kill Game of Thrones for good.


>Bimbo Baggins played by Kat Dennings

fuck it I'm in.

Game of Thrones will end before this finishes production my dude

>to kill Game of Thrones for good
Game of Thrones will have ended and forgotten about long before a single episode comes out of this series.

>see this shit?
>i just came up with it
>i call it a sword
>its designed to specifically fuck your shit up

Fucking Feanor

If it is as good and diverse as DIS, I'm all in. Wouldn't be surprised if they made the elves darker.

>no source
Kill yourself nigger

if they spent this much money on it, there is a chance they try hard enough to not fuck it up that they dont fuck it up

If it's filled with niggers then yes, it can be worse than the hobbit films.

A lot of money was spent on the new Ghostbusters film and they did everything in their power to fuck it up.

How can a tv series return the money invested for it's production and filming? It can't.

There's a reason movies can have big budgets, it's because people pay money for theater tickets and physical media.

correct me if im wrong, but i think all that money was spent on the movie itself. this 200 mil will have been spent BEFORE any money is spent on actually creating any part of the series itself, effectively making it a much bigger purchase