Why no Fallout movie?

Why no Fallout movie?

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Fallout 3 or New Vegas: Which would be the best to adapt?

while fallout 3 is obviously a way worse story, it would make a better movie

Because you are a Sup Forumseddit pleb that doesn't understand fallout is inclusive of every post apocalyptic movie, show, or book made prior to the game's release.
Just go watch any of the numerous movies it references, pays homage to, or out right rips off.

Freeside and New Vegas itself would make for a way more interesting setting in a movie than most things in 3. I have to say, Rivet City has a lot of potential though.

Book of Eli was as close as we're gonaa get



Because there are already fallout-esque movies that the game borrowed their cues from it: Mad max, The book of Eli, A boy and his dog, Omega man, I am legend

Fallout 3 came out long before Book of Eli and Legend. The other 2 were probably inspirations though.

New Vegas had a way more interesting world with several factions with different beginnings and histories

3 just had the Enclave and Brotherhood both of which had the same vague origins of coming from the west

New Vegas, quit fooling yourself Howard

Because it would end up like Fallout 4 but even more linear
There wouldn't be any rpg choices, which is what Fallout is all about

3 for a serviceable but forgettable summer movie

NV for a long-running TV drama

it's a fucking movie you don't get choices

It would be shit. All video game movies are shit because they start out with the intention to just create a video game movie, rather than to create a good movie first with the setting of the video game as a backdrop.

fallout 1 would be the best and easiest adaptation

>which is what x is all about
you don't get to decide that, faggot

because video games are shit

now go back

a show set in Freeside would be a great idea

Fallout is a fucking RPG you massive hyperdyke

which is why it would be bad

Mr.House >> Ceaser >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rest

A show about the various factions fighting for the control of the Mojave could be pretty good but let's be real, they'd just make the Legion evil and the NCR the good goys.

are you retarded