Why was this show so successful?

Why was this show so successful?

No blacks

No spics

Who would they vote for?

No break

Maximum comfy levels

Monica - Hillary
Phoebe - Jill Stein
Rachel - doesn’t vote because she doesn’t care about politics
Ross - Trump because a woman was mean to him in the bus
Chandler - Gary Johnson because he reminds Chandler of himself
Joey - doesn’t know the candidates and tries to copy off the guy in the booth next to him and is not allowed to vote


I want to defile young Courtney

Came here to post this

>Joey tries copying the guy next to him
Fund it




I can't believe she wasted her youth on Friends only. I wish she'd have done better things.


I've recently started "rewatching" Friends again. I put it inside scare quotes because I just leave it on and barely pay attention. The plot lines are still followable even if you're not 100% focused and the show is extremely lightweight and undemanding. It's still somewhat fun.

I've noticed that Friends is quite popular with girls, and not as popular with boys. (Except the episode with Rachel's nipples obviously).

This is what a 10/10 face looks like


No diversity.

First four seasons are genuinely funny, the cast has good chemistry, the girls are pretty and I guess women liked the boys as well.

It was one of those right thing in the right time kind of things.

And to add, it provided sonething for both men and women.

No rmies


Because they'll be there for you!

In this image she reminds me of Jared Leto and I can't erase it from my head. HELP

Friend simulator from before we had the internet


and location location location

lowest common denominator