If that's true, and you don't know who I am, then... maybe your best course of action... would be to tread lightly

>If that's true, and you don't know who I am, then... maybe your best course of action... would be to tread lightly.
Did people actually think this was badass at the time? Jesus Christ

whats not badass about it?

Because there was no way a pussy like Walt would have the balls to attack Hank

Well yea, but walt had enough money and connections to pay for any hitman


Do you even realize the amount of people that died through his orders? We only see a tiny, tiny fraction of them. That, and the fact he just ran over two dudes and blasted the one in the head like it was nothing. Obviously Walter wouldn't have the strength to fight Hank there and then, but he had a massive upper-hand in any other way.

Walt was an interesting anti-hero. Definitely became dangerous and ruthless, but still a coward and a petty, resentful shit at his center.

>We only see a tiny, tiny fraction of them.
Memes aside, who else was there? I actually can't think of anything to suggest he was ever put in that situation again.

Do we all agree that Walt won in the end? I don't mean won against Gus or Hank or the anybody else. I mean, he did what we sought to do: have fun. He claims in the beginning that he did all of this for his family but the last two seasons should make it obvious to anybody that is complete bullshit. He even says it himself that he did it because he liked it and felt alive. He was going to die in a few months after getting arrested anyway, so even if he did get caught, it wouldn't have mattered anyway.

I don't know what he's talking about with the "tiny fraction" shit but Mr. White:

>strangled Krazy 8
>shot Gus' street dealers
>shot Gus' thugs
>shot Mike
>ordered the murder of Mike's guys in prison

Gus, the cartel, the white supremacists, all of those guys in jail, rival meth cooks, rival drug dealers, Mike, Gus's other henchmen, those two guys who tried to kill Jesse -- the ones he ran over with his car. And then there are all the indirect deaths caused by his schemes, like the boy in the desert. also who is to say there weren't people who OD'd on his meth.

Nigger, he was running a METH empire. That's almost characterized by the most brutal an violent executions and killings in any other drug rings, and he was running it all. In the series we just see funny little hijinks from Badger and co. and are led to believe that's how he makes his cash. Wrong. Like Linda said, he spanned all the way to Europe, and if you know anything about the Czech meth drug trade is that it is absolutely mad.

>Do we all agree that Walt won in the end?
Yes, because in the end he never really gave a shit about his family, he just wanted to feel 'alive' and he certainly achieved that. I never bought this idea that Walt was a good person who slowly became corrupt. He was always a resentful asshole, that's why he decided to cook fucking crystal meth in the first place, instead of invest in bitcoin or some shit which would be far less dangerous.

The irony of the gambling alibi was that Walt was more than intelligent enough to do something like that, and in the end he wouldn't really have been ruining any lives by doing so. But instead, he decided to produce a class A drug. And people act like this guy ever had a moral centre.

He killed Mike who was 10× as badass as Hank

I wasn't referring to the ones we see in the show, I was referring to the loads that supposedly happened off-screen that that other guy mentioned.

Except Walt never had any hand in this shit, he was just the manufacturer. He never personally organised any deaths because he wasn't involved in any of the day-to-day operations.

By that point he had killed a bunch of people by himself and dozens indirectly.

That scene was really contrived, in reality Mike would never have turned his back on him like that.

It's not necessarily that he "lacked" morals, like you can quantify how moral you are on a scale. Personally I think it's just a showcase of the transition of Nietzschean morals: in the beginning, he was powerless and weak, so he adopts a slave morality system to justify his life. But as soon as he starts to acquire power, he shifts into the master morality in which he does anything he can get away with, something like that.

I think he meant with fisticuffs.

>Except Walt never had any hand in this shit

I disagree. I think that after he orders the executions of those guys in jail, it's safe to assume he's done it several more times during the time skip. You can't run a business like that without handing away death sentences like it's candy.

>He never personally organised any deaths because he wasn't involved in any of the day-to-day operations.

he killed that guy with the bike lock, he killed those two drug dealers with his car, he killed gus fring, he had the bikers kill those guys in jail, he could have saved jane...

What back?
It was a mundane meeting "Hey could you get my bag for me" and they're done.

>he could have saved jane
honestly though what could he have done in that situation?

Walt's way of being a badass was through intelligence, outsmarting those who stood in his way. He doesn't need to be able to kill hank himself when he can formulate a scheme to get hank out of the way. An intelligent criminal and organised criminal is far more badass than his hired muscle.

rolled her over
all she did was throw up and choke to death on it
there was nothing seriously wrong with her just let the throw up roll out her mouth so it doesn't clog up her throat and she dies

>I was referring to the loads that supposedly happened off-screen
Let's speculate on the second asshole I have growing out of my foot

It's about as useful as speculating on deaths that are never seen.

That was my point.


jane dying sort of solved his problems for him, even though the right thing to do would have been to save her life and still try to help Jesse

Walter never does the difficult moral thing, though -- just the difficult shitty thing

He tries to save Hank in Ozymandias even though in a pragmatic sense he clearly has nothing to gain, since Jack had no reason to spare Hank and every reason to put the bullet in his head.

yea, this. also, i just finished BrBa, and it reminded me a lot of death note. I wished someone told me BrBa was about mindgames and someone going absolutely insane with his power and intelligence. i would have watched it years ago.

Walt was probably smart enough to count cards, but so are thousands of MIT graduates. You don't think casinos are wise to this shit? Walt spills spaghetti everywhere; the minute he started winning big at a table he would have been escorted to the parking lot. In short time the word would get out and then that's the end of his gambling career. Nevermind that card counting itself is not a science, it's applying probability odds to a game with finite permutations.

Whereas he was an actual chemist, a brilliant one, who knew exactly how to do and when to do it. Making meth was natural, as we see from all the people absolutely floored time and again by the purity of his product. The fact that drugs made him step up, be a badass, discover a harder side of himself and vent all his pent-up frustration was the thing that kept him in it long after he had amassed insane amounts of dough.

>jane dying sort of solved his problems for him
It took away her power of Jessie. Up until then Jessie was basically Walt's bitch, for all the tough talk he gave Mr. White. Then someone with more balls than Jessie AND a vagina comes along and Jessie is immediately hooked on that shit. Mr White is as appealing as leftovers when you have prime pussy.

To be fair, you have to have a very high intelligence to understand Breaking Bad.

yo mr white


Yes. I still do now, because it is.

he didnt attack hank, did you watch the show?
he was worried about hank getting killed in the crossfire, which is exactly what happened.
If hank listened to walt then, he would still be alive

don't you realize how fucked Hank is in this situation? by this point his own brother-in-law has been running a meth empire right under his nose without him realizing it. even if he manages to take Walt down it's the end of his career. honestly you faggots talk so much shit about breaking bad yet you barely understand the show

Why does Jessie own to fridges?