Ugh who cares if the main character is black. Can't we just enjoy the movie, user?

Ugh who cares if the main character is black. Can't we just enjoy the movie, user?

>main character
don't you mean all the side characters

who is that sperm worm?

This only bothers me if either the diversity is just really in your face and deliberate for pandering, or if they racewash a prominent character from a source material that was a specific race. If it isn't in my face all the time and wasn't a prominent character I don't mind much, like Nick Fury or something.

>implying i would ever be found in the company of a nigger

went out with a black girl for a few months who kept trying to get me to see Get Out because of how "important and truthful" it was. I kept saying no and I think that was the start of our problems.

No, Shaniqua. It hurts people like me. It's genocide. If you can't understand my struggle then we have nothing else to discuss.

How about you enjoy this instead
*unzips silent film collection*

>saying no to watching White People are the REAL Monsters: The Movie
good call

I don't mind it, but now it all just seems force fed, that I'm already rolling my eyes a soon as I see it.

>Who cares if the whole cast is white? Can't we just enjoy the movie, user?
Answer the question, op.

thats not what the movie is about though

>yfw every board on Sup Forums is Sup Forums now

>my people are being bred out of existence by interracial casts

ahahahaaha masterrace my ass

Stop posting nigresses. Daily reminder that (((they))) are trying to brainwash you into thinking that nigresses are attractive.

>implying you would ever be found in the company of anyone

America is only 56% white while starring 90% whites. What gives?

My gf is black and I saw Get Out with her, it's a funny flick

The premise is that even the nice white "allies" are secretly racist and oppressive, combined with "dey just want to be us!" bullshit.


OP's image is working

user knows that people of one race cannot enjoy a film if people of another race are characters in it.

Pandering is the goal here, and the kind of pandering user wants is an all white cast.

>My gf is black and I saw Get Out with her,

Disgusting race traitor. You should be hanged with the rest of them.

Virigin poltards detected

>You don't understand Shaquisha, I'M 1/32 IRISH! I must protect my heritage!


I had sex on Saturday thank you very much. I would never pay to see a bad movie just to please a woman. You got walletcucked.

tru lol


Yes, we can enjoy...

I did exactly that until every movie became a lecture.

It's over reddit killed Sup Forums. You have Sup Forumsacks and lefty/pol/ everywhere. Everyone's taking everything so serious now. I miss the good old days of just calling each other faggots and talking about lost.

World is 60% percent Asian and Hollywood panders to dindus? What gives?

How am I a cuck, having sex with a girl is about as far as being a cuck as you can get

This is true and it's not the first time

And all the side characters too. And that's how they paraded it, praising how awesome it is that they left out white people wherever they could on purpose. So no Abrams, I don't think we can just enjoy the movie. Not when it's bundled with your agenda.


the main character being black doesn't bother me. what bothers me is when they change the race of a character to fill diversity quotas.

paying for a bad movie for the sake of someone else's enjoyment is as cuck as it gets, unless it's your child or retarded family member.

I'm whiter than you achmed. My dad is Norwegian and my mom is Finnish, going back for at least 500 years on both sides.

How can I get a black girl guys? I need a huge dick don't I?


>I'm whiter than you achmed

it's not really only people taking shit seriously, it's more every discussion revolving around the same shit and people constantly being drawn to threads like this one because they populate the front page

American "white" people won't pay to watch Asians unless they're paired with a funny black guy like Chris Tucker. They will, however, pay to watch black people do just about anything.

Stopped reading there.

We can.


Go suck achmed dick.

Yeah but does it have to be Idris Elba every time?


*KFC smell fills the air*

I usually pick most of the movies so I let her pick for once and I didn't know anything about it, I enjoyed it though so its hardly going just for her I like going to the cinema


>stink lines
how you know something was drawn by a man-child

Black beauty... fucking hate Americans so much for ruining black people


>Ugh who cares if the main character got himself caught. Can't we just enjoy the movie, Big Guy?

Nobody rational is bothered by a black character
Only Sup Forumstards are and most of them are just meme faglords
What bothers people is when diversity is forced and it's blatantly put there just for PC points while adding nothing to the plot, or alternatively, its a complete change of design on a character that wasn't previously "diverse". They change things people learnt to love one way.
Why can't they make new original "diverse" characters? Look at this nigga. Blade has been a nigger since... ever, and I would be bothered if suddenly he was white.
Other than that, for me it's an aesthetic thing. I like white women cause they're prettier to me. It bothers me more when they use ugly niggas They should just do a better job at finding genuinely pretty black women, like the OP pic or that girl from Gotham



isn't it meant to be sort of satirical? Like, a parody of white libtards who can't stop putting black people on a pedestal? That's what I got from it at least.

Go prep the bull faggot. You're not upsetting anyone. Most Americans have 100% European ancestry.

I want to cum inside a negress at-least once in my life.


This meme is not funny. Fuck off

>They will, however, pay to watch black people do just about anything.
Absolute nonsense. The NFL and NBA are both dying and those are just full of dindus.
Also, nobody answered my initial question in . All you morons have been doing is moving the goalposts.

If op insists that lead being black is no issue, then there should be nothing wrong with a completely white cast. Nobody wants to watch black people. NOBODY.


i have a bad case of the jungle fever


t. amerimutt

Enjoy your AIDS or Hep-C user

>Saying Nigga on Sup Forums.
They're gonna get you!


Like when they choose to cast a minority actor? It's also forced when they choose not to.


Black chicks are the best

Why do ameriblobs get so upset by this

>stink lines
they are flies but anyway, how else do you pertray stinking?

>watch movie with hot guy or scary scenes
>closest fuckable guy or comforting guy is me
>play with each others junk and fuck wildly later
thank you black bitches

Fuck me.

It will never go away. I've got it too, and I've had to suppress it I think it would kill my grandfather to see me even associate with a black person.

>Nobody wants to watch black people. NOBODY.
Can't wait for this to break 1b


>Not knowing the difference for when diversity is forced just for PC points
>on 4chins
gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8



black women look like THAT?!


beautiful! Americans are the master race

No they dont


There is no difference. It's either forced diversity or forced non-diversity. Nobody casts a role without looking at the actor.

bbbut my blood and soil LARPing


your right people I don't like are stinky doo doo heads with farts in their butts KEK



Yes it is, coupled with a whole load of not actually horrifying in any way.


I had a girl over on the weekend and she brought up BLM somehow. Like shoehorned it into the conversation and was saying how she thinks it's great in so many words. I reeeee'd on her and kicked her out.

I find it funny and I'm American.
