Single ticket for Blade Runner sir? That must be the 5th time this week!

>Single ticket for Blade Runner sir? That must be the 5th time this week!

I don't ask you to judge me Robert, I ask you to give me my goddamn crab legs and shut the fuck up.

Laugh it up Robert, just give me my crab legs. The wife's out back in the usual spot enjoy yourself

>wow 5 shifts this week robert? you're really coming up in the world. now give me my butter


It's nice that you keep track, Robert. You're the only one who cares about my comings and goings. I'll tell you what, how about I bump up your usual 30% tip to a cool 45%?


H-Hes fast

Th..thanks you too


W-where'd you go, Robert?

>Excuse me, someone clogged the drain of the communal prekino shower again.

This fucking meme is the best hahahahahahahahahhaah

>Right here user. What're you doing sitting over there by yourself? You know there's a no singles policy haha.

>I walk in the theater and sometimes it feels like he's still here...
>user, he's gone. You have to accept that.


Out of all the stupid and unoriginal Sup Forums memes, IDK why this one always cracks me up.

Who's that girl with you? My wife isn't gonna be happy to hear that your seeing someone else Robert

How's my credit here Robert my man
>why your credit's just fine master user
VERY GOOD 2 tickets to Blue Vel... robert? Robert?


I KNOW it's still you Robert, you left your old nametag on.

R-Robert? Why won't you look at me
>the wind begins to howl
I said I was sorry Robert!
>you hear your blood rushing through your veins
Robert! I'm just a man! I can't bear this!

>tfw instant transmission to the popcorn mines


>user, what are you looking at?
Uhh, nothing. Nothing at all.

one day all of our concession counters will be empty and we'll think about robert in our cold and lonely days

Aye, man! Robert not here, ya heard? Now take dis bucket a' 'erb and go watch some flick, man. Hehehe...heh

hah...i could follow your every move.

do you have any idea the power you're dealing with??

you've always been the designated shooter, sir

um is going on in the bathroom?


I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Crab legs on fire fresh off the grill. I watched vast golden kernels glitter in the dark near the Popcorn Mines. All those moments will be lost in time, like bullets from the gun of a designated shooter. Time to die.


So the order you placed at the kinoplex, lists popcorn, a soda, and the movie ticket there, but why is there only one of you?
Alone again?

What's fem Robert's name?





>nametag isn't changed to godzilla.
Step it up 'fampai', we 4channers expect more effort out of you

mfw i have shitloads of images from multiple sources (Sup Forums/Reddit) + concept shit, all stored in google drive and not even the /br2049/ discord group wants it. Feels bad mang.

it's his sister you stupid sperg

How many fucking Sup Forums discord groups are there?

are they robert related? I'll trade you my 717 rare virgin vs chad memes if they are about robert

How does Robert remain happy stuck in a dead end, minimum wage job? What is his secret?

>dead end
he's manager and will soon be a regional manager of the kinoplex store expansion
he also oversees the manlet pits and is paid extra for that
he also runs a small crab leg business
do us a favor and go back

I'm sorry it had to end like this, user.


>I saw things once guess I'll die now

his line of work has its perks

My time has come. I have to go.


You go Robert, live the dream.



your pants got longer

nothing personel robert


B-b-but Robert, that's my wife!

Mind if I eat some of your popcorn, user?


Only if I get to eat something that belongs to you as well.


>train crab to break falcon legs
>tfw local kinoplex implements no single crabs policy
what the fuck am i supposed to do with my european crab bag now?