ITT - Celebs that are actually pretty cool in real life


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You start.

start whenever you're ready

You start.

cool to the touch

>Wife dies in strange circumstances
>Remarries in less than a year


He’s an atheist, so she was just a meat robot to him

Room temperature, user.

Met him at random last week. Was laid back, made chit-chat, took a photo with us. Seemed a little surprised someone recognized him.

>Seemed a little surprised someone recognized him.
Bullshit. He's on TWD in an important role that gets quite a bit of screentime.


>complimenting patton oswalt in the hope he won't murder you
He's coming, user.

What do you call that haircut?

>Seemed a little surprised someone recognized him
That's cute

>Seemed a little surprised someone recognized him.

Really? Any chance he might have high-functioning 'tism? Or maybe you do?
Because I can't imagine anyone in WD being surprised.

I remember listening to an interview with this guy and he sounded cool as fuck.


We're in Atlanta, yeah. He just seemed withdrawn, when I said "Excuse me, are you Stephen Ogg?" he turned around looking at me kind of startled.

Yeah he was really willing to take a photo with us, brief interaction but he was cool.

West world. And Trevor

>patton oswalt got away with murdering his wife

explain this Sup Forums

>actually pretty cool in real life
how would you know that for a fact?
how would you know they werent...acting?

This thread is kino

Nobody ever posts the full version of that gif anymore and it makes me upset

If a famous person fakes being nice to a stranger and a normie, with no camera on them, it's evidence to support them being at least comparatively nice.

>a guy who murdered his wife and remarried in less than a full year

I've met a bunch playing journalist. First of all, although I haven't met them, Keanu and Ethan Hawke had the best rep for being cool to press and always giving real, passionate answers.

Of the ones I have met, John Lithgow and Ben Kingsley gave in depth and passionate answers to what we're pretty boring and general questions (by necessity) Jim Carey gave me a kind of inappropriate hug, but I asked for the hug, and he gave it joyfully, slit remains a fond memory. Sam Jackson said "motherfucker" within 2 seconds of me introducing myself, and that's all anyone really wants.
Bruce Willis is a dick, and Michael Keaton is a dick BUT he opened up and gave me a really thoughtful answer when I was able to give him a unique question. Both those dudes just hate press, Joaquin Phoenix does too.

Mel Gibson purposely unmanned me. I spilled spaghetti everywhere. But I don't really blame him.

Ever see this one? Bruce plays himself with an unspecified degree of realism.

literally everybody has a phone and by extension, a camera
if a celebrity decides to be a dick, how fast would people record it i wonder

No. But I am totally on board. I don't think I could talk to DeNiro without nerding out so far out. Into orbit.

That shitty poster makes me irrationally angry.

What if they act like a dick but are actually nice

Oh, and Aaron Paul. I have interviewed him, and he was so great. But he actually called me once. He asked people to send them their phone numbers and said he would call them. I looked,and there were hundreds of responses, but only a few numbers, so I posted mine. He called me the next day. I said "Hello?" And head
>Hey Bitch!
And I gushed and we talked about breaking bad for a while (it was before the show ended) he is mad friendly.


Rob plays a Hollywood fixer and one of the problems he has to deal with is Bruce being a dick and holding up the filming of a movie.

I wonder about this when I hear about an actor being a notorious cunt. It makes me wonder if they are genuinely a cunt or if they're just regular people that can't handle being around "Hollywood people" all the time.

What, just randoms on twitter, or something?

You can't "fake being nice" to someone. You can either be nice to them or not.

He traded up tb.h

I am so on board.
Yep. He just called a bunchof randoms on Twitter. He seemed so happy to do it.

The "Alopecia"

Rob Schneider is a bro irl

Idk what your need to every nuance of human expression explained to you is *wink wink* but he just seemed off-guard is all, and I literally didn't know he was in TWD till I told a friend about it. I know from GTA and WW.

Only if they have a "bad boy" image to maintain, like Ice Cube maybe

The killer from Too Many Cooks?

Don & Bill: the Good Guys

>Celebs that are actually pretty cool in real life
And this is who you start the thread with?

Emma Stone is a sweetheart

Robert Blake murdered his wife and got away with it.
OJ Simpson murdered his ex-wife and her boyfriend and got away with it.

As long as you don't work for her.

What did he mean by this?

Not to mention it was a complete upgrade

She's not known as the Scottsdale Tornado for nothing.


>Scottsdale Tornado
In what sense? Too demanding?

I remembered this. He is pretty cool.




I once interviewed Kevin Spacey. He gave me an adress and told me to come alone. When I came to the hotel he was really nice and we had a great talk. The strange thing is he wanted me to sit on his lap and call him uncle kev while doing the piece

>strange circumstances
unknown heart issue to both of them discovered after the death by the autopsy, in addition to her medication.

>must be a murder since he's a liberal

>when you realize the pedobait was a sting operation

I love this

Damn, how'd you get such a sweet interview in middle school?

Meat robots have (conditional) rights

I wanna watch this movie

is that the long island biter?

no it's the french-tunisian terrorist Antwan Kumiya

I've heard many times that DeNiro is an idiot that just happens to be a great actor

>wahh widows can't get married ever

fuck off

"you are kinda Trumpian when you think about it"

She is waifu material, and there is not many of them in Hollywood

You're confusing him with his dead wife.

Christians are the worst people


Imagine being Glenn Howerton in this moment



like cocaine and fentanyl? wish i could get a script for those

too thicc