/trek/ + /std/

All Trek is Trek edition

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I agree with your argument in theory, but the way that you present it is only going to lead to a lot of unnecessary arguments and butthurt.

Star Trek Discovery shows a fundamental shift away from the spirit of Star Trek going back to the original series. It eschews most of the original series' tenets and shows us a radically different type of human being just ten years prior to the original series. This same type of human was presented to us in Enterprise as well. Peaceful cooperation with a hopeful optimism for the future.

Until Star Trek Discovery can capture this core element of what made Star Trek the beloved franchise that it is and was, it will never be accepted and will likely go down in history as nothing more than a vehicle for the writers' politics. Star Trek in name only.

Star Trek Discovery is NOT related to Star Trek. Go away, trolls.

I'm so sorry

Here we fuckin go again

Spiner the Jew showing his hatred for the enlightened gentile.

True or False

>STDs first season is better than TNGs


/risa/ way of life is only way of life

Trick question, you forgot the apostrophes.

You think they've got a rewards club system there?

I imagine Riker's gotta' be some sort of Latinum club member and a horgohn key holder.

What are you predictions for the second half of season one of Star Trek Discovery?

Personally, I think they jumped into the Mirror Universe (hence why they're surrounded by destroyed Klingon ships). I think this is somewhat confirmed by the fact that Frakes said they were going to go to the Mirror Universe (and he does direct the next episode).

I think from there you'll see Saru realize that Lorca is a crazy asshole, and you'll have him and Michael team up for a mutiny (and they'll make a reference to her being Starfleet's first mutineer) and eventually he'll be hoisted (which is a shame since he's a good character). They'll eventually wind up back in the normal universe.

For there, they'll do the Ash/Voq thing. Ash doesn't know he's Voq because he's a sleeper agent. Ash will have been torturing L'rell and eventually she'll say the codeword and activate him. He'll be thwarted by Michael, who will decide to go back to embracing her Vulcan ways.

Overall, I think (hope) it'll improve over the first half and we'll get more of non-Michael characters.

True. Discovery so far has a better first season than The Next Generation. In fact, I'd say it's also better than the second season of Next Gen as well.


The Measure of a Man alone elevates TNG S2 over Discovery, not to mention Q Who and the introductions of K'Ehleyr and Moriarty.


TNG's first four episodes alone are better than the everything we've seen thus far. in fact, TNG wins strictly on it's weird fun novelty. STD is so chromed out and edgy that it's barely watchable at times

What do you think is Tom's favorite anime? He loves everything about the 20th century, so surely he's an expert on that era's greatest contribution to all mankind.

>What do you think is Tom's favorite anime?
Something bad and from the golden era like Kishin corps or original Neon genesis

>implying I don't want to know the details

Half of TNG S1 was just bland and forgettable, while STD is just a poorly written mess with an unlikable cast of characters. I'd say the real comparison is VOY and STD.

Voyager season 1 had Eye of the needle and jetrel

Those two alone beat out Star trek dickcovery

Voyager season 1 is more enjoyable than STD season 1. Back in 1995 yet, we didn't know yet that Voyager had no aspirations and would never even attempt to rise above mediocrity. They were still pretending that they intended to deliver on the potential of their premise.

Klingon tatas and cap lorca 'nam ptsd episodes when?

I have to disagree. It's easy to remember the good and forget the bad when it comes to a beloved series from the past, even though TNG's first and second season have a whole lot of bad.

Looking solely at the numbers, STD has about as many good episodes as it does bad. It's pretty much 50/50. TNG had way less good in those first two seasons, where the overwhelming majority of it is bad.


>STD goes full GOT and every episode is Klingon tits
Mmm Daddy likey.

But Im a millenial who never saw early TNG until the 2010s, what now>?

>STD has about as many good episodes as it does bad.

I've counted zero of anything that one could refer to as good. I'm not even sure if I can describe anything I've seen as neutral to mediocre. It's literally entirely been pretty darned bad and I'm trying my best with each new episode to watch it on the basis of the script and forgetting everything else that consistently is bad about it.

Maybe you just have impossible standards.

how does that preclude you from seeing the past through rose colored vision

Have to agree though I haven't even seen all of STD yet. The minute Q teleported on board the Enterprise and started talking shit, freezing people solid and instantly changing costumes I knew I was home.


Separate std and Trek threads in future please. std is better suited to a Marvel general than a trek thread.

do u think jadza had spot onher pusy???

she said they go all the way down so most likely she does

shut up



The writers of STD would be more at home working on Salvation.

Whoa, looks awesome. Is this from Beyond?

Isn't it extremely difficult to warp such short distances?

Episode 4, 5, 6, and 7 of Discovery were pretty good. They had a nice streak going.

Not when you've reached Super Saiyan God

*warps behind you*
*unsheathes bat'leth*
"psssh...nothin personell...kid"

*its a hologram*

Guys do not fall for the discovery comments it's a Sup Forums tactic that's the sole purpose is to make comments about how good a show is when in the real it's not people tend to fall for this meme many times and needs to seek treatment from skeletor crusher

Fuck Gul Dukat with a rusty plasma conduit

So basically they are jews?


Best holodeck episode is Our Man Bashir

>STD stomps on Trek canon
>STD captain actor belittles in interview other Trek actors

STD fans are not real Trek fans. STD fans are soapie relationship drama fangirls.

You seem obsessed.

STD does not have real Klingons. STD has Galaxy Quest clones who cannot even speak Klingon properly.

>unable to refute truth
>smokescreen accuse you're obsessed

Just a friendly reminder, soapie fangirl.

Like, seriously obsessed.

Lol I bet braga is laughing his ass off

>Literal Species (1995) homage in latest episode
A this point anything goes, doesn't it?

>STD stomps on Trek canon
>STD captain actor belittles in interview other Trek actors
That never happened. Also, your word order is very strange. I think you meant
>STD captain actor belittles other Trek actors in interview

it's not star trek. the producers, writers and actors are not even hiding the fact that the writing is not star trek. it's like putting a label "sheep" on a wolf even when the wolf is not even wearing sheep's clothing.

>other Trek actors

Fuck. I meant to type other Trek captains (the characters not actors). I'm referring to Picard and Kirk. He belittled them in an interview.

He didn't.

Even Shatner says Isaacs was misquoted.

Yes, he did.

Shatner is a nice guy.

Why aren't you a nice guy? Post the direct quote of what he said.


I wonder how STD's profits are coming along.

Post proof.

Your Trek is Drek

The updated one has Stranger Things narrowly beating it.

i stopped watching after episode 7 holy fuck this is dumb as shit

Not him but since he's never going to post it here's the source.


No direct quote on Kirk or Picard, but there's this:

>Isaacs, 54, said the new show will throw away the legacy of William Shatner and Patrick Stewart – and expects it to upset die hard Trekkies.
>“I don't mean to sound irreverent when I say I don't care about the die-hard Trek fans,” he told us at an event in Los Angeles. “I only ‘don't care’ about them in the sense that I know they’re all going to watch anyway. I look forward to having the fun of them being outraged, so they can sit up all night and talk about it with each other.”
>He’s taking an enterprising approach to the sci-fi franchise.
>“It's ‘Star Trek,’ but not as we know it,” he said. “There are places obviously where they’ve observed canon to do with things like uniforms and badges and stuff, but there are places where the rules of storytelling are reinvented.”

Basically he's saying "we're going to do things different, that's going to upset fans, but I don't really care." Not exactly the way user made it to be, it's almost like he's just making shit up.

Jason Isaacs does say one stupid thing in that article.

>Isaacs says that the new “Star Trek” will be a reflection of our own world, which is something he has a hard time discussing with his own children right now.

Yeah, that's what Star Trek has kind of always done.

And here's Isaacs refuting that article:

Also included: William Shatner agreeing that the article comes from a piece of shit tabloid.

>ship spinning like a scooby-doo cartoon


>I look forward to having the fun of them being outraged


Lorca is from the Mirror Universe.

>guy trolls you
>you cry about it
And you still wound up watching like he said you would, you little fucking bitch.

Yep. It's a big ol' nothing burger. Not going to stop that other user from whinging, though.

Yeah, but Star Has always been progressive.

>Ash takes injection so he can be new drive, now that the engineer's busted
>Gets awoken to the truth of being Voq
>Declares that he no longer is Voq, the clanless Klingon, but neither is he Ash of the Federation
>Literally chooses the name Muad'Dib because that's the level of creativity the writers have, and it will totally blow some peoples minds dudes
>Then we have some more weird pointless sex scenes to hammer home the point that Michael regrets fucking him

After that, I don't know.
Maybe Muad'Dib uses the spice/spore to fold some Klingon genes so that they stop looking like a sick jelly fish ate a cheese grater.

>Pssh. Nothing personnel kid

We're going to see more sweet Klingon milkbags.

>they'll be throwing away the legacy of shatner and stewart
>he's looking forward to outraging trekkies

[sarcasm]yes, std is a true trek show.[/sarcasm]

>I see that in my absence this crew has lost its sense of duty and comraderie
>Look at you! Engaging in petty disputes like first-year cadets! None of you deserve to wear that badge!
>I want to see some quality shitposting here. I was Fat Rikerposts. I want to see your favorite ladies. I want Dukatposts, and Voyagerms. At the rate this crew is going you'll fidget spin into a sperg-out the likes of which this galaxy has never seen.

There will be more angsty bawwwing and angsty bickering.

Oh, no! They're going to do things... DIFFERENTLY THAN BEFORE.

>believing the NYDN

Y-yes ssir

Tom is like one of those Romeaboos who thinks the lorica segmentata was the only armor the legions ever wore
He used 60s slang in the 90s
He watched 50s cartoons
His holodeck game was based on a 30s serial
Tom probably doesn't know what anime is, and I don't think it survived the post-atomic horror.

STD is the disease that will kill the Star Trek franchise.

>That's more like it, crewman. Carry on.

Hope ur wrong but probably right

Yeah, he didn't insult the actors. He basically just said that he's going to do his own thing and not worry about fitting into the Trek mold. That other user was lying, as everyone already knew.

If STD gets wannabe Nazis to stop storming /trek/ threads then STD will earn a special place in my heart.

>Riverdale is just Pretty Little Liars with the name Riverdale stamped on it
>STD is just Reign with the name Star Trek stamped on it

is this some kind of new tv genre?

>THIS takes place before TOS

Ransom was morally correct in terms of Epicurean ethics. We also don't know if the subspace creatures were peaceful or not.

that other user corrected himself, as everyone already knew. stop lying, std user.

Don't respond to my posts with such an appallingly low quality post. You are a plague that we wipe out without exception