
So..... why couldn't they just let him shave that stache off as Superman and give him a fake stache to wear for the movie he's obligated to have one?

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because the fake stache would have fallen off during the stunts according to one of the dudes who worked on the MI6.

Because Paramount was paying him millions of dollars to grow a mustache, and for some reason they didn't feel like letting him break his contract, and make their movie worse, so he could do some reshoots for a competing studio.

why not just do the reshoots with his beard on? who gives a fuck about how it looks

Maybe for the French version...

>why not just do the reshoots with his beard on? who gives a fuck about how it looks
>Superman has a mustache in every other shot
>audiences laughing their asses off as Supe's mustache is blinking in and out of existence in every scene

B-but in Superman IV: The Quest For Peace, a strand of Superman's hair is holding up a 10,000 pound weight in the Smithsonian, and Lex Luther struggles with a bolt cutter to cut it.

So if Superman shaves then what kind of razor does he use?

Because he's under contract and Paramount was like "fuck you" to Warner Bros.

>...yeah, so I told them, "I can't shave the mustache. You will have to CGI it away or something"

>Ahahahah, oh man

I don't understand why they needed to completely CGI it away even. All the prosthetic and practical makeup effects at their disposal and they couldn't make a hairy lip look normal? Even with a bit of CGI to touch things up?

He actually looks pretty damn cool with it.

Also, I'm rather happy he didn't shave it off for Justice League. It's not that I want the DCEU to suffer, I just find it cool that other studios don't all
have to subject to the superhero studios.

Even though it really has nothing to do with that I suppose.

in one of the comics, he uses his heat vision via mirror to burn off his facial hair. it's also shown that the mirror becomes a melted slag after he shaves and he goes through a lot of mirrors.

>prosthetic and practical makeup effects at their disposal

I was wondering this also. Maybe prosthetics/makeup takes too much time that he does not have. He may have to rush back to the set of his other movie. Or maybe the prosthetics/makeup guy costs a lot more than the CGI kid.

>audiences laughing their asses off as Supe's mustache is blinking in and out of existence in every scene
i would watch it with some kind of a respect

>other studios don't all
>have to subject to the superhero studios.
implying MI is less important that some yet another cape shit

The more important thing is why was it important for a mi character to have a moustache? Woukdnt that made the mask changes harder?


Considering how much of Supes was reshot, it wouldn't even have been blinking in and out - it would have been Superman with a moustache that disappeared a couple of times.

has anyone explained why it was reshot so hard?

Funnier than quips

Why is he so handsome, lads?

>So..... why couldn't they just let him shave that stache off as Superman and give him a fake stache to wear for the movie he's obligated to have one?

Why should the Mission Impossible franchise be forced to compromise for the sake of garbage capeshit?

50 milion reshots are trendy now

i think the main reason is that they've already shot several scenes with him having a mustache.

Mano de Steelo

Its all in the maxifacial skull, he must have ate lots of apples and baguettes when he was a kid

When will they release the second Man from Uncle movie? I want more Armie Hammer bromance with him.

No no no NO NO NO! You CAN'T just shave it! Instead spend millions of dollars and hundreds of manhours to make the mustache go away for this flick!
In a hundred years the post-war society looks back to this as one of the greatest examples of the decadence of our time

>Hand of Steel

ay caramba

Because studios are always looking out for opportunities to fuck other studios financially.

>post-war society

friendly reminder that the apocalypse starts on december 23, 2017. be prepared, anons.

That is stupid, and you are now dumber for having seen that in a comic.

How fast does his beard grow? Doesn't he have like super testosterone because he's a super man, which would mean super DHT and super beard growth.
Does he have to eyeball-mirror-laser-shave every morning before saving Metropolis every morning?

Superman is an alien and every part of him is nearly invincible and that makes it retarded for him to have any facial hair.

it would be cheaper to cgi in facial hair for a few scenes than cgi off facial hair from most of the movie

>MI6 movie
>implying it's not the same kind of milked trash like superhero movies

because he knows the DC ship is sinking so his priorities are elsewhere


>laser eyeball shaving with a mirror, fuck you

have they never heard of this invention called glue?

>it would be cheaper to cgi in facial hair for a few scenes than cgi off facial hair from most of the movie

Different studios.

Paramount: Here's millions of dollars to employ you for this movie, as part of said multimillion dollar contract you're growing a mustache
Cavill: k lol
(weeks later)
WB: We realized this movie is shit so we need to do lots of reshoots, can you shave that mustache?
Cavill: I'll call and ask
(ring ring)
Paramount: You want to break your contract, and make our movie worse by forcing us to stick some fake mustache on you, when we're paying you to grow one, so you can go do reshoots for Warner Bros, our competition?
Cavill: I now realize how stupid that sounds, never mind.

>this angry

i'm just answering a question, user. why are you acting like a shrill drag queen?

>ywn give your boipucci a mustache ride

Girl, you should not be posting when you're menstruating and bitchy.

wish he would be Bond

>wb talks to cavill, cavill talks to paramount

wb and paramount do not talk to each other?

>alright let's shoot your first scene
>OK, gimme the shaving cream

Actors shouldnt work with diferent studios at the same time

>realizes embarrassing mistake
>pretends to go to bed

it would also be more logical, but here we are

I'm sure they do, and the CGI on Supe's lip means that conversation went something like this:

Paramount: So you fucked your movie up, and you want to do reshoots with our guy, and you want us to make our movie, which we are investing more than a hundred million dollars into, shittier, to save you money on trying to fix your own fuckup.
WB: I now realize how stupid that sounds, never mind.

id go gay for Cavill

He was really good looking in his 20s too.

Usually they don't cast males below 30 due to them being too smooth and not looking rugged enough, but he pulled it off well in The Tudors.

This is him at like 25-26.

You motherfuckers.

I'm just saying. The guy is a goddamned invincible space alien shaped like a man.
Why not forgo the explanations and just have him not grow facial hair?

In Man of Steel he has a beard to portray him as a man out to discover himself and rugged and fuckin whatever. But the beard and then a shaved face fucks up the whole invincible guy continuum.

>WB: I now realize how stupid that sounds, never mind.
they would never say that. More like
>It's not so smart when YOU say it

>>It's not so smart when YOU say it

lel true

>Laser-eyeball-shaving with a mirror

You are satisfied with that as being a rational explanation?
You are dumb honey, you are just dumb.

>you are dumb honey, you are just dumb

oh, sweetie, why are you so angry? why didn't you go to bed like you promised? too butthurt angry to fall asleep?

apparently not.

other kryptonians and kryptonian powers such as kryptonian super strength and kryptonian super heat vision can hurt him and his scalp, facial, armpit and pubic hair.

anybody have the screenshots?


better than that retarded fucking cgi

Why not just use CGI to put a beard on him? It's much easier and probably cheaper to make realistic-looking CGI hair than it is to accurately CGI a moving human face. Think of all the movies and tv shows with CGI animals that have completely realistic fur, now try to think of all the movies and tv shows that have CGI faces which aren't uncanny valley-tier.

is that leo dicaprio in basketball diaries?

I think there were maybe two shots where it wasn't CGI mouth reshoots.

WB should have just paid off Paramount, I can't imagine it'd be more expensive than all the extra man hours required to get rid of that mustache, it looked horrible.

why not give Superman mustsache powers?

Because Superman does not like to sache and does not believe anyone must sache.

i would pay my neighbor's fortune to see the original shoots and be able to compare them to the reshoots.

Was he shooting both films on the same days? It shouldn't take more than a week to grow a decent stache and beard.

they could have gotten around this by getting his actor lookalike, clever makeup and prosthetics and filmed him instead.

Is that the magnum P.I. remake?

too much hair


>same tier as cape shit

Found the DCuck

yes, but he's not a private investigator anymore so he's just magnum investigator or m.i.

how would lookalike be credited? as reshot superman?


found the faggot

Jawline of the gods

It's about fucking time I got put out of my misery.

The entire point of a contract is avoid these sort of issues. If I'm the other studio nothing about your film is my problem, only my own projects mater. What WB should of done is try to tune the film in editing and be done with it. Maybe do some reshoots with the other actors at most.
It's not like Zack Snyder is a newbie director and the stuff he shot was art house level shit, it's just the studio wanting to tinker.
So do some edit work and fixing some timing issues. Maybe dub in some other lines but that's about it. It's not like what they ended up doing worked all that well based off the ratings and box office anyways

i know the feel, user. ;_;

Jesus christ that man is so god damn attractive

>tfw you will never be as good looking as Henry Cavill

>mfw i'm better looking than Henry Cavill


No you aren't faggot

Prove it (and also take a picture of your ass and balls)

fucking finally

Is this real?

Why couldn't superman have a beard?

I'm talking about Justice League. It would be easier to do add a mustache to scenes before the reshoot and just have Superman with a mustache

too much money to launder

i dunno but i want to lose my anal virginity to him.


dude shut up about the fucking hair.

would be credited as superman or superman body double. you would be surprised how often this happens.

i doubt you are better looking than this





you look like a leprecaun whos lost his hat and his clothes and his pipe kek

Bruh. Look at this dood... Wait till you see the ph- huhu, ohnononono, OHOHO, wuuuuuUUUUUUUUH-

Shit, when you're right you're right.