Villain is defeated

>villain is defeated
>his lair starts crumbling

This has literally never happened.

Also, is that cig or a lollipop?

Most of the James Bond and Austin Powers films

>"I will kill you evil villain and stop your evil deeds!"
>kills more people than villain

This is a trope carried over from Medieval Romance. When you break the spell on the enchanted castle, defeat it's champion, etc., the whole place disappears or crumbles into dust.

Roderick Usher.
Interesting, the aforementioned died after being read a story about a knight slaying a dragon. Never made that connection to a medieval trope.

>villain is defeated
>all his brainwashed minions return to normal and go on with their lives

> villain is defeated
> lackey pawn picks up symbol of villain and becomes even more based in the sequel

When they destroyed the ring in Return of the King, Barad-dur fell the fuck apart.

>villain is defeated
>his lair starts crumbling
>credits roll
>shot of the destroyed lair
>suddenly the villains fist punches out of the rubble

Interesting. Which other old tropes are still in use today?

>All the minions pause mid-battle
>then they drop their weapons

>character rolls under closing door as the ceiling collapse

Every videogame ever

Bullshit you made up on the fly

Austin Powers is a direct parody of Bond films so does that really count?

>reaches back to grab item of clothing/plot relevant item/item of sentimental value

>one of us has to stay back in the villain's headquarter to keep the reactor from blowing up early / the doors from shutting / something something
>good guy that willingly sacrifices himself so the MC and his pusygirl can escape
>they try to tell him not to do it but give up arguing surprisingly soon after only a few seconds, escape, remember him once and then never speak of him again

It bothers me sometimes

>most of the people 'hero' kills are brainwashed minions

>hero doesn't even think twice about killing 300 henchmen but hesitates when pointing the gun at the villain
>no... I'd be just like you..