War Movies

Name some good war movies
I need to write a film analysis on one

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Tora Tora Tora

Bridge over the River Kwai is really good makes you think about stuff

Full Metal Jacket
Das Boot
Battleship Potemkin

we were soldiers
Letters from iwo jima

Porco Rosso

Black Hawk Down is a pretty good film looking at men as a brotherhood through fire, I can't think of any movie that holds a candle to the Band of Brothers series. Platoon & American Sniper are okay for themes. I dunno maybe Flags of our fathers?

Letters from Iwo Jima
Master & Commander

Cross of Iron

>Lee Marvin
>Sam Peckinpah
>WWII, Russian Front
>German perspective
>"And I will show you where the Iron Crosses grow"

If your after some sovietcore, try The Ascent, Come and See, or The Dawns Here are Quiet.

World war two is shit

Inglorious Basterds

Hacksaw Ridge

Joint Security Area

>Lee Marvin
Its James Coburn, they do look pretty similar.

wtf you're right

Try checking out Hell is For Heroes. It's one of Steve McQueen's underrated movies.

i made the same mistake in the past

this one right here, imposible to air in the current year without milleanials having a panic attack

Thin Red Line, ignore the others


Check out G.W. Pabst's Westfront 1918 if you want WWI

Here's your (you)


Hell is for heros

this, Waterloo is one of the greatest film jobs of all time and will give you shit loads of stuff to talk about + not give you any risk whatsoever of saying anything controversial because it happened over 200 years ago and only involved white people.

Every time I watch BHD I notice someone else who was in it and is now well known.

Come And See

Paths of Glory by Stanley Kubrick.

The Dollars Trilogy takes place during the Civil War, if that helps you.

Jamie Lannister right?