Ferris Bueller's Day Off

Is it kino? Name a single flaw.

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Did they really think we would believe driving backwards would reverse a speedometer?

Weird instrumental of Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want in that scene

it isn't The Breakfast Club

Explain this kino moment to me?

ferris acts like a douche

>The Irish move pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss them.
Jesus Christ Raimi

Sarah Jessica Parkers's husband. I cant stand that pretentious fuck. He has such a beatable face.

Better than Breakfast Club.

>it isn't The Breakfast Club

Confirmed for having shit tastes and/or being really old.

he got turned on by a painting of a little girl

>Name a single flaw

Dan Quayle is on record that this is his favorite movie.

Damn, was he /ourguy/?

The painting is by Seurat and shows people freely enjoying their lives, playing and eating without worry in the sunlight. Cameron's existence is far from it, he is always worried by his overbearing dad.

Here Cameron is enjoying a look into a window of a world he only sees from the outside looking in.

he’s a sociopath and his friend is a fag, also highschool is trash everyone knows that so what?

The painting is called "A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte"

The painting is not only about "a sunday afternoon" but the method used to paint it is represented by many individual dots that represent the painting as a whole. I think this scene symbolizes individuality and enjoying the simple moments in life. A sort of existential moment for Cameron about enjoying life in the moment.

It should have been called Ferris Bueller's Day On

>"I'm going to fake being sick and you'll get to see... Ferris Bueller's Day Off"
that line was a little forced imo

He really was so "ON" that day.

>Name a single flaw.
How about a 30 year old "kid" playing a highschooler?

Matthew Broderick was only 23 what are you on about?

>"im going to fake being sick by getting into a car wreck with an irish family and you'll get to see...Ferris Bueller's Day Off"


They do about 57 hours with of activity in an afternoon. In NYC traffic.

Other than that it's great.


Everyone in that movie is very well known, except for this guy.

what happened...

Ferris’ hairline

Weird but pretty damn gorgeous.

Alan Ruck was the oldie. He turned 30 when the movie was finished.

He was in... um... Speed! One of the annoying passengers. And in Spin City as one of the more annoying characters.

So, he is so annoying in real life.....

the closer he looks the less detail he can see

He was the captain of the Enterprise B in Generations. He was good when you wanted a stuffy slightly annoying guy.

nigger are you in art history with me?
how kino is that class?

but why magnify it until the screen is filled with a big blurry pixel

His character was such a bitch in Speed

In the 80s everything in film was exactly at face value. Here, he's just looking at a painting because it's his day out. That's it.

Symbolism in film wasn't really developed in a major way until the early 00s. Keep this in mind when watching older film.

High school kids are dumb as rocks. I find it believable that they would think that.


The entire film is degenerate trash. Principal actor Jeff Jones busted for children porn. Charles Sheen AIDS faggot accused of child porn by Denise Richards, accused of raping Corey Haim. Incest themes of bro-sis actors dating IRL. Most degenerate: co-ed school skipping with no chaperone. Also, Ferris poses as his gf's father while kissing her. That is textbook pedophilia. If you like this film you are a pedo.

that was so weak i had to check if the bait fell off the hook

Pretty much yeah.

Excellent example of trying too hard with zany and wacky moments, that and the breakfast club. These movies are for disillusioned 80s kids and younger kids who think the 80s were so cool and fun.


the fact that the lead actor ended the two lives of an innocent woman and her daughter and never served jailtime really takes me out of the film

>the virgin ferrif vs the chad bueub

You used to be able to.
My Dad had an old car that you could do that with.


He's very well known. As being Cameron.

It was a different time.

That part where Ferris drives through a glass window and kills some lady and her daughter

No one in the movie fucked Mia Sara, that's the biggest flaw.

ferris should have a son so that we'll have another young and extremely handsome like him. any current lookalikes to young ferris?

matthew broderick! tried to remember actor's name but couldn't and only remembered after my post got sent.

so, any current lookalikes to young and extremely handsome matthew broderick?

Neither did I, which is my biggest flaw.

L'ambassadeur Ferris cinematic universe when?

is there really enough hours in a day to do all the shit they did

Jeffrey Jones being a pedo makes anything he's in less enjoyable.

A timeline I looked at puts it at impossible for the movie to work (where they arrive in Chicago around 10:30 am and he just barely beats his parents home at 6), but it sounds like it could be done.

been forever since i seen it but off the top of my head they go up top of some building to look over the city, they go to a baseball game (assuming they didn't stay for the whole game) they go to some fancy restaurant, went to some art gallery or whatever and they went swimming
maybe i'm just really inefficient but i couldn't do half that shit in a day i'd imagine

It would be a long and pretty rushed day for sure. Probably would be much more enjoyable as a weekend.

He was in the last couple episodes of Burn Notice.

the guy that did the pizza hut ads

what year did that pizza hut ad came out? this year? tried googling pix of pizza hut guy and pizza hut ad actor but couldn't find anyone looking like matthew broderick.

he doesn't look like Matt (his a close friend i can call him that) but it was a pizza hut or dominos ad and it was ferris Bueller

oh. and i was so excited. ;_;

it's the guy from stranger things

oh! you meant pic related? thanks, user, but he does not look like matthew broderick to me. or was there another guy in the ad who looked like matthew broderick?

He didn't get more potato niggers

fuck. here's pic related.


>older film
more like fucking dinosaur film, grandpa

Ding ding ding

he went on becoming the president of an small tv channel in france

Mia Sara is the most beautiful woman in the universe. tfw no Sloane Peterson gf



maybe in hollywood films sure

>"Symbolism in film wasn't really developed in a major way until the early 00s."
bad bait.