Gal Gadot can't fucking act

Gal Gadot can't fucking act.

she has really nice feet though

also she has male patterned balding

ITT: the obvious is stated

she has a cute smile and is all around adorable


WAIT what?!?!? Show me!!!

She took a giant shit when she was on snl

>workouts with make-up on
gtfo with that shit

or speak engireeish

And sexy armpits

>implying people need to be able to act for capeshit

Oh my god OP, you can't just come on here and post that shit. The Goyim will hunt you down!

Guls dukat

this bitch should work out more to fit the role

I haven't seen Justice League, but her jewish accent is kinda fitting for a mythological character.
I mean, it was kinda fitting in her own movie when she was experiencing the human world for the first time etc. She was terrible in BvS tho.

She has not and will probably never be in a movie worth watching so it doesn't really matter.

She's much worse in JL than in BvS
And her accent makes her sound stupid, not just foreign



I could get past the shitty acting if she was a stunner but she's actually kind of bony and lanky and awkward and not particularly sexy or attractive.

As long as she's so perfect she doesn't have to. It's been like that for a while.