Episodes of Black Mirror as ranked by broadest popularity by Sup Forums, updated 22/11/17:

Episodes of Black Mirror as ranked by broadest popularity by Sup Forums, updated 22/11/17:

1. White Christmas (72)
2. Shut Up And Dance (54)
3. Fifteen Million Merits (53)
4. The Entire History Of You (48)

5. San Junipero (39)
6. White Bear / Be Right Back (30)
7. The National Anthem (29)

8. Nosedive (22)
9. Hated In The Nation (21)
10. Playtest (17)

11. Men Against Fire / The Waldo Moment (6)

Poll: strawpoll.me/14420515/

White Bear was terrible though.
I mean, the concept was nice, but the execution was absolutely shit.
White Christmas really wasn't that good either. It had its moments though.
Rest is pretty agreeable though. Sup Forums has good tastes.

Fifteen Million Merits is overrated.

Shut Up And Dance is just stupid.

Only 4 good episodes in the whole series are

White Christmas
The Entire History of You
Shut Up and Dance
San Junipero


>/tv / has good tastes.

You definitely don't though, guy.

White Christmas is unfair because it's basically three episodes in one and only two are good.

Fifteen million merits was cuck kino

It made me depressed for a week


Listening to this soundtrack on ketamine was fucking incredible

>technology but --- get this, guys --- it's bad

I know, it's a great story and the music is just so right

tbf Brooker himself has joked that the pitch for the show was "What if phones, but too much?"

Be Right Back is the most underrated on Sup Forums.

White Christmas could be a standalone kino.

>MFW I'm a retail manager and I always play "I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday" multiple times an hour in december in our store.

You're doing God's work. Making people who's best career option is retail want to kill themselves or do whatever they can to do better is awesome.


Jon Hamm made White Christmas 5/10 to 10/10.

>Be Right Back is the most underrated
This. Story and acting were great and it had that brit titcow too, what more do you want?

Goddamn I want a digital waifu.

Season 4 when?

>Getting breadcrumbs all over his client's floor.

Upvoting San Junipero, Be Right Back, and Shut Up and Dance - in that order.


>'I was hurting really bad and I remember I was looking up at the ceiling and I was gritting my teeth and squinting my eyes ... it was sawing and it was hurting.'
>Sanders told investigators how Hamm then led him to 'the pit' where he ordered him to do press-ups and pushed his face into the ground.
>The distraught pledge felt someone, possibly Hamm, standing on his back.
>Hamm is then supposed to have set fire to Sanders' pants and refused to let him pat the flames down, instead making him blow them out.
>Finally he was led upstairs to the 'party room' when Hamm hooked the claw of a hammer underneath his testicles and pulled him around the room 'for at least a minute'.

And now breadcrumbs. Jon Hamm really is a jerk.

“Hated in the Nation” is Tier 1 you filthy fuck. Tier 2 at the lowest. That was pure detective kino and the most likely to happen irl, since Japan is making fucking robot bees

>"Somebody hacked the system!"
>"That's impossible; our systems are unhackable. The only way someone could... *GASP*"
I don't really know what CIS is but I assume it's similar.

what is the exact amount of years that the egg guy would be trapped for in White Christmas? in my head it was around 1 or 2 million years

>7. The National Anthem (29)

This is still the best episode of Black Mirror and it's embarrassing how it became one of the least popular ones as soon as Americans started watching the show. The first episode set an incredibly high standard that the show has since failed to meet, thought it has come close.

>3. Fifteen Million Merits (53)

This, on the other hand is the most overrated episode in the show's history but is consistently rated highly with the Americans because the conceit is so fucking ham-fisted and hackneyed, which is generally what they look for in their sci-fi.

Shut Up and Dance benefits alot from being a bit different to the regular Black Mirror format - what makes it kinda disturbing is that it's not about the future, it's about right now (yes, all sci-fi is about the present, but whatever).

It gives it a different sense of unease then you get from dark stuff like White Christmas.

That and it actually has depth beyond just one or two messages, even makes you question how characters are portrayed and how you empathise with them, which is breaking the fourth wall slightly. I don't know if all of it is intentional but there's a ton of stuff you can debate and argue around just that episode alone, compared to other episodes.

San Junipero is massively overrated but it still gets plus points for not having a pointless bad end.

Holy shit, what a cunt.

>and the most likely to happen irl

Imagine being so simple-minded that this is how you actually rate Black Mirror episodes.

>it's about right now
So was the first episode.

I want to kiss.

No-- scratch that... I NEED to kiss.

Every episode is ham-fisted and obvious with its message

Not San Junipero.