WB fired Joss Whedon from Batgirl



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Can you imagine being at that board meeting.

>People don't like Justice League, why can't we get Avengers dollars?
>Do you think maybe it's because we made a mistake in picking Snyder, I mean Man of Steel and Batman vs Superman had lots of problems...
>No, you know what? I think it's Whedon. We should fire him and take control ourselves, we can obviously do what needs to be done!
>Yeah, you're right! Why would it be our fault!

I hope that faggot gets blacklisted and never works again.

I fully support their decision to bankrupt themselves

Whedon is a total hack, but at least he makes a predictable product that does good box office. What is WB thinking? Their universe is such a complete mess. Marvel films do well because they're light fun films. DC is trying to be edgy, dark films. Then they throw Whedon on it? Nothing about their strategies make sense. They're playing catch up and going in multiple directions at once.

BOY the DCEU is such a dumpster fire right now. No way they're not rebooting it.

JUST Whedon

Whedon was working for the mouse

No shit. He basically said he didn't care about JL, and said it sucked during opening weekend. Did anyone think he was going to stick around?

Good, what were they thinking? Everything wrong with JL is Whedon's fault.

Batman vs Superman had no problems except for the Martha scene (which honestly isn't as bad as people pretend it is) and the cuts which were WB's fault.


The dceu is fucking cursed,except for ww.

Fucking good. Bringing him in the first place was a mistake.

DCEU is a mess.
Rick Famuyiwa out, Joss Out and bunch of others and still no update on Zack Snyder being out.

This makes me not feel bad for these assholes..its legit all Nepotism in that shithole.
CAN\T wait to see JL part 2 by snyder bombing. Matt Reeve is probably the next to go.

>not firing Snyder and his entire team including the special effects team
It's like they enjoy to fail.





>Bad cinematography


>Bad color correction


>Bad rushed CGI


>Bad costumes (in reshoots)


>Bad production design (in reshoots)


>Bad editing


>Generic rushed music score by Elfman


>Can you at least point me towards Atlantis?


>People are difficult... they require a lot of focus.. they have a rhythm I haven't quite... Like, BRUNCH. WHAT IS BRUNCH? You wait in line for an hour for what is essentially lunch. I dunno, people are... a little slow.


>You won't let me live, now you won't let me die, tell me, do YOU bleed?

>Oooh something is definitely bleeding.


>So is this a bad time to bring up my blood sugar? I'm very hungry...


>Just keep the little Merman away from me while I work


>Listen, uh, I was just wondering if you could, uh... put out uh... y'know a few uh, like aquatic, y'know, I uh, do you talk to fish?


>What was it like? Coming back? (from being dead)
>Itchy... honestly, weird. In. So. Many. Ways.

>I believe in truth... I'm also a big fan of justice *punch*


>Well I knew you didn't bring me back because you liked me.

>I don't... not like you.




>Is this guy this bothering you!? *punch*


>I really like being alive.

>Me too.


>I take it back... I wanna die.

>haha ha MAN MAH TOES HURT! I don' even unduhstan' da physics o how mah toes hurt XD

>Children... I work with children.


>villain literally gets defeated because Superman blows on his weapon



I don't remember that. Where was this?

Wow, these sources written in broken english from twitter and facebook are great.

When Flash saves the family in the truck

damm, today is a nice day, can you feel it too guys?

>Batman vs Superman had no problems except for the Martha scene

Me too.


I think he's relieved, they did him a favour at this point desu.




Literally scene for scene, every single horrible aspect of the movie. WB should be ashamed.

And Whedon we all knew was a fuck faggot, none of this shocks me, how could WB fall for this shit.

thank fuck, fuck that fat fucking hack.

Hire Refn WB and stop fucking with the directors you fucking idiots

Trump curse

>source is this board

Will he ever make another Buffy tier masterpiece in our lifetime?

Good fucking riddiance

Josh Whedon more like Josh "We Done"

I'm just speculating you big fag fucking gaytron 3000

He can't stop making them

Are you retarded? Snyder was already given the boot, there's no way he's returning. Do you really buy the broken hearted by suicide story? It was just a PR strategy, Snyder surely wanted to finish the movie.

They're going to hire pic related, inside source

>Batman vs Superman had no problems except for the Martha scene

>no Snyder
>no Whedon
Who is the poor sucker that needs to save the DCEU?

t. soyboy
Hyped for porgs?

>Batman vs Superman had no problems except for the Martha scene
Totally wrong from an artistic perspective, but even from the perspective of WB, which is maximizing returns on their investments and properties, there were a whole lot of other reasons that the movie was a financial disappointment than that scene, i.e., why not a sufficient number of people decided not to see the movie that would make it a financial triumph, and these are the sort of "problems" that WB executives would speak of in this hypothetical discussion.

How’s your porg tattoo?

>Batman vs Superman had no problems except for the Martha scene

>>not firing Snyder
Yeah, fireing him after he quit. That'll really save DC.

The story sucked ass as well. Can't blame that on Whedon.

why not a sufficient number of people decided to see the movie*

>Batman vs Superman had no problems except for the Martha scene

>we are going to advertise the film around grrrl powerrrr.
>we had better get rid of the phoney feminist serial cheater.
>yeah i guess so .
The movie will suck and im glad Whedon was found out. The US cannot be destroyed soon enough.

I guess you can laugh at Whedon for his career being fucked and WB having to ditch someone because of this fairly minor scandal, but this possibly as more to do with WB seeing Whedon as not being a good fit for their movies, and trying to pass this decision as one due to a moral objection to working with Whedon, as a form of virtual signalling.

>le i can only respond with funny meme faces

Face it, he's right

>Implying he's not cumming back for the sequels

Merely stating that opinion isn't any more cogent than posting reaction images. People have long settled their opinions on that movie, and while we have to accept here that there are people who (ostensibly) actually like BvS, (though a lot of it is clearly trolling), people who like BvS have to accept that most people didn't like BvS, even here, where you'll find some of the strongest defenders for it.


JUST whedon

good fuck him, he ruined our kino trilogy.

>he's right

Hi Emi!

>Boss, the actress says she is too lazy to wax we upper lip!
>Don't worry I've hired the best CG interns in the business.

I wasn't implying that, but no, I don't think he's coming back. If there's any amount of money they could have given Nolan to overseen the entire DCU, it probably would have been a smart business decision over choosing Snyder. Regardless of how artistically successful you think is Snyder's handling of the DCU, he was probably not the best choice to maximize the value of the properties connected to DC that would be turned into films. Ergo, WB is regretting a lot of decisions connected to the DCEU, one of which is probably having Snyder placed as the manger of it, or whatever was his position.

wow...is Sup Forums so gullible to fall for facebook/twitter posts with ZERO credible sources/sites? do you guys just shitpost about anything even if its fake news?

Jesus fucking christ, the state of WB right now
>hey Justice League looks like more of BvS and that didn't perform as well as we wanted
>if only it were more like the avengers
>hey! didn't the avengers' director recently leave disney? And isn't he currently set to direct Batgirl? let's get him to fix Justice League!
>Won't that result in a mish mash of different styles with an inconsistent tone....?
>Somone fire that man. But yes! Let's do it!
>*6 months later*
>So turns out Whedon is a shit and Justice League was an inconsistent mess
>Who could've seen that coming
>Let's fire him and start from the beginning
>Won't that make it very obvious to anyone on the outside that we have no idea what we're doing and are simply reacting to immediate public opinion....?
>Didn't I tell someone to fire you?

>Batman vs Superman had no problems except for the Martha scene (which honestly isn't as bad as people pretend it is) and the cuts which were WB's fault.

I haven't seen Justice League and have no interest, but some of those lines are genuinely better than anything in Man of Steel or BvS.

Snyder is married to one of WB's top dogs.

>keeping a serial cheater onboard for an obvious girl power marketing strat.
He is gone even if these tweets are fake.

What do you think?


>WB decided to take control of current and any upcoming DC movies.
Irrespective of Whedon. Thats a terrible idea. They have no idea what to do in general.

>Hire Refn WB and stop fucking with the directors you fucking idiots

You kids are embarrassing holy shit

Good. He's made nothing but cancer. Snyder should've been replaced with another director not a tv-capeshit soyboy.


We're less gullible than the Daily Mail

>fucks your waifu
>turns capeshit into a series of quips with explosions in between
>ruins your kino
how does he do it?



Having enjoyed a few of Whedon's things and having absolutely no interest in capeshit because I don't live with my fucking parents, this is pretty good news if true. He should get back to doing decent things.

What were the comments he made about Justice League though? I love it when filmmakers call their own work garbage.

Okay. I still don't think he's coming back.

>implying littledouchedcooze was ever my waifu


>hates Disney and is hated by Disney
>dead career
>gets ousted off Twitter by his SJW buddies
>Warner Bros throws a lifeline
Oof! Now Warner Bros hates me, what a RELIEF! Is Fox or Sony stupid enough to give this hack a chance?


>being fired because you’re wife divorced you

The left is going full Stalin

Considering he wrecked Alien and Xmen? No. Sony... Well, it is Sony.

He divorced his wife, dude.

I'm glad Whedon got his for fucking up JL, but WB saying that they're "taking control" as though they haven't had complete control to fuck themselves over up to this point is laughable
I honestly had hope for the DCEU but at least it's failure might potentially teach studio executives to stop pretending they know how to make movies

>>So is this a bad time to bring up my blood sugar? I'm very hungry...
God that line is stupid!

Snyder made 3 movies that were great with their only fault being that they attracted Disneyshills who thought they MUST console wars for Marvel. Then they won an oscar, and made the top grossing superhero movie of the year.

Yea it's not their fault

You don't think he might have gotten some WB execs pissed off when he badmouthed the movie during opening weekend?

desu I should direct the next dc movie

Proof there is a god

Holy fuck, the state of the DC cinematic universe.

As far as quips go, the Dostoyevsky line was entirely reasonable
It's a much better gag than just having the Flash awkwardly stammer about brunch for 30 seconds

I'm a huge fan of the DC comics, cartoons and games and can recognize that MoS and BvS were awful, non-functioning movies.

He wrecked X-Men??

He did. Like a frog on a hotplate.


Time for WB to hire someone who can save this dumpster fire

>Snyder made 3 movies that were great with their only fault being that they attracted Disneyshills who thought they MUST console wars for Marvel
Come on, his movies are crap, he has no talent as a movie director, the guy should be directing meaningless tv ads.

I want you to.

Daily reminder that Whedon is partially responsible for the abortion that is Alien: Resurrection. Even if the studio or whatever did not mess with his script, it still would have been terrible because he wanted the film to be more "fun and light hearted". An Alien film has no business being FUN AND LIGHT HEARTED.