Sup Forums BTFO

He's still bringing the party to you!

He shouldn't be anywhere near DC. Fuck this guy. JL was a shitshow.

Not surprising, this decision comes from the same studio who keeps hiring Snyder disaster after disaster.


At this point WB doesn't give a shit anymore.

>Zack Snyder tanks BVS and gets rewarded with JL, which bombs
>Whedon tanks JL and gets rewarded with Batgirl

did i ever tell you the definition of insanity

So is Joss now the head of DCEU?

Hes gone, 100%
Its just there is no way WB will get rid of Whedon publicly when JL has only just opened

They'll scrap batgirl entirely before firing Whedon.

Whedon must be happy about all the sex scandals. Everyone forgot about him being a cheater.

How much is Disney paying Whedon to fuck up the entire DCU?

Fingers crossed user


Whedon hate thread with fake news claiming he's fired? 155 replies.

Actual fact-based post like this : 14 replies.

Says a lot about Sup Forums

So wait is Whedon fucking of Synder's career on purpose to jump start his career?

How much of the script will be about her feet? Will there be a scene after she's crippled that focuses on her unmoving feet?

Umberto has been paid by WB to discredit these rumours. And is a confirmed DCEU apologist.

Geoff Johns is, with Tsujihara's hand stuck up his ass

Choose your batfu

Jane Levy

Does anyone remember the insider site that had 'Latino' in the name? It was big in the TDK era, I can remember them always getting brought up on IMDB forums.

no shit, it would be the end of his career if they announced the movie was cancelled so soon after justice league's flop
they'll do it officially in 2 months after it has all died down, probably citing "creative differences" so he can save face

Latina Abuse? I think it's called Latina Throats now.