/sug/ - Steven Universe General

Beta Uprising Edition

Last Thread: [NEW RELEASES]
>New episodes at 7pm EDT
Mar. 23: "Lion 4: Alternate Ending"
>Room for Ruby
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Direct: dl.sug.rocks/mega/04x19.mp4
Dailymotion: [Dailymotion] Steven Universe 419 - Room for Ruby >Issue 1 of new Steven Universe ongoing comic

>New game "Save the Light" coming soon to consoles
>Upcoming art book 'Art and Origins' available for pre-order
>Upcoming graphic novel 'Anti-Gravity' available for pre-order

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rip the other thread

here ya go

>Jascucks in charge of making threads


Always right.



Thanks a lot man, I'll make good use to it.

they are truly cancer

Jasper produces more milk than a cow

Yes, Jeff x Connie is canon.

As I was trying to say.

Gems should learn to share

Lapis is dumb

While Connie's alive anyway. Someone has to take care of a grizzled widowed vet Steven


>remember when this show was good?
>it was never good
>Zuke has been uprooted!
>I'm going to drop this show any day now! Watch me!
>Someone said something negative about SU...BTFO!
Am I missing anything?

RIP LEWD edition


Mods are PUSSIES
And not the meaty kind

And right.

you guys are ok

You guys are getting ass raped in the other threads.

>beta uprising
I chuckled.

Lapidirts should learn that they're unwanted and kill themselves.

So what's the consensus on Lion 4's airdate? I don't want to get my hopes up only to be jilted on Friday famethysts.

That thread actually got deleted

Jasper is best best gem

Doggy beef curtains?

Oh no!

it was SUPPOSED to air next friday
but who knows now

don't call me that

i want my ass raped

Milo Hoff master post

Here you go user!
I signed it btw.

Shut up, you stupid jascuck.

I don't appreciate fibbing.

Practice safe thiccness

Ill be back tomorrow maybe Probably, ive been coming here everday for the past week and a half
Goodnight /sug/
>Previous requests:imgur.com/a/BdVjv

I think sweaty blushing women are great and should be portrayed in a more positive light on Sup Forums

Not OR, but I like it.

Neck thyself, periredditor.


who wrote the stupid fanfiction about the obsidian hybrid
i know it was one of you

i hope this thread is okay too

We are pn hiatus

CN doesnt list anymore new su episodes this month
At best we get a bomb in April
But who knows


It won't be.
It's all but assured.


some threads are fine, mostly at late night

Let's post comfy fat gems.


Post cutting edge

Can we just ban all jasperfags

I want more of these betas

not thicc enough

That would be too easy

We will when Skinny manipulates and betrays everyone.

Bismuth the Baby Killer is coming for them next to finish the job


Remember when Peridot could be funny but wasn't a complete over-the-top meme all the time? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

No, not really.

what did they mean by this

i love lapithyst

I don't have a lot desu

when's the objectively best character coming back?

Maybe you'd feel more at home on reddit where they spam the shit out of your favorite memebarn gems all day every day.

I find Pearl to be the perfect balance of funny nowadays

not soon enough

can we kill all waifufags

Even though that's exactly what they like to do.


canon, better than Mary Sue.

The carnelian and skinny fusion will shatter Holly by literally stabbing back stabbing her, just after she surrenders, much to Steven's horror.

Who would Scooby's favorite gem be?

all these threads are just waifufagging
im guilty of it too... but there used to be a balance of lore discussion and gemfuing.... ;_;


>You will never molest Lapis in her sleep

JeffxConnie is canon and strangely better story than StevenConnie.

Everything that there is to discuss has already been done and any new discussion will just lead to disappointment later on anyway.

steven it's very late go to sleep


I'm sure Scooby and Shaggy would be fond of crazy eater like Amethyst.

Im note sure but carnelians are agates?

Would she have holly blues position if she were normal size?
Also with her being an overcooked runt to, how come she didn't come out much later like amethyst



you really think that? lel


choose one.

Why the dog lover of course

I'm still taking requests!
Keep them simple.

Will yall still like this bug when shes uncorrupted

can lapshitfags hang themselves


Pearl playing tennis

What is there to like about her now?

It was a good redraw


Bismuth seducing Lapis

Lapis yelling