ITT Cartoons only you like

ITT Cartoons only you like

Come now, OP, you can do better than that.


B8 but I'll bite, most of Sup Forums loves the show to death

>on episode 19/20
>I know now it is going to end without them getting back home
fuck Genndy

Weak bait, but have a (You) anyway.

Cartoon that are now ruined on Sup Forums because of constant shitposting.

What is up with the slew of Syn-Bionic Titan threads recently?

With Jack having come back, people are hopeful about Titan's shots of being revived.

Don't blame him, blame the network execs that threw a fit when they didn't get a Ben 10 clone.

I still havent gotten around to see this, but I'll probably get pissed knowing it has a shitty finale
From what I hear, it aint happening babe

It still had a pretty satisfying ending.


I showed this to a few friends. Their reactions were all "meh, but the aesthetics are cool".

They're not wrong

Also, Rimba Racer

>From what I hear, it aint happening babe
Why not :(

RWBY. I'm still convinced everyone on rwbyg just watches it ironically and I'm the only one who enjoys it.

what's this ?

D'Myna Leagues. Canadian cartoon about baseball-playing birds.

God, I fucking miss Tron: Uprising...

me toon user me too

There are DOZENS of us!


SBT was a tax write-off
There's this neat legal code that, if a company feels that a show they made in the US is no longer profitable, they can cash it in one last time for a tax deduction on the grounds that they never pull any profit from it again, or something along those lines.
It's meant to encourage them to keep making shows within the US rather than outsourcing and shit, in that it gives them one final way to pull something out of a show they think isn't worth keeping around

It's the final, unbreakable nail in a cartoon's coffin.

CN got rid of the rights as a tax write-off, which means no one is allowed to profit from them, under penalty of the IRS. They've done this with a few other shows like IGPX and Megas XLR. IGPX later returned due to a technicality in the way it was produced -- maybe because it was a foreign co-production? -- but the same is not true of Megas, and, I suspect, of SBT.

I'm starting to find the "write-off" excuse a lazy way to put an end to the argument.
People keep talking about how shows in this situation can never come back, but what of the possibility of the IP being bought away from the current rightsholder and presented at a different venue?

There is. No current. Rights-holder.

The rights do not exist. Legally, they are not allowed to exist. They were not sold, they were not given up. They were liquidated.

I don't like it as much as the next guy, but it's not an 'excuse'. It's the legal reasoning for why the shows are as dead as fucking possible
I'd love nothing more than to find some way to bring them back, but that's not possible in any way, shape, or form.

Now, see, that would be making them money, wouldn't it?

Now maybe they could GIVE the rights away. To a party not affiliated with them in any way. Not sure what the legal position on that is.

If they do not exist...Can't we just re-create them?

You missed the "legally, they are not allowed to exist" part, didn't you?

Sure, what if we change the character designs and names a bit?

You can't violate an IP if said IP can't exist, right?

>Sure, what if we change the character designs and names a bit?
You are entirely free to challenge the U.S. Internal Revenue Service on this, investing not only the standard production costs but also months/years of time and money into the slow-moving court system, only for the judge to rule quite predictably against you. You don't fuck with the IRS.

IRS doesn't have a sense of humor
They'll take one look at it, call you out for blatantly making SBT, and fine the living fuck out of you


No way to pay the government for the show?

>Can we pay for the show?
No. That's generating a profit, which isn't allowed, even by the US government

What about if we do the show on the Moon? The human race can't have the rights of a satellite, or a fucking planet.

I just think that if Titmouse can continue to pursue the rights to Megas, there's more to the law than the legal experts of Sup Forums claim they know.

>Experts of Sup Forums
I'm really curious about this since Sup Forums can't do even fucking maths, and I saw it with my own eyes on one of the many Samurai Jack threads.

This is probably easy to forget, because most of the posting only comes from one name


Sup Forums is not one person

Wait did you say Jack is back.

Couldnt they do what Xiaolin Showdown did with Chronicles? "Reboot" in another studio in another country and chance things around a bit to avoid copyright issues? (This could easily be explained in-universe with a timeskip(

I don't know man, I will never forget that one. Whether it was one person or many, it really got a chuckle out of me.

>50 + 52 = 92.

It's actually not so difficult to reverse a write-off, CN would just need to be willing to pay the claimed deduction back.



Having no current rights-holder while not being public domain?
Being stuck in legalistan forever without any potential way of coming back even theoretically?
That can't be how it works. I mean I don't care that much about SBT but that makes no sense at all.

I do not care for the waifu shit and what not, I honestly just like this movie.

It's a pile of shit, but it's a charming pile of shit to me and. With all the threads we've had I sometimes feel like the only person here who actually likes it.

WTF that makes no sense. The show obvious exists. So, anyone with enjoy money can just start making new episodes right? When CN gets butthurt the new creator can just say "Lol you liquidated the rights dickfuck."

That face reveal never not makes me laugh.
This clip is like Deviant Art with a budget.

Well yeah you're probably right because 1. It looks like shit. 2. The music is shit. 3. No one gives a flying fuck about the plot.

Every thread until you like it.

Also I found out the show moved from IFC to Amazon Video's fullscreen subscription service, that's the only way you can see it now, since no one really bothered to seed the show torrent wise


Did this even live through a whole season?

It had two. One on Cartoon Network, the other was Netflix exclusive until they eventually dropped it