Why are they allowed to make animals so fucking sexy?

Why are they allowed to make animals so fucking sexy?

What's wrong with accurate portrayals?

You're a zoophile, user.

Then they should show glimpses of her horse pussy

I know.... but horses are just so fucking sexy

horses don't makes eyes like those or really have hair like that nor do they smile

Humans make everything sexy.



They don't; you're just a filthy dogfucking pervert.

They do it specifically to arouse you.

So you can feel sympathetic to the protagonist, who is also aroused. This is basic stagecraft. If you aren't attracted to that horse, it's a sign you're autism spectrum.

Ponies? Disgusting. Just because you're into women doesn't mean you dig on twee midgets.

I love mlp, but /trash/ is better for ponies.

Whatever nigga

Ponies are actually better than full size.horses.

Also, midgets are a sexy replacement for regular women from time to time, shortstacks are the best

>a filthy dogfucking pervert.

It's not illegal in Canada, you know.

That's all understandable, but the problem is that it can lead to some people developing zoophilia. Or worse, becoming furfags.


I want to FUCK that horse

Fucking degenerate.

Nothing can compare to a superior Andalusian mare.

No one rely knows what furfag means. Some people say you are only a furry if you have a fursona, deess up, etc. Others say jerking off to furries makes you a furry

Pinkie best pony

Not enough steamy dog sex.

If you think that's bad, you are so not ready for Felidae.

2 for 3 ain't bad user.

What's up with Felidae? I don't remember any sexy characters there. There was a female cat, but I can't even remember how she looked.

They have a full on sex scene in it.

We are all animals, only a small genome distinguishes us

>Why are they allowed to make animals so fucking sexy?
3 words: art imitates life

I dont understand the hate for zoophiles. Lots of animals like sex and even have mating displays that we can understand as consent. Lots of animals can even be argued to be sentient.
Philosophical ethical arguments favor zoophilia. Only brainlet moralfaggots are against it.

does that apply to tourists?