Post all leaks we know so far

Post all leaks we know so far

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rei is leia's daughter

spoiler: the movie will be shit, but still make a bajilion dollars.

It will suck dick

Rey fights a giant sloth and it turns into Vader's ghost.

A tree created the Force.

It's going to be set a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.

You mean a tree created midiclorians

oh shit, we naruto shipuuden now

Kylo and Rey will bang.

Still salty about how it turned to total shit


Who is the woman left of Rey's head?

>Rey isn't related to anyone in the old movies, her parents are unimportant
>Rey is a "Vergence in the Force", i.e. super-duper powerful for some reason
>So is Kylo
>Snoke is a force vampire
>Snoke has a personal vendetta against Luke Skywalker that's left unexplained, presumably (hopefully) to be explored in Episode IX
>Rey fights a sloth monster during her Jedi training
>Force ghost Anakin shows up
>Force ghost Anakin may or may not be the sloth monster in disguise as a vision quest
>The Force came from a tree

Disney takes a big steaming shit on the legacy of Star Wars

This is the only answer you need

Rey being Kenobi's son makes way more sense.

>in order to help convince Kylo to stop his shit they use a force technique where anakin force ghost can appear to user jedi

>anakin appears and calls out Kylo for being a faggot

>LOL, it's a trap, snoke was waiting for that as it was his plan all along and eats anakins force ghost for unlimited pooowwwaaa

Just look at them, just look at all this, it all feels so wrong...

These movies are made by algorithms so anything the average moron wants, this movie will have it.

If you played BattleFront 2 you know who her parents are.

this seems believable

Snoke is from Jersey Shore.

I don't really buy that theory. I think if she's not Kenobi's daughter then her parents just don't matter.

What do you mean?

Type "rey's parents" into youtube.

What the fact they are shoving a girl down everyones throats as the lead because girls can kick any mans ass while LUKE MOTHERFUCKING SKYWALKER is relegated to the backround ?

what an awful poster

Yeah I guess but my standards for movie posters is basically sub basement level so I can't hate it too much for just being average.

This is a fanart, it's literally written in the picture

>playing Battlefront 2

Fuck off EA, no one wants that shit game

Obviously and everything else; just look at them they're all so fucking depressing and ugly. You can literally see there's no soul in this. Makes me almost nostalgic about TPM

If she's not a Skywalker, then the connection to Luke's lightsaber and past events and the talk of family is retarded and their writing is even more retarded than it already was.

holy shit, they dragged poor benicio del toro into this

you just know

I was wondering about that
Marvel crossover as that Jew with all the space rubies?

I've never watched the last one and i won't watch this one. When i saw that fucking horrific cast and their plastic faces with all the SJW behind it i bailed. Lucas never should have sold the shit. How much more cash did he need??

Considering Rey was born 15 years after he died I don't see that happening

Mickey mouse has cash. That's for sure.

No matter how shit it is people will praise every aspect of it
>mfw even stupider stuff happens in it than ever happened in Legends yet Disneyfags defend it to the death

>Rey being Kenobi's son makes way more sense.
>Kenobi's son
No that does not make more sense

Why would it matter? Anyone with a strong connection to the force can have visions like that.

>>mfw even stupider stuff happens in it than ever happened in Legends
What's dumber than Luke moving a black hole with the force or freezing an entire planet or being able to force push so hard he can obliterate an entire army? Or literally anything involving Starkiller. Or Leia having a lightsaber duel with a jedi hutt.

How many months after Episode IX will he re-JUST himself, lads?


Hamill said this film is his favorite since Empire.


I love this theory.


Why do people who hate Star Wars constantly talk about Star Wars? I get not liking it but why be obsessed with something you don't like?

Hamill said Luke was gay or at least he'd wish. Who cares

You are literally retarded. Just like Plagueis retards before you.

>force being created by a tree
>luke being reduced to a little bitch
>rey being the actual chosen one of chosen ones
>rey being pure force
>snoke sucking the force out of people
i-it's alright when disney does it though and none of this is even mentioning all the stupid shit they've already done in the comics like literal living force mountain, space wales and inter-dimensional jellyfish
First 25 seconds

>this movie is, I think, more challenging, has more depth, is more cerebral, is also very funny in parts, but it's probably my favorite one since Empire Strikes Back

I don't know about that, but saying this film is one of his favorites is worth what is worth, it's his opinion.

It's mostly just people who love Star Wars talking about how the new ones are taking a steaming shit on the franchise, though.

Still not dumb as the EU got.

They don't though? Sounds more like RLMfags bandwagoning.

but they're 1 for 2 on the new ones

But they're probably cousins

Hollywoods latest attempt to normalize the taboo?

Are they trying to make incest acceptable now to appeal to the pajeets?

You only find out Luke and Leia are siblings in the third movie.

>appeal to the pajeets
They want it so badly don't they?
I'm ok with this

If that was the intention it'd be mother/son or nephew/aunt.

it will be a rehashing of as many star wars tropes as they can fit into the film, it will be more PC with more people of color, and it will have a gigantic merchandising component, which will effectively drive the films content. and not a single fucking risk will be taken by anyone associated with it. you will forget the film 1 minute after leaving the theatre, except for an urge to buy figurines.

Hey Mike

yo, they have the same eye color

who else here unironically hates star wars?

Why did they make Finn have an american accent and Rey have a british accent?

>Post all leaks we know so far
You wetting your bed lol

>this kid eventually sex with Padme

We all are

This is awful

vice admiral holdo, played by laura dern

lucas beat them to the pot in 1999

How is not just as stupid?

you just KNOW

screen cap this

>But they're probably cousins

You say that like it's a bad thing.

This would actually be pretty cool.