After the success of IT, what can we expect next from Sophia Lillis?


More arthouse garbage.

Damn she already aging worse the Maggie Gyllenhaal

Why are you such a worthless NIGGER?

She is going to be turned out by all the Hollywood pedos... and I'm jealous.

more threads like this, all done by the same autistic soyboy pedofags

>I never play Cuphead with Sophia
This hurts more than anything

Reminder that if you like this ranga, you're either (a) underage or (b) a pedophile

No she isn't.

shes so pretty, i wish she wouldnt be so insecure to have to make le quirky faces in every photo

you're over exaggerating,she rarely makes
quirky faces

>"IT blu ray is coming out on January 9th,it'll come with deleted scenes including the infamous sewer scene where Beverly Marsh(played by Sophia Lillis) have intercourse with multiple members of the losers club.The scene was filmed graphically with closeup shots of the young stars genitals,the actress Sophia have commented that she was disgusted and was uncomfortable during the filming of that scene,the boys however,was more than thrilled to be featured in it."

how did they get away with it?

Fuck off idiot

>the boys however,was more than thrilled to be featured in it.
This is how you know it's fake.

Not always.
Many photos she gives just a genuine smile.

>"the director of the IT's new remake,Andrés Muschietti was attacked and criticized by multiple internet trolls and parents on the deleted sewer sex scene featuring all of the young casts.Those who auditioned for the role Beverly turned themselves downed after hearing that they will be filming a "graphic scene".
>"You may be thinking:"shouldn't the director be in jail for possessing and creating child porn?"apparently,Andrés Muschietti(the director) was protected under the fair use and documentary section (P316),"Child pornography is not permitted under any circumstances unless it's(documentary) source material contains said child sex on which otherwise is permitted.""

what has the world gone to?

Man at least learn how to write properly before you make these.

I'm a hardcore IT (2017) fan, so many times I would even try to escape reality with lucid dreaming, I would be in the town of Derry where I would often play Street Fighter with Richie, and hang with Beverly in the sewers, but one day as I was talking to Bev, we went to my abandoned house for a private talk. She immediately said, "You know you could join our club forever.." I gave her a confused look and she continued, "We understand that you live in the new millennium and you REALLY wish to live here". I then said "How..How did you know?" She then giggled and said "Because we've been watching you, new kid!"

This was a dream come true and I almost cried right there. She then said, "I talked with Bill and he agreed that you would be PERFECT for the Losers' Club, you just have to thing". She then held my hand and looked deep into my eyes and said "...You have to kill yourself for your body to float correctly. Bill and Ben have worked hard in the sewers." I then gave her some questions, "How long do I have before the deal expires?" She then said "Ben said 3 months.." I added by saying "What's the most painless way?..." She giggled again, "Suicide will require pain buuut...if you want it quick...Get a gun and a nice shot to the head works."

I then agreed and she gave me a kiss on the forehead, "I know this will be tough but once it's over and done, you'll get to live here and explore the sewers with us!" I then woke up and this was last week and I purchased a gun. I might actually kill myself because that dream just felt too real to be fake and my life isn't doing so grand.

What would you do?


If you gotta post shit like this, at least get the verbs right
I'm sick and tired of people using "have" for third person singular

I'm so glad that I will never have to watch this shit Movie
Normals ruin everything
>the kids weren't 11
>bevvy had short hair
>that is considered red hair
I fucking hate normals I wish that there could be 2 different kinds of all things released
A shit-tier normal version and a version for people that don't eat shit

>Bev will never turn up at your house one evening after her dad beat her again
>swn ask if she can stay over
>ywn give her one of your t-shirts to wear to bed
>ywn try not to notice how cute she looks in it, and how it barely covers her panties
>swn wake up at 3am from another nightmare
>ywn hug her and tell her everything will be alright
>swn sheepishly say she doesn't want to be alone snd ask if she can sleep in your bed tonight
>ywn try to act cool and pretend that this is anything less than the greatest moment of your young life.
>swn climb into bed and get unusually close to you
>ywn feel her small perky breasts press against you
>ywn listen to her breathing as the cooling night breeze carries the sound of crickets from outside.
>there will never be a small suspenseful pause as you soak in the situation
>ywn take a bold leap of faith and reach out to pull her closer
>swn silently accept your advances and pull her tight little body into yours.
>swn let out a small contented sigh as you wrap your arms around her
>ywn try not to notice her breasts pressing into your chest, or feel her smooth firm thighs brush against you..
>ywn breathe in the scent of her hair mixed with the smells of a warm summer night
>ywn fall into a peaceful deep sleep with her
>ywn wake up to her giggling and nuzzling you in her sleep
>ywn lie in bed for half an hour just listening to her soft sighs, feeling her breathing, her heartbeat and her warm breath on your neck.
>swn awake to you cuddling her
>swn feel safe in your arms

*wipes cheetos dust from fingers*
*breaths heavily as body has to lift several hundred pounds of adipose tissue*
what's next...
*leans forward with colossal effort while his old computer chair groans under the weight*
for her career?
*drool hits the keyboard as mother cries in disappointment upstairs*

Hope to see her in a new movie soon. She's really cute and talented.

jeez whats with the fags in this thread?
where did all the bants go?

Seeing her smile makes me feel nice

Playing with the tip of my penis right now, anyone else?

I wonder if what I feel is a good feeling or something darker.

based cuphead poster

u guys r gros

The things I would do to those lips

I don't even know how many of us Sophiabros are left in these threads.

>the soyboy actress

That's actually a really good point. The faces she makes are because she's uncomfortable just being herself and smiling. But why? She's beautiful.

is that styx

this, you racist crakkker ass faggot niggers

you can mosey on outta here, faggot

where did the gloryhole go?

She's just so innocent. Man I'd like to protect her with my penis


why did Sup Forums watch IT? i thought that movie is for children? is Sup Forums really full of underage people nowadays?

Sophia is a cute


>why did Sup Forums watch IT?
Too see the hottest young actress

where are all these shills coming from?
bet you cunts also like moner

sophia makes any song 10x better by being in it

I hope she does more.

What a basic bitch taste.

>the cranberries
>bill murray
>tim burton
well yeah lol but she is a girl, this is about as good as you're gonna get

she loves her fans too.

>That feel when you kinda experienced this but it will never happen again
I dont know if be sad or happy about it

that's so sweet


I'm sorry user.


after the role of a life time shes been busy

hey shut up lol

Whats the step father endgame?

Oh god who else here edging right now?

she got nice brappers

any cum tirbutes?



Smile protection

Soon hopefully. Balls are full for her

holy shit did somebody hacked into my phone?

>the boys however,was more than thrilled to be featured in it

those are some buttery teeth man

imagine if she was mj. why is she peak during sjw era lads? its not fair

aww, she brought her grandma with her.

Take a Tralfamadorian view of it.

Is there any limit to how beautiful white women can be?

>sophia as mj
>angourie as gwen
>threesome with both of them
why even live lads?

>Face it, tiger… you just hit the jackpot!


absolutely disrespectful

why is there rice in this Sophia thread?

hell naw. angourie as mj or liz whatever and sophie as ned

>Hey, you got chocolate in my peanut butter

Marriage with me

we need more rice!

Bitch is disgusting

thats not quirky she just has a dopey face

You too, buddy.

She is way too young to be using the fuck finger. Where are her parents??


The roastie in op isnt a cunny


I wish that seat was my face

This is a nice thread you got here Soapie

>turn-ons: TUMBLR
ruh roh

right after she had a giant meal of taco bell amirite?

some pretty good porn on tumblr

>Where are her parents??
Her stepfather is probably posting pics of her in this thread right now





literally anyone could have filled this out