GOAT shows with awful fanbases


> insert any show in existence
Well at least for your faggots on here who actually care about that shit

What fanbase?

Anything with a "fandom", those are obsessive annoying cancer by definition

This, all fanbases are fucking terrible.

Name ONE (1) show that has a good fanbase

Metalocalypse has a noticeable fanbase?

If you judge things by their fans you'll hate everything because the most vocal, obsessed people generally don't make great ambassadors.

>GOAT shows with awful creators

I always thought Mignolafags were a pretty swell bunch.

>i"'m sick of marvel not wanting spidey to grow as a character and keeping him as eternally down on his luck"

>"why is spidey a CEO running his own company? i miss when he was down on his luck"

spiderfags don't know what they want

He has a company?

Metalocalypse has a fanbase?

Fujoshits. Didn't you see the convention episode?

teen titans fanbase is so autistic that attempt to call them on their autism makes them think your a shill talking about TTGO when all they do is complain about any incarnation of the titans not being the cartoon counterparts

anyone who likes hellboy is a gentleman and a scholar

might be an asshat for other reasons though

Any fanbase is awful

he's had a company since around the end of superior

im a fan....whats your problem?

autistic people like a cartoon? so?.........how does that affect YOU?

pretty much every discussion about any TT character that isn't robin ever is basically them whining about how they aren't like their cartoon versions.

how can it be that you have people out there who can accept that there multiple versions or incarnations of a character but the titans are so taboo that any attempt to change them is consider heresy?


same can be said about this piece of shit

truthfully speaking