On the next episode of Samurai Jack

Promo: youtube.com/watch?v=92vZi_rVbds

Can we talk about how hype this episode is?

>updated intro sequence
>aku scene about him being depressed (we will get to know greg baldwin's voice work)
>jack going nuclear

Other urls found in this thread:


>updated intro sequence
>aku scene about him being depressed (we will get to know greg baldwin's voice work)
>jack going nuclear


>updated intro sequence
Genndy said that there's going to be an updated intro sequence but I don't really know what did he mean by that, so yeah
>aku scene about him being depressed (we will get to know greg baldwin's voice work)
Some people saw first three episode already and can confirm that
>jack going nuclear
He is going to kill at least one person, also basically what promo shows

>"...Just nuts and bolts."

Oh man.

>Just a robot

So he's basically giving himself a reasn not to have a breakdown?

Is it WACHA or WATCH OUT? What does WACHA even mean? Is

watch out, user.

Jack even encountered robot civilians.
One of which were devastated by the Ultra Bots
IIRC he even teamed up with robots before in the IDW comics

Reminder that the "...Just nuts and bolts." monologue was Jack telling himself that the daughters of aku he killed were actually robots to help himself sleep at night

I think more along the lines of convincing himself that Aku will always send robots to kill him, instead of actual dudes

That's what I'm thinking as well, he accidentally kills one of the daughters

Does this confirm that Jack is insane and all the robots were humans?

I don't expect that but it would be funny as fuck to be honest

>Dat remixed theme tho

>no one ever bothered telling Jack what a cyborg is

jack has been killing all this time he is jutst in denial about it
honestly better plot than what we got

Didn't Jack already kill humans before?

Not conclusively, and now word of god says definitely not.

Bottom line is there were many suggestive, but non definitive scenes that can be dragged up but even assuming them, there's certainly nothing close to killing a 16(?) year old girl who has been manipulated all her life to fight Jack.

>earth in the future has a minority of humans and a large number of robots
>those robots are actually humans turned cyborgs for various reasons

>jack going nuclear
While the promo got me hyped, thinking about it, I'm not sure how I feel about Jack losing it because he killed a human. He's a warrior, killing people is a sad truth of the job and while I can understand if it's an innocent person or child/teenager he's fighting a group of young adults who are after his blood. Not to mention he has fought humans occasionally, even if they never died as spectacularly as the robots. So I guess I'd have to see it to get how it's truly handled.

I'd also like it if maybe we get to that those "nuts and bolts" Jack says have some semblance of independence and sentient thought, since we've seen this to be implied several times, and how that realization could effect him.

>he thinks the sister's are Just Machines

He's gonna fucking break when he kills one isn't he?
He doesn't think they're human at all.

>cuts her down
>its a 17 year old Japanese girl
>looks exactly like the little girl from Jacks past

It would also be great if the mother of the sisters is the little girl brought forward in time by Aku

He's not really a warrior. He's an emperor's son who has trained to fight an evil demonic monster, not fight other soldiers on a battlefield, that's a different mindset. Jack wouldnt even let those monks risk their lives to enter the time portal despite that if he went in they wouldnt be in danger in the first place.

>They are just nuts and bolts,

>Just nuts and bolts.

Theyre black shadowy figures all wearing masks. Jack fought something similar in the first episode but the guys turned into dust because they werent real people. Jack will definitely not think theyre real people.

This is stupid because he is from the fucking past and probably took some time to know what a robot even is.

It would be.more likely for him to see robots as people (like he often does on the show if they aren't trying to kill him) than for him to see people as robots.

Stupid theory, even if funny.


He said the song will stay the same just the intro will be updated. I'm guessing because the original wasn't made past 480p.

Jack said that Aku destroyed all the time portals

But isn't the guardian one prophosizing that it's inevitable that he will use one

Not really, he wasn't talking specifically about using a portal, just going back to the past. It was vague, everything can happen.

We've already seen the faces of the daughters.

You want Jack to get cucked? Why would Aku keep a bitch a live for a thousand years or send her to the future. Aku has all kind of bitches he can fuck.

>no killing humans cause muh honor

I don't get this meme

Real samurai were hardasses that slaughtered peasants because they felt like it

Could someone point me to the stream where Genndy talks about the state of cartoons today?

It's more like he's never killed a human being (according to Genndy) after years of training to kill dark entities plus 50 years of killing robots too.

Its not about honor. It's a personal hurdle.

>I'd also like it if maybe we get to that those "nuts and bolts" Jack says have some semblance of independence and sentient thought, since we've seen this to be implied several times, and how that realization could effect him.

I'm going to be disappointed if this doesn't happen. I'm sure that realizing that he killed a young girl will be traumatizing enough, but that could be magnified so much more by realizing he's been killing all along. Besides, it would make all the buildup from the previous seasons establishing robots as people meaningless if they decided not to address it.


It's going to be sad, too. She's gonna stagger around a bit before collapsing in the snow.

The leaks are staggering. Why?

They're not leaks, it's concept art from the promos.

Jack isn't a "real Samurai." He's a little kid who was taken away from his mommy and trained mostly by pacifists to fight an ancient evil. His senses were hardened, but his heart never was. His soft heart has been displayed and exploited time and time again.

Jack is a gentle, kind-hearted man who happens to also be an untouchable killing machine. Just because he can kill people, it doesn't mean he wants to.

sweet thing

>all the other daughters are all "pfft she was weak why do you care"
>Jack breaks further

not ready

i would imagine that akus voice actor dying is the cause
they probably would retire the old intro as a sign of respect

I swear that exact shot was initially used as the background for Season 5's episodes on iTunes.

It was. I remember seeing somebody post it here. I guess it's nice they changed it because it's kind of a spoiler for the next ep, but I also regret not saving it when I had the chance.

>I also regret not saving it when I had the chance

The whole "Jack's never killed a human" thing just feels....weak. I honestly don't get it. Is his argument that all the clearly sapient creatures and robots Jack has killed don't matter because they weren't human?

It actually feels like he's intentionally creating a plot hole for the sake of some pointless hypocritical achievement on Jack's part.

Jack recognizes non-humans as people. He recognizes robots as people. He's expressed anger and horror at the loss of non-human life many times before. This declaration just feels idiotic.

Jack is just using mental gymnastics to validate his actions against robots, cyborgs and aliens; always has been.

It's just going to take a human death under his hands to realize that...and that he's really no different from the robots he fights in a why - he only exists as a living weapon to fulfill his sole purpose - which is to hunt down and kill the enemy (Aku.)


Bruh, that first episode was lit as fuck. Some much nostalgia.

Kind of agree honestly. Maybe if the daughters were just teenagers no older than 17, then him going nuclear at the realization of killing some teenage girl(s,) would seem more understandable and believable.

So he's gonna fucking explode when he kills one of the Daughters of Aku and guts and blood spills out, right?

>>updated intro sequence
I wish they just updated the original intro song.

I hope they make it like an anime OVA and give us a new intro later in the show, one with the old theme song.

So what do you expect the ratio of humor to serious drama will be for the rest of the season?

Jack's had 50+ years to harden himself and become jaded about destroying robots and the like.
Think about that.

He seems to be remorseful over killing sentient robots, and seems to justify it with the shaky 'just nuts and bolts' and according to Jack and the Zombies, Jack's sword might not have actually harmed the bounty hunters. Unless he retrives it, and cuts the Aku's daughters up like ribbons with it, then it's bunk.

Or he could've forgotten. Dudes had allot of fights.

>As the season goes on Jack becomes aware that while Aku has done so much damage to the world, his prolonged war with Aku has only made things worse
>Jack running from his fight for 50 years has only resulted in more suffering than ever as Aku has taken his anger at Jack out on innocents
>The daughters are just more people who are victims of Aku's evil that could have been saved if Jack had simply stopped Aku
>Jack finds out that the reason the gods never destroyed Aku themselves is because Aku is a manifestation of their mistakes in the past, Their opportunity to destroy evil was millions of years ago and they have no right to go back and undo the past they could only provide others with the tools to save the future
>This is the same reason that Jack's father set up the plan to train Jack, because if Aku returned it would be do to his failure in the past and all he could do would be to give Jack the skills he would need to save the future
>Jack realizes that even with the time portal gone he still has his destiny "To undo the evil that is Aku"
>As the show continues e befriends Ashi and takes her on as a disciple teaching her the various skills he has learned
>Jack confronts Aku
>"Long ago in a distant land, Aku the shape shifting master of darkness unleashed an unspeakable evil but...a foolish samurai warrior stepped forth to oppose you, before the final blow was struck you tore open a portal in time and flung me into the future where your evil is law, but now this fool no longer seeks to return to the past, but I will undo the future that is Aku.
>Jack manages to kill Aku by tricking him into opening up another portal in time this time to the end of time itself, both of them die
>All that is left is the sword
>Ashi had been told by Jack to keep the sword and train anyone she can find in the skills Jack had taught her, and to use them to help rebuild the world and remove any taint of Aku from history passing the sword down to those that are worthy.

>despite living in a cave and having a life 100% motivated by training they all still manage to find a way to have unique hair styles and maintain that look for a least 10 years

1/3 humor, 2/3 everything sucks.

It's how they naturally grow their hair.

Don't underestimate how women can use their free time to the fullest

>tfw showing a newbie episodes right now
>tfw just watched new episode and he wants to see more, only barely remembering SJ because he was tiny when it was new

Their mum probably styled them like that to tell them apart easier.

I think the argument is that Jack uses that as his rationalization for all the things he's killed. If he has to fight it, then it's obvious sent by Aku and it's obviously a robot.

So when Jack has to deal with the fact that he's killed someone because he couldn't tell the difference between a human and a robot, what then? Not only has Jack betrayed his own code of ethics but it also means that his rationale for killing robots is destroyed.

They're so fucking cute. I just can't help saying as much. They're goddamned adorable. Too bad they turned them into a bunch of crazy assassins though.


Fuck Shadman.

Not to mention the fun tone of the old show translates into something a little more serious.

>Show was always about dramatic standoffs and explosions
>Now has to deal with real ethical problems

It's a nice way to shift the tone while acknowledging the CN censure of days gone by.

I hate how open he is about being a pedo yet people still like him

There are a lot of pedophiles out there, you just don't know about them.

y'all bitches complain about shadman, but I know y'all fuckers will be looking at the rule34's

>We all thought he would join up with Ashi
>She's the one he kills

nah nigger, cowboy jack is seen with her.

Ah hadn't seen that. That's good though

Man the first episode was great, I really liked the designs of the weird-electric dog people and Scaramouche was hilarious, Jack was a badass. Overall great episode.

But is anyone else annoyed with the explanation of how he lost his sword? He was just... climbing a hole and it fell? After all the crazy shit that he's done with that thing he just dropped it down a pit?

Couldn't have been in some battle where it's flung away or something? Also he looked bizarre in the flashback.

Only thing that really bothered me desu.

>yfw the first new LONG AGO in 13 years

Is it Saturday yet? It already feels like 2 weeks have passed

He better at least make art of best assassin

It will be definitely addressed, it was probably a tough fight and he gave up after that or something.

He will get his sword back anyway so it has to be addressed.

We're obviously not shown all of the details. Jack in the flashback looks kind of malnourished and he's missing his gi, presumably he went through some kind of trial or challenge before losing his sword


You guys gonna watch the episode with me?

>mfw Scaramouche is revealed to have been human too...

Haha, just kidding. He whacked an entire village just to flush Jack out like it was 'Tuesday'.

Greg Baldwin did Iroh's voice after Mako passed away. I think he'll do fine.

They're septuplets.

I think there was something in the pit the sword fell down-notice the green glow. The masked rider that keeps featuring in Jacks flashbacks has the same green glow around him. He's also got the sword.

Jack killed plenty of humans and humanoids.

You think all those bounty hunters that teamed up on him in that episode just 'got back up'?!

It's the fact he's been fighting a war for 50 fucking years.


I think the idea might be that the majority of enemies that Aku sent after Jack were robots like the beetles, which are obviously not sentient. It would be easy for Jack to believe that even the ones with "personality" (like Scaramouch) have just had that personality programmed into them for Aku's twisted amusement and are not truly sentient. It's not like he would know how robots work.

he's going to kill all of them, retard

I like how we don't know pretty much anything about this season. Sure we got trailers and promos but they show stuff mostly the first 2 episodes.

It'spartically confirmed that Ashi will become his comrade though, through leaked storyboard images we've seen so far and the like.

well, go away he's better off alone

Agreed, but that's what's happening.

Sorry to break the news to you.

you lying

also it doesn't prove shit

i wonder if Greg Baldwin does other voice work than just "that guy that can sound like Mako"

>jack hasn't killed humans

Bullshit. Watch the princess and the bounty hunters

Shadman.. stop, man.. just stop.