Movies to trip

Any recomendations to watch while tripping on edibles or lsd?

I've watched:

Fantasia 2000
2001 A Space Odyssey
Enter the Void
My Beautiful Broken Mind (documental)

Would like to watch some other stuff. Not that much on the side of Enter the Void who fucked me up real hard while watching it due to car scenes.

Other urls found in this thread:

Fear and loathing
Train spotting.

ENjoy my reddit tier rec's and spacing.



Yeah, no

Tales Of Beatrix Potter 1971
House 1977
Memories 1995


Put on mute.

Mirror Mask
Any Joseph Campbell doc
Tanzem's The Fall
El Mariachi
The Hobbit (the animated)
Empire Records, (hope you like blue cheese)
Idle Hands
Cloud Atlas, (the Wachouskis made it kino)
Enter the Void (you notice new things on the second viewing)
Any Goosebumps episode
A Beautiful Mind (a worthy inclusion imo)
Last but not least, fucking pic related. AMA


a Satoshi Kon (that isn't Perfect Blue, trust me)
Count of Monte Cristo
I don't recommend H. Miyazaki or M. Shinkai, I think they can hit a bit too hard.

Heaven knows what. kill yourself to it you faggot

enter the void would be way too frightening and intense for me

i watched silence on lsd and it gave me a breakdown afterwards due to garfields character

this will sound cringe and reddit but the matrix and its sequels are literally mind blowing on psychs

Heavy Metal
Fantastic planet
The doors
Renegade / Blueberry
The Bear
Simpsons psychedelic episodes
Rick & Marty psychedelic episode

A Scanner Darkly

Last time I tripped I just watched Looney Tunes and thought it was the funniest thing i've ever seen.

I was doing fine with enter the void it and got me pretty into it until the first car scene, after that I spiraled down pretty hard

That's some seriously heavy shit to watch when tripping

On second thought, disregard all but my first three suggestions. I changed my mind about a few. My own (relevant) experience covers very few movies, including Birdman.

This movie fucking sucks dick and you are shit for liking it, even substance abuse wouldn't make this movie good.

I've watched Paprika many times but I'll have in mind the other ones

You know, I'm not finding anything about Tanzems fall

The first half of the movie could make for fun and interesting viewing but I'd probably be ready to an hero after the ending.

I've decided that, for me anyway, Fear and Loathing is the ideal movie for psychedelics.

The Fall, directed by Tarsem. That dude is mistaken. Absolute kino btw



Koyaanisqatsi and its two sequels are very much in the same vein as Baraka/Samsara

Waking Life
Baron Munchhausen
Yi Yi

Now that I remember I saw it a couple of years ago, I'll have to watch it again

They are considered 'pure cinema,' i.e. no plot or dialogue, only film and music. And yes all of them are phenomenal

More like not having any fucking SUBSTANCE (geddit :DD:D), the whole movie is just DUDE DRUGS AND SEX LMAO, and the movie climaxes, literally, with a big fucking CGI dick cumming inside a big CGI vagina, fucking cool.

This would be wacky. Or just The PowerPoint episodes.

The credits were the best part of the whole fucking film.

>the whole movie is just DUDE DRUGS AND SEX LMAO


Sounds exactly like something I could just let myself go into while watching. Thanks

Time Bandits.

Trust me on this one.

Gotta be honest with you, senpai. Watching movies on psychedelics is loser-tier. Don't waste your trip,staring at yet another screen. Get out and LIVE!

PLEASE tell me the deeper themes of Enter the Void


I'm not recommending your watch this on acid if you want to have a good time, but it is within that genre.


Its an interpretation of reincarnation and the penance for your of the characters literally says this in the first 20 minutes or so. You might actually be retarded.

I'll keep it on mind for later because I don't want to freak out

>ywn be this stupid

>imagine being this autistic that you see reincarnation from a giant poorly modeled CG cum shot..


That makes no sense given what happens in the movie, some druggie degenerate has an incestual relationship with his whore sister, dies is a botched drug deal and then gets astro-cucked watching her live the rest of her life as a roastie, followed by the last 30 minutes of the film of just all the characters fucking in some neon hotel, wow what penance.

That film was only good as a music video:

Put your phone down and pay attention when you watch a movie.

Yeah it really wasn't that good, stellar visuals and music but that's about it. I figure if you like these kinds of movies you'll get something out of it.

I like how Noe Gazpar movies always trigger someone

Yeah, that pretty much sums it up.

This is thousands of years old and should not come as news if your are educated to any degree.

Could you forge me a durable, well-balanced sword? We've been doing it for thousands of years and it should not come as news if you are educated to any degree.

>That makes no sense
>proceeds to describe a situation where someone did bad things, then suffers consequences ("cucked" as you say)

Do you think before you write, or?

>he doesn't spiral out

Godzilla vs. The Smog Monster.

Was just gonna post this! Best film of the 2010s so far, IMO. Whether tripping or not...

Even though thats not the same at all, yeah i could. Heat increases particle motion, allowing you to hammer the metal to a greater density. Afterwards you must dip it in water to rapidly cool and force the molecules to stay tight.

Thats basic chemistry. Near 10th grade level.

Like the other anons said. It's all about reincarnation view through the book of dead. Obviously being that director ir will have some weird and artsy shot but I think it fits well with the movie. The whole dmt or the drug he used helped a lot on that "transition" from life to death and it might helps you to understandwhy he sees all of that

best action movies new adventure movies 2016 Beyond The Black Rainbow action movies 2016

>Someone on Sup Forums actually believes this

Maybe some day I'll watch it on drugs but I'll do it with my friends to see how they react. One of them has always linked this movie to his suicide feelings

Everything on this list. EVERYTHING.

Voyage of Time.

I saw it on acid and it was insane. I also used my own soundtrack and fast-forwarded the indulgent, lame modern day scenes Malick haphazardly stuck in there.

The movie actually reflects time from a human perspective. So a big chunk is about stars forming, planets etc and then life starting out and then near the end it speeds up as you go from early hominids to modern day (which lasts like a minute) to the end of the solar system and the death of the universe. Pretty cool.

Believes what, differential heat treatment exists? Crazy stuff. Nice meme btw

>understanding a movie
>being a master blacksmith

One of these things is very much not like the other. Rly maek me thnk

Ok I have never seen this one but sounds pretty interesting. Nice

In all honesty my favorite psychedelic experience while watching films is credited to Point Break.
I grew up watching this film & it never really struck a chord until i was 700ug deep after a full day dosing really clean swiss crystal.
Pretty much hanging on to reality by the thread of my pants but by the time we put the movie on - it was surprisingly grounding & great times had come of it.

It was the most hilarious shit ever, such an underrated film. Pure maïs au fromage.
The efforts & technique put into the production actually blew me away, in particular how ridiculously over-shot the suburban chase scene between Keanu & Swayze is. There is also a lot of great cinematography throughout imo

My sides fall off any time Gary Busey is on screen or opens his mouth - it's actually like he doesn't realize they're making a movie & is just on another Cocain n' Whiskey adventure.

All in all, im not really into watching the most thought provoking films/docos or drug culture ect. ect. while im in altered states - i try to keep my critical thinking influenced from within, not visual medias... music & the outdoors is more my jam.

Nigga how the fuck would you even know what a TV is at 700ug?

>Not OP.
>At the movies as I post
>Going it alone
>Seeing pic related.
>Phoneposting, but if this thread isn't up by the time it's over I'll check the archive.
>first time LSD
>Took suggested amount 24 mins ago,
>Still waiting for it to kick in

I obtained a couple 'squares' of the relevant substance a week ago and I'm letting one dissolve. First time doing it. 30 minutes ago or so. Movie starts in 15, or at least the trailers do. I'm popcorn/water prepared. I'm a mellow person as it is, but Will I be okay to walk home after it's over? I'm arranging for a cab in advance just in case. I'm requesting (and would appreciate) any last minute suggestions.

I don't mean to hijack your thread OP. But it's relevant and I don't think my query deserves it's own thread, that's all.

>inb4 negativity. I'm feeling pretty good, and I wish you guys a kino weekend.

>It's a "based Gaspar triggers the brainlets" episode


I like this word.

150 micrograms to be exact. My friend's aware that I'm a virgin in this regard.
Stats are 160lbs, 6'2", work out daily but only mildly, just took a shit/piss, if any of this intel helps.

When I saw Enter the Void in the theater the first time, the ending at one point involving a dick literally facefucking the viewer, I remember the second the movie ended a woman got up and stormed out really indignantly and loudly.

Anything by Terrance Malick, specifically Tree of Life.

Anything by David Lynch, specifically Blue Velvet.

The Shining
There Will be Blood

I know this sounds like a normal list of movies but trust me. Pure kino.

Enjoy the ride. Kind of an odd movie to pick while tripping for the first time lol but maybe it'll strike a chord with you. You definitely won't forget it. If you've got headphones just walking around listening to chill music is one of the best things you can do imo

Seconding Tree of Life. It's one of my favorite films, I watched it coming down from LSD once and it touched me in a way no other film has. One of the most beautiful pieces of cinema of all time honestly. dare I say....kino?

>watching a movie while tripping acid
>not going outside to reconnect with nature and exploring the living breathing 3d world around you instead of a fucking movie

Speed Racer
Pacific Rim

either you've never done acid or you have nothing inside your head