Why are British actors so good at sounding like Americans but American actors are so bad at sounding like British?

Why are British actors so good at sounding like Americans but American actors are so bad at sounding like British?

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It's easier to do a normal voice (American) than a silly comedy voice (all European accents).

For the same reason it's hard to pull off playing a mentally handicapped character.

One is subtractive and the other is additive.

All British people are just faking that accent to sound smart.

British grow up watching American tv.

Someone tell Tim Roth because he still cant do it

I forget who it was, but an English actor said it was easier for them to pick up different American accents because the US media is so prevalent.

British and Australian actors train in adapting American accents because they know that the money is in the US and faking their accent is useful in 99% of the roles they'll get if they work there. Americans have to fake being English/French/Scottish a few times in their careers maybe.

Hell I didn't even realise that Kid Flash is an Aussie until recently.

Tim Roth's British accent is great, what the fuck are you talking about?

Because both nations speak the English language, so naturally Englishmen are far more adept at speaking in either accent.

Because Brits dont talk anything like Americans think they do.

The American accent is universal.

ITT: you learn that the tradition British accent didn't exist until the Victorian era and before that the spoke like Americans. Hard R and all.

Awful bait.

>Why are British actors so good at sounding like Americans
They're not you dumb Brit. Whenever you people try to do an American accent you sound like a retarded cowboy.

Hugh Jackman's American accent as Wolverine is so good you'd never know he's British.

You're just mad because you know it's true.

Depends on the actor.

Gerard Butler is BRUTAL at American accents.

It's kind of a shame because his character is meant to be Canadian.

I wish this guy put out a video a week: youtube.com/watch?v=NvDvESEXcgE

>Hugh Jackman

This can't be a real post.

It's harder than you think. Fassbender (though he's terrible with accents in general) and Ewan McGregor couldn't do it. There have been a few others who were remarkably terrible but I can't remember them all.

This is the only non meme answer

Daniel Craig's American accent is really awkward and forced.

I don't mind because the voice that ends up coming out is amazing, like a kind of Sean Connery voice.

Was this the best Brit doing American accent in tv history

>retarded cowboy.
but that's what Americans sound like.

I think he hates doing accents. I read some story that for the Dragon Tattoo remake everyone was told to do these fake accents but he just said "Fuck you" and spoke normally.

Which is weird because he didn't seem to mind attempting an American accent in Cowboys and Aliens.

>attempting an American accent in Cowboys and Aliens.
That's the one I was talking about. His accent sounded so awkward and unnatural in that movie.

No, he always sounds like he's going to sneeze.

It was so good the studio thought he was American

The Wire was full of Brits you'd never know.

I saw some interview or something, not sure if he was joking, where Gosling said he's lost his original accent and his natural speaking voice is actually that sorta' marlon brandon impression he's always doing.

I heard something similar happened to Charlize Theron.

ewan sounded fine in the island

I don't think I've ever heard her with a South African accent of any sort. (she's South Africa, right?)

Ewan McGregor is scottish, not british

I was raised by Midwestern parents but I sort have an old timey New York accent because I watched The Three Stooges a lot with my dad when I was a kid.

>scottish, not british
Scotland is in Britain.

they can't compete
this is pure art

Stop it!!!

We are not cucked by the anglos I swear REEEEEEEEEEEE

Yes, and I remember her saying in some interview she never really spoke English well until she moved to the US and her accent became American iirc.

That's actually impressive.

Americans can't comprehend accents.

Because and American accent is just and English one with less enunciation. Basically it's English dumbed down.

british actors are shit at sounding american you eurotrash just have no clue what an ameican sound slike

Depends on the accent. The standard American accents enunciates more than a lot of Northern English accents.

because British people are retarded

I don't think they fake it but they defiantly ham it up quite a bit shit pisses me off

I've started to notice some british actors accents coming through. Some of them tend to do this weird kind of voice lowering. Its really noticeable in Dr. Strange and House. They also can't do regional accents that well honestly.

A lot of them will do that when they visit the US, and of course mention how British they are whenever they get the chance.

This is fucking BIZARRE: youtube.com/watch?v=aAz8MCO8fg8

Listen to the way she says Los Angelas and names (even african names).

when non-americans try to emulate us it sounds terrible. a good example is andrew lincoln.

Same thing probably happened to dunkey lol


This. US accents pervade pop culture worldwide. Outside of Frasier I can't think of any American sitcom wherein a character with a British accent was a series mainstay.

Because the world is exposed more to American accents than British ones, despite the Brits being the second biggest exporter of television content in the world behind the Americans.


Yeah I noticed that weird gravelly sound they make, it's weird. To make it worse they sometimes lilt the wrong vowels or syllables and it sounds even stranger.

That is weird, considering she's a native Afrikaans speaker.

He's not too terrible but what I find strange is that he doens't seem to do a Georgia accent, I thought the character was from there.


>Why are British actors so good at sounding like Americans
I disagree, almost all of them sound exactly the same and really fake to me.

What the fuck are you talking about fag

>They also can't do regional accents that well honestly.


this is the eternal's anglo kryptonite

House guys new show Chance
his accent is all over the place
I think because our ears have gotten so used to classically trained British actors, that voice is very difficult to fully imitate
Patrick Stewart's real accent would be almost unintelligible to most American and British viewers.

Kek is this supposed to be a southern accent? She sounds like some 1800s Gone with the Wind charicature.

>this meme again

>he doens't seem to do a Georgia accent, I thought the character was from there.
he over does the draw and it sounds like shit

Pretty poor attempt from Maisie. You can still hear the bong coming out.

A lot of people from Georgia have distinct accents that aren't just "standard" Southern. He didn't have that. And yeah, he over did it with Corl.

Did I offend you, Hugh?

She does look very southern though. I don't know what it is but her face has this distinctly southern/Appalachian look.

His accent is pretty poor but it doesn't stop him from being based as fuck.

Southern folks are mostly Scottish/Scots-Irish by blood iirc.

Uronically Johnny Depp.

Yes, we get it, she looks inbred.

Adam and Joe used to mine this nugget a lot


I always knew Idris Elba was. Also his accent in Beasts of no Nation is noticeably shit because of the accents of the other actors

He's weird, he feels like he's somehow gotten MORE Bostonian over the years. I can't tell if he's putting on a voice for entertainment or not.

ITT: you learn that British didn't have electricity or cars until Americans brought them over for WW1

Until this post I didn't even know Gerard Butler was attempting an American accent.

Johnny Depp's normal speaking voice is awesome and doesn't even sound like any American I've ever heard. I'd like to know where the heck he gets it.

they don't sound like whatever kind of accent andrew is trying to do though.

RDJ is an American actor who does accents well.


The gravelly thing is everywhere once you notice it.

The problem with southern accents is that there are more than one. Most british actors just don't distinguish the accent differences in the US

Does a pretty good job for a bong

For a while I thought he was native or half something like Keanu.

He sounds like he's autistic.

american accents are the "just turn your brain off" of accents. there is little room for nuance.

Because why would you put effort into sounding like a snobby faggot who can't even pronounce a large part of their own fucking language properly?

t. yokel who can't pronounce aluminium and thinks there's a D in the word water.

Literally no modern day southerner sounds like that. She sounds like she's trying to do some sort of antebellum era accent.

Better than thinking there's no r in water you fruit. Quick, say the sentence "The horse hid the hatchet near the house"

First off, the word is spelled aluminum. I don't know where you Brits get the extra i.

And yet, whenever you faggots sing, you sound like us

>The gravelly thing is everywhere once you notice it.
Why do they do that? Are they trying to make their voice lower because they know that American men tend to have deeper voices than faggy British "men"

That is so true. Why is it like that anyway?

They're retards who spell it that way because some literal faggot said they should write it that way because it sounded more snobbish and faggy.