Click (2006)

What would you do if you were in his position?

There was nothing he could do, he literally lost control of the remote.

Bowl of eggs

Use to pause button to do shenanigans, get rich and also save the world by killing the worst scum. Miscellaneous stuff as well like beating cunts up

What would you do with the remote?


>hey, remember that pause thing Zack did in Saved By the Bell? Where he could control a moment or move time? What if we made a movie about that?

So unimaginative, and that forced ending.

I'd jack off on so much stuff.

Ohh. I’d go around pausing women and raping them, of course

>Turn remote at self
>Press "eject"

The only button worth a shit there is the pause button, you really don't need anything else.





I'd rewind to the time I first get the remote. Then I have two remote.

This was the golden age of Sup Forums

>rip in piece mimi :(

saw this in the cinema with her when i was 13. She died of dementia a few years ago

you can't rewind to before a movie starts

Sure you can. Rewind it to this.

rhymes with grape


Listen to books on tape?

I would abuse the living hell out of the pause button. Words such as "Rape" and "Murder" will become too flaccid to properly describe the horror that I will unsheathe on this world. The first day I will ruin the lives of thousands. No one will even comprehend what had happened, the next day I will do it all over again. People will fill with fear, lock themselves indoors, afraid of the horror that has dropped on them like a hammer on a skull. Whole communities will collapse upon themselves as people fear to go to work or even leave their homes.

At this point I will expand my operation, expand my plans, the streets will be painted red with blood, warnings will be written, demanding odd things such as "only blue eyed people may leave their houses on wednesdays between 11am-6pm". And they will obey. They will all obey. Society will form their lives around the rules I have created, because they will fear me. I WILL BECOME A GOD IN THIS NEW WORLD. NO LONGER SHALL CUTE GIRLS REJECT ME. NO LONGER WILL MOTHER BE DISAPOINTED IN HER YOUNG. NO LONGER WILL CHADS INSULT MY TASTE IN JAPANESE MEDIA. I SHALL RISE FROM THE BLOODSHED AND FEAR AND I WILL REIGN SUPREME. BOW DOWN TO ME. BOW DOWN TO MY ADAM SANDLER MID 2000'S MOVIE SUPER POWER. NO ONE SHALL STAND IN MY WAY. I WILL BECOME A GOD.

>tfw on autopilot



in iran they say, "thats why god didn't give the donkey, horns"... now go kys fag


>postercount doesnt move



Just never press FF, and do all kinds of /d/-tier shit to everyone around me.
Although I'm not sure how many options there, considering its based on a tv remote.
Maybe use the Zoom button to give girls bigger tits at least.

i cried like a little girl watching this movie



Eat a grape?

For a comedy the movie was refreshingly depressing as hell

100% Sandlerkino

Fuck wife everyday and then repeat.

tape an ape eating a grape?

rewind button is all i need

I wouldn’t even give a shit about that stupid remote because id be busy banging kate beckinsale

>press pause
>go to the nearest high school
>take the clothes off of every single teacher, faculty, janitor, monitor, etc.
>Walk out of school
>Press play
>Hear the screaming and laughing

I would just listen to Walken say
for the rest of my days

Throwing people out of a plane? (without shooting them)

I'd stop at the moment it became clear i would not learn or remember anything from the time i fastforwarded through.

Life is a fucking learning process. You can't skip over that. You can skip over unnecessary stuff in order to learn faster, but you can't skip it all alltogether. This guy basically ended up a crippled person without a recollection of his past, like somebody with a dementia, with less lifespan than he started with, until 'god' etc. stepped in to 'teach him a lesson' to not be so fucking retarded.



Click was underrated kino. My father loved this movie.

theres a doujin about this i think

The real question is, would you ever get tired of rape?

play Ape Escape?

>Go to an area
>Kill all the niggers
>Kick up my feet and watch the news

bite the nape?


I just came to see this picture.

go back in time and smash moot's computer up real good, saving all of you in the process.

this. id hit up all that sweet cunny that is floating around.

>yfw this scene

How long would you use the remote before you went for the inevitable rape? It would take some confidence that it wouldn't give out in the middle of things.

just carry a gun so if it does you can kill them and rewind time.

Really hit me in the feels 2bh, my favourite scenes were never the cutesy "do whatever you want huehuheueh" scenes, it was In the 2nd half when he was really the consequences of being such a self serving piece of shit with the remote. People like to give 21st century Adam Sandler movies shit and rightfully so, but I really liked Click and never understood it's mediocre ratings.

>hit "pause"
>"clean up" Baltimore and DC
>live in white paradise


nice edgepost


Can we have one of those invisible man "what would you do in his situation" threads after this?

*teleports behind you*

I agree, Click was th last good Sandler movie I watched, hit he hard as a kid, hit me hard.

Pause time. Forever.
Hide the remote in a safe place.
There are about one billion women between the ages of 18 and 40 in the world. I would go on an endless quest to bang each one. I would be able to enjoy my fetishes in public (feet, crossdressing, etc, don't question the crossdressing). I could destroy a ton of shit, enjoy any activity, go exploring and all that shit. Wild animals would pose no threat. There would be no cops. I could do almost anything.
Or I can do the whole "cumshot that changed the world" routine

>pause at dying
>hit reverse
*tips immortality*

Have a long sniff

Who is that semen demon

She was in Split



go to high school
look up girls skirts

probably an app that controls the intensity of the vibrator inside her

>Go to high school
>Go to to the junior high
>Look up girls skirts


>What would you do with the remote?
Stick it up my ass

>toki wo tomare

Why was this aggressive Jew pushed so hard as some sort of "funny guy"?





include me in screencap


Probably just steal a shitload of money, work out with the world on pause like that simpsons episode and rape a bunch of shit.

>t. Light Imagay

Which vibrator model? That app looks smooth.

I made the mistake of telling my friends that I cried watching this movie, fuck

It's okay desu, I teared up at the end too.

Alright, my nostalgia got to me and I just rewatched it. All I can say is, it wasn't bad but it took itself way to serious. Adam Sandler almost was able to do it, but his voice inflection always returned to his goofiness and the ending scene was subpar with the comedy injection. But still, recast him and rewrite some of the sad scenes and you have an ok sad comedy. I remember it better when I was a kid, but the scene where he sees his dad for the last time almost got me.


Ding ding ding winner

Ok I get 40 but wouldn't a better lower cutoff be somewhere between 12 and 16 depending on taste?

The same as they do in those time stop Jap porno.

I don't understand why this picture is so funny but it makes me laugh every time I see it.

>go to a highly pupulated area
>put my pants down