Worth the watch?

Or is it littered with SJW propaganda?

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The SJW propaganda wasn’t too bad. There was a little bit towards the end of the second season when julia immigrates to the American reich

Obergruppenfuhrer Smith is my husbando.

It's just Sup Forums fanfiction dogshit, skip it

>Watching Amazon original shows

Its surprisingly not lmao, and the few times they do seem to try and make multiculti look good it fails because the nazis have literally perfect societies.

>implying that wouldn't be fun to see in a full on production

Love or hate Sup Forumsism

Fuckers can be fun though

such fanfiction would be fun in pic related them as well

naw it just made me wish it was reality.

I only watched the first season. There's a few cringeworthy moments but it's mostly alright. It's worth watching for this guy alone. Both of the main Japanese guys are good too.

>being against nazis means you're a SJW
oh fuck off

I dearly hope this character never betrays the Reich.

If you care enough about nazis to be “against” them, you’re an SJW. Modern-day nazis are utterly inconsequential

Same but I’m worried after what happened with his son that he’ll go soft

>Japan wanted to invade america!!!
Literal propaganda

Yeah but there's still there. It's reasonable to still be like "man fuck these guys". Same with commies who still rave about Lenin.

When the FUCK is season 3 coming out

>Being this paranoid about Nazis
Grow up. Maybe take a STEM degree in college instead of a meme one.

Yes it's worth a watch, there's not enough 'SJW' aspects in it to be a problem.

The problem is if they carry over the whole Grasshopper Lies Heavy aspect of the setting from the books and turn it into something too literal. I always saw the alternate Allied-won world as point of meditation or reflection, not actual multiverse travelling, as they're hinting in Season 3/

Before 2018

>Thought it'd be way over the top and dumb with evil Nazis oppressive everyone
>actually seems like bretty good living

Only time you'd have a shitty living situation is under the gook boot

I am in season 2 and there is actually very little SJW propaganda so far. Tagomi and Smith who are supposed to be the "bad guys" are really the only characters that are remotely interesting though

I hope they do more exploring. I want to see more worldbuilding on Japan's side of things and some more of Germania as well. Maybe they could start up a chinese sideplot that explores Japan-occupied China and Japan proper like Tokyo/Osaka.


People like you will be stomped to death by marching feet.

They display after WW2 Germany to look absolutely incredible and a place of true culture and respect, America is even better.. minus the murder of every retarded, jew or black person

I liked it.

As experienced with all boards here, do the contrary of what they say.

Who are you quoting?

Are you certain? I don't shop on black friday.

>Modern-day nazis are utterly inconsequential

But that's wrong you fucking retard.

it shows a white america and everything is good

idk how amazon got this made or why

You are retarded.

do you fear they will take over america?

Japs aren't portrayed as the violent savages they were/10

absolutely not, it actually makes you root for a few of the nazis by pitting them against other, more despicable characters. it's really interesting in that regard

>grandfather fought nazis in WW2
I guess he's a sjw too. Nazi scum like you are the absolute worst. If you're so tough and awesome and sjw's are such weak-willed cucks, why are you constantly trying to hide behind people like me and expect us to do the fighting for you?
Fuck off.

See Grow up.

yeah because modern nazis have an army and are not bald drunk loosers.

congratulations, you are retarded

I like how the National Socialist controlled areas of the world are portrayed as a hyper-exaggerated version of European Socialism, ie, fantastic living-standards but absolutely zero privacy or freedom

Name one modern-day nazi.

211 Crew
Aryan Brotherhood (Aryan Brotherhood of Texas)
Aryan Circle
Aryan Nation
Aryan Republican Army
Combat 18
European Kindred
Nazi Lowriders
Public Enemy No. 1
Keystone State Skinheads

where did this list come from?

i looked up "neo nazi gangs" and prest-o
inb4 "modern-day nazi" is not the same thing as "neo nazi"

New York's airport is named
>Lincoln Rockwell International Airport
Any other nice Sup Forums references?


>as they're hinting in Season 3
They outright showed it in season 2.

They showed something happening but the show didn't outright explain it was the result of 'alternate dimensions' or 'multiverses', it still left a part of it unanswered

>Any other nice Sup Forums references?
Thomas attends Fritz Julius Kuhn High School.


I heard it was coming out early 2018

He literally brings stuff with him from over there. How could it have been less ambiguous?

A show wouldn't get produced after 2000 or so unless it was SJW propaganda. It's still a fun watch because they accidentally humanized the nazis and often make them likeable.

because it was showing, not telling, it lets the audience figure out their own interpretation of what's happening, just because you're being shown a scene of Tagomi crossing over and interacting with a strange family doesn't mean it certainly happened, however if they tell you outright in the show that it's all a result of multiverses and dimensional travel then the ambiguity is gone

How horrifying

It's pretty great, made me question for the first time about how life would be if the Nazi's won. Doesn't look too terrible to be honest.

The three leads are ass though, watch for the supporting cast.

What the fuck am I looking at here?

>Sup Forums fanfiction
go outside

>>grandfather fought nazis in WW2
So did mine, doesn't mean anything
> hide behind people like me and expect us to do the fighting for you?
Actual vet here, fuck off you larping faggot the other poster is right

Looks like some kind of weird superearth concept

There's almost no SJW shit, but still - this guy and his (younger) son are the only reason to watch this.

if you are white and you fought against the nazis in ww2 that makes you the ultimate cuckold

>Actual vet here
lol admitting to being stupid enough to fight for corporations. You're not smart enough to be on this site, welfare queen. I bet your white trash wife shat out a couple of stupid kids, didn't she?

>tfw big moralfaggot who always roots for the heroes in every media
>the leads of this show are so bland I ended up rooting for based Nazi

>lol fucking goy i bet you bred and propagated your race

I don't think it's just you, nearly everyone I talked to who watched this show prefer John Smith and the Trade Minister over the 3 main leads


The guy takes a film with him from the alternate dimension back to his own. What other interpretation is there? That in his meditative trance he used his leet subconscious photoshop skills to put together that whole thing off-camera?

>wanting poor welfare queens to breed, shitting out more poverty cycle wastes of resources just because of your niggerish tribalistic "muh race" mentality which you only have because your poor uneducated parents had to compete with minorities for low-skill jobs
You're a subhuman.

>lol fucking goy i bet you bred and propagated your race

you're thinking of niggers, getting a job killing sandniggers isn't welfare.

So, it's worth watching?

>getting a job killing sandniggers isn't welfare
The lies "people" who write like niggers have to tell themselves.

Look at the non-whites playing pile-on.

Nah I mean like what is going on in the show with the film canisters is a visual representation of what The Grasshopper Lies Heavy stands for. In the book, it was barely shown as a physical presence, but rather as a representation of sedition from the Man in the High Castle. The whole idea and presence of the alternative idea is showing, in PKD's mind, how fragile reality is.

Obviously you can see in its literal view, that there are very real film canisters being taken over from a real alternative universe in order to incite rebellion against the Nazis. But to me that kind of kills the spiritual aspect that made the book so interesting: there wasn't a chance to change their world, but merely to see how it might have been.

a job is a job. your fairy barista ass wouldn't understand that from your dorm room you don't pay for.

No, not worth your time. First season is B-grade with hints of brilliance. Second season is terrible. They should have made it a single season "event" and put every good idea the writers had into it, rather than trying to make retard-tier "think piece" sci-fi that will be forgotten six months after it is mercifully cancelled.

>continues doing something wrong after it's brought to his attention because he's not white enough to do the right thing and correct his behavior
>assuming that everyone who didn't take the retard path in life is some spoiled college kid
Yet you wonder why you're getting called a nigger. Thanks for repeatedly proving me right. You were simply never cut out to succeed in civilization.

Okay, I get what you mean with the book, but however it works out there; in the series it's as you say a lot less spiritual.

not gonna explain how a job you don't like is welfare are ya soyboy?

Yeah, it's odd because I feel like I can see glimpses of it, mostly with Tagomi, but the execs must have agreed to rewrite it to make the show more TV friendly.

Just as soon as you start typing like a real white person, Billy Bob.

Kikes could get Olympic medals for how good you are at avoidance.

they're not, theres a reason modern day neo nazis look like the untermensch of nazi propaganda

Making a simple request for someone to act like a civilized white isn't avoidance. It's educating you that there are standards you need to live up to in society. I realize it's difficult for you due to your parents failing to raise you properly.

It's an accidental red pill like American History X.

>Aryan Brotherhood
prison gang; also not nazis

>Keystone State Skinheads
skinheads are not nazis

you seem to not be able to understand that white supremacy ≠ nazism
i suggest suicide as a remedy for your incurable faggotry

>i suggest
When the world needs a suggestion from a nigger, we'll let you know.

damn, motherfucker got TOLD


The American Reich might be comfy if you can keep your head down but there is still clearly some culture of paranoia, as you would expect to crop up in a totalitarian state.

On the other hand, the rich kids in Germany go off in the woods and do drugs and party just like American kids would in the '60s, which was actually one of the more interesting ideas in the show. Basically, even if the Axis powers won, the cultural forces that created the modern world would still march on and the more time that passes, the less the two time-lines look different.

>Sup Forums is le serious business guys
>you gotta use proper punctuation on my favorite secret forum :v)
i see that not even suicide can cure this autism
it transcends life itself

I thought the kids in germany was interesting as well, reminded me of that thing where the children's generation always rebel from their parent's generation, so in the Nazi's effort to create a traditional conservative Germanic based population they've unknowingly raised a generation of drug-abusing, free-loving, eco-warrior degenerate layabouts

That's like a $10 word for you people.

The premise is too stupid for me.

please take your medication
your posts are starting to worry me

you're too stupid for the premise

It's not really plausible but that's fine as long as it's internally consistent and leads to interesting stories.

It's like saying that LotR is bad because magic isn't real and it's unrealistic for Dragons to exist or Elves to be immortal and ageless.

If I were you, I'd be worried about where the next fried chicken is coming from until the first of the mumf.

I thought it was terrible. It was just more of that 'every culture is the same even when they're different'-trope that is so hard to get away from. Children rebelling against their parents' generation is a product of modern western culture; historically children have followed in their parents' footsteps as much as they were able to. A culture as steeped in traditionalism as the nazi reich would be would not have produced kids like those. They'd have produced kids like the oberstgruppenführer's son, or at least kids who aspired to be like that even if they failed to live up to it.

don't worry your taxes got me covered, white boy

It makes 0 sense though, the reason the whole rebellious youth happens in Anglo culture is because their parents don't want to deal with. Enforced cultural traditions would definitely not have produced a bunch of Nazi German hippies. It makes for nice parallels, but also makes little sense.

>your taxes got me covered
Are you in the military like all the other welfare queens?

Well that makes perfect sense then, the poorer kids are full traditional while the busy parents in high places make for rebellious kids because they don’t have enough time with their families

>doesn't understand how welfare works
>calls others welfare queens
My sides are in orbit!