Voltron: Legendary Defender


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Last thread Sup Forumsnfirmed that Hunk is best boy. But who is worst boy?

Hardmode: not Lance

>tfw Lance and Hunks popularity are going to be further btfo the moment Lotor arrives and popularitycreeps even the likes of Keith and Shiro


gotta love the mice

Klotor user would be glad if it meant more art for their ship and less for Lancelot.

Bless you, mice user.

Lance is worst everything, though.

Hardmode is impossible because it prevents the only right answer and this is coming from somebody who likes Lance a lot. He's honestly just underwhelming compared to the other Paladins. Though, I personally prefer him over Alurra (she's just...Not exciting to watch at all most of the time).

>worse of a boy than Pidge
>Pidge not even a boy
it checks out

It's Lance.

How many kids would they have before one of them loses his mind and kills one

Which character do you think will be the most popular in Japan if it actually gains some relevance over there?

he's just asking for a kick to the nuts in that image

Shiro, without a doubt. Not only is he Japanese, he is bara husbando material.

Keith because he's an emo pretty boy.
Pidge because she's a reverse trap tomboy.
Shiro because he's Japanese like them.


Papa Shiro goes crazy because Mama Slav won't let him smoke after the two have kids.

This is the correct answer. I've seen some Japanese fans and those three tend to be the most popular among them. They also like Shiro/Pidge the most because loli.

Lance's popularity will stay the same. Hunk's had always stayed on the same level as Allura.
If anything extremist Lance's fans will be completely against Lotor stealing their fav's thunder and screentime. Much like how they turned against Keith after S2 when he turned out to not be this cardboard character that they had HC for the months leading up to S2.
Keith fans might be all over Lotor since it'll be a legit rivalry. I have no idea on how Shiro fans will react to Lotor.

Not Lance!

Lance is fun.

Worst boy is Morvok. Nobody likes Morvok. I like Morvok.

Shirofags don't care about Lotor. We just want our boy back :(

Pidge, easily.

I hope Black transported Shiro somewhere nice. He deserves a vacation.

And the Koreans like Keith/Allura because they're normies and the Chinese like Shiro/Keith to get sent to prison.

>They also like Shiro/Pidge the most because loli.
That's interesting. I figured the fujoshi would latch onto Shiro/Keith because they hug and make lots of physical contact which is practically taboo in Japan because it's overly affectionate.

Shidge would be popular among the non-fujoshis*

Everybody hates Lance but I've got a thing for goofballs and runts, and he essentially fills both roles as of now. I think he's due for some significant growth come S3, especially with Keith assuming a leadership role. I foresee much angst.

I actually really like Lance. He just hasn't done much to be objectively superior to any of the other paladins. I think the dude just needs a character arc and some significant emotional shit to get people to take him more seriously as a characer I guess.

But would Allura be popular among the Koreans and Japanese? I honestly don't think she would.

i hope youre right

Japan loves characters like Pidge.
Girls who aren't afraid of getting dirty, someone who they can self insert into. Look at Sakura from Naruto, people here hate her but over in japan she's the most popular Naruto girl. That shit ship Sasusaku is also on Klance leveled huge.

For males, just like how Lance is liked here, they might find Keith more appealing since they love mysterious male characters who are also sweet.

Shiro would the one who they would pair up their favorites with since he's not only huge, but is attractive, a softie, and mature. He also has tits so they'll be creating those boob things with him and ass merchandise.

I'm not sure on Lance, I guess it depends on how popular Prompto is down there? They like funny male characters but unlike down here they don't give a shit about ethnicity and the color of a characters skin tone.
So because of this I could see them latch onto Keith moreso than Lance since Keith just overall looks better than Lance.

I dont think anyone really hates Lance. They just hate his fans.

I have some nice Pance art from Japanese fans on pixiv. I hope if Voltron becomes more popular over there, I might perhaps get some more. That'd be nice.

Allura would be big in Korea. They like tough girly girls and princess type characters. Japan would easily prefer Pidge.

Don't forget Katara is really popular in Korea.

>princess type characters.
>all of those damn K-pop girls

>they'll be creating those boob things with him and ass merchandise
From your lips to God's ears.

The biggest ATLA ship in Korea is Zutara so them latching onto Kallura makes perfect sense.

>But would Allura be popular among the Koreans and Japanese? I honestly don't think she would.
I want to say yes for Korea because she's a princess, strong, and feminine but her super dark skin might be a total turn off for the Japanese. She's much darker than whats an accepted "exotic" look by anime standards and Japanese find skin that dark ugly.

Both parties will make her lighter in fanart for sure though.

I really like Lance but I also love him getting bullied and dunked on. Writers usually have trouble finding the right balance between that and letting the character grow, but I'm crossing my fingers

Koreans don't like dark skin either but I think her personality is what will win them over. Japan won't give a shit about that and not like her because of her skin tone.

Morvok is also better than Lance.

The Chinese are the most likely to draw Galra porn.

Ironically Japan loves boys with dark skin.

Lance saved Shiro and rescued Pidge, that puts him above Morvok easily.

>tough girly girls and princess type characters
Every female MC in Korean comics ever

Darker skin emphasizes masculinity, since in Japan you're either white or tanned.

But not super dark either. Hunk would be considered too dark.

>Having a crush on Keith
>Having Keith return your feelings
Jesus christ how horrifying. Look at his damn arms he would crush you if you ever cheated on him.

Many cultures have historically favored lighter skin for women. A man's appearance wasn't regarded as important.

But stay faithful to him and he's your needy little whore in bed.


I don't man. Fate Grand Orders Arjuna is popular as fuck in Japan and he's as dark as they come.

They should start caring if they want their future daughters to be bihaku.

>marry dark as fuck man
>daughter is darker than you
>everyone calls her ugly

I'm just saying the Japanese should think these things through.

Forgot to post picture.

>His face when he catches you in bed with another man

Had he had kinky hair they'd be singing a different tune.

Oh of course.
Black people aren't considered cute at all in Japan lest you're Naomi Campbell tier.


It's over my dudes, Red Out is officially complete. This has been fun.

>he'll kick your ass
>he'll kick your man's ass
>he'll kick your dog's ass
>he'll kick his own ass

That's because men were working and could go outside. Women had to stay inside their kitchen and look after 5 babies. If you walk about by yourself in the sun then people will think you're a prostitute or harass you.

Thanks m8.

Japan can't tell the difference between North and South Indians.

I'm pretty sure most people don't even realize there's a difference.


There's a difference? I mean culturally,politically, and socially obviously but are they darker skinned in the south or something?

For me it's Lance, because he's fucking annoying and his fanbase are all psychos who want him to be a Mary Sue.

The North is generally lighter skinned and the South is generally darker skinned. The most obvious distinction is the linguistic divide. Arjuna is from the ancient North and would have spoken Sanskrit - an Indo-Aryan language. He looks like a Tamil here.

I wonder how many Galra they'll kill next season.

Yeah he looks Tamil as fuck.

>posting Worst Boy and Worst Archer from Worst Family

Avenger Class Duryodhana when?!

>posting Worst Boy and Worst Archer from Worst Family
>Avenger Class Duryodhana when?!
That would actually be awesome.


I want the crew to get a permanent Galra teammate, maybe they can help around with the castles maintenance or something? Though Allura would probably never allow it.

And by Galra I mean a pureblood Galra teammate.

I scrolled through and thought it was a Tamil until I read someone mentioning it was Arjuna.

You go to hell.

Keith: Can you stop leaving the toilet seat up? It's really inconsiderate to Pidge, Allura, and...Coran.

Merla: What? Oh. I'm sorry. I couldn't hear you over the sound of you killing huge swaths of your own people.

Yeah, Arjuna was either pale or light brown. That's not to say you can't have dark North Indians and light South Indians. Just that the divide would have been stronger back then.

Hey, the Galra shot first.

Lotor suing for peace in Season 3 to troll both the Paladins and his dissenters would be a fun ep.

Would he have been "pale"? A lot of pale North Indians are the result of mixing with Persians and Arjuna existed way before that.

Maybe Kolivan will stick around.

I mean pale for Indian standards. Not European-Iranian ones.

god bless

You can get naturally pale Indians in Jammu or Kashmir. But Arjuna wouldn't have been that. He was born in Uttar Pradesh so he would have been brown.

But not Tamil brown.

We know that. We've already established Arjuna as a North Indian, user.

I actually don't know a thing about India so it was interesting reading this conversation.


Arjuna will never get to jam out to this

I can't believe that fucking song got a remix.


I hope this artist depicted Pidge as Haruhi

Wow I feel so old.

Oh I hope so. His design is fantastic.

He looks like he came from Thundera.

And that's why it's great.
That being said, you could argue most Galra look like purple residents of Thundera.

Bara, Uggo, Fishman, Warden, and Zarkon could be the Lunataks.
