ITT: Characters you relate to in an unfortunate way

ITT: Characters you relate to in an unfortunate way.

Ronnie, except Ronnie has a job.

Which characters work dead-end minimum-wage jobs and make no effort to better themselves in any aspect of their lives?

The Eltingville Club, but that's okay, because I've seen the twisted shattered mirror that is Rusty Brown.

But are you as lusciously pale?

At least I still have my hair.






I enjoy that this is basically a stealth "your life in one image" thread

Who hurt you?


don't be a fag, user

It's all he has.

I don't get it. You a bitch or something

bigass forehead included?


Says the faggots who think they relate to rorschache. Do you also have a wicked sense of humor?

mordecai and rigby


Nah, it's more that I'm pretty much forever doomed to be overshadowed, upstaged, and overall always bested by my competition despite how hard I may try. Sometimes it's made even worse when the person that's getting all the recognition is pretty much doing exactly what I'm doing.
Although admittedly, I'm also a bit whiny and can tend to be bitterly envious of others at times. So maybe a bit of that second one as well.

This, because no one likes me and I take things way too far


Same also I'm a short ginger :'(

Pick your poison.


>Clerks animated

sounds about right

Just as much of a manchild, with much less muscles.

I don't skip leg day, though.

Do you live on your own underground?

Relate to a character in an unfortunate way. The dude probably isn't smart he's probably anti social, incredibly judgemental, short, soulless, a ginger, and poor as dirt


I hate my nose so much
My face in general
I have pushed people away because of my own insecurities.

fucked up skin really sucks

>when you realize all the people you socialize with see you as an acquaintance at best and you can't help but notice all the stuff they do together without you

Ever since this show came out, my friends started to call me Finn. And I hate the creators so much for doing stuff that kept mirroring my sorrow.

I have almost died so many times being close to accidents or from sickness, I even look like him IRL (kinda) The only thing that makes us different is that he gets more pussy than I do I get none btw


You've got his honesty anyways.

Who's a fat, bald cartoon character with despression, anxiety and anger issues? I was thinking Filbert but even he ended up getting married and had sex.

Max G.


I relate because I'm a friendless creep and realize that I emotionally repress myself around other people


I hate myself

Jesus Christ, that's the most depressing comic I've read in a long time.

I kinda yate some of my phisical characteristics myself. Like how fat i look even though i lost some wait, or how my hair is just fucking awful even though ive already tried everything to make it look not terrible, ir the fact that my dick is just fucking small and ill probably will never please a girl and how my hand are kinda small too.





Carl from ATHF?

i too, am a depressed grumpyboy
why else would i waste all my time on Sup Forums