Who is the best comedian?

Who is the best comedian?

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Yo mamma

Hicks, Hedburg, or Louis CK.

Samuel Whitcomb Hyde

Personally, Hedberg.
Objectively, Hicks.

It's Richard Pryor. Cosby, Carlin, yeah some top tier guys there but it's Pryor.

Mark Twain

His set where he did nothing but crawl around the floor like a baby was absolute comedy genius.
A close runner up was his set where he did nothing but pretend to have Down's Syndrome. There's just so many layers to his shit. It really makes you think!

>no Adam Sandler

Topsoy boy
Everyone will tell you Richard Pryor because it is Richard Pryor. Steve Martin made the best comedy movie though.


Unironically made me think


>and where is Detroit
high lels

honestly I can't believe anyone ever though Kinison was any good. every comedian is a little different when viewed outside of the context of their time period but the dude literally just yelled. didn't say anything remotely funny or insightful

I'm sure one of you morons is going to come in here and act like I just "don't get" Kinison but I want you to know that you're wrong and I hate you

But his yell is really funny.


I never found him funny.

That wasn't funny

Was it autism?

You didn't piss yourselves laughing when he would RANDOMLY SCREAM LIKE A BITCH?
You just don't get it baka

Who's the guy row three pic 3? I see him around but don't think I've heard his name.

>all those one trick ponies

I only know that guy because of the DVD commercials that used to run on every cable channel late night. The ads were just 30 seconds of him screaming. Very obnoxious.

Steven Wright

It seems once comics make it big they sanitise their views for mainstream audiences. It happened to Sarah Silverman and South Park recently.

How can South Park be sanitized if it triggers you every week?

seinfeld really shouldnt be there

Jerry Seinfeld is not funny. He was not funny in his sitcom, and he was never funny as a stand up comedian.